Hatred, Enemity,tribalism, prejudice, murder corruption and many evil things have invaded the world today. Life has turned to be of less importance morals like respect, love humility are gradually loosing there meanings, youths are involved in all this bad behavior like misuse of government resources, murder, rape and corruption. To them the word vision has lose its meaning not realizing it at the first place, that they are going astray, they don’t have respect as required.This story gives 999 reasons and the root of it of this behavior that is affecting the youth and young people in our society and communities it consists of ten parts after reading the whole ten parts one could be able to get the reasons in the story nice reading. Hours passed to days the weeks then months and years, since I last set my eyes on the breathless body of my grandfather, many things have happened in his growing family, that even if somebody tells you that this was the good family ever, where members cooperate and helped each other every time a member had a problem, I was only ten when our lovely grandfather left the earth, and left our hearts with sorrows and we had to accept the reality and move on.At that time, I was leaving with my mum but most of the time I went to visit grandmother, he had stories of the past and because I liked listening to stories, I could lent her my ears any time I got a chance to and listen to his stories , and I also had a lot of enquiries about how life was, there was a day when she narrated a story the up to now, I was not sure how life was in his family, where enmity was a normal thing and everyone was not afraid of saying that I hate this or that in my brother or sister.After independence your grandfather moved from where they had settled as the workers of the white man and got their own share of about 100 acres of land at that time it was only six hundred shillings, to have such a big size of land and but as life goes it is now difficult to have even half of an acre, with such an amount. That big size of land is habited with his sons from his five wives, grandmother had always stories in her heard she started with the look on his face you could tell how heavy those words were coming out of his heart. And she goes “long time ago when we shifted from our luhya land and settled here in this settlement, after the country got independence I was the only wife of jack at that time we had eight children, the last one was only some months old, when we arrived here at about four in the evening, because the land was not ready and no preparation had we made, we just use grass to sewn a shelter that we can use it for the night, the land was virgin and what you could see was long grass and bushes, that day I was afraid of the people in this land because we thought that they are man eaters, who could eat our children, but when we live them out alone’ she paused to stir in his pot .I listened attentively at his words, and imagined of that days I was in this world how will it be my experience, “after settling in this land we had to cope up with the new environs, my children never liked the region , many of them lived in town to continue with their education Mr. jack never mind about taking them to school, it was like if you want to go to school you do it on your own, and I kept telling my children about the importance of going to school and having certificate, and they listened to me and many did their schooling well although Mr. jack could hardly tell in which class is his children were. She stopped as we get out hurriedly shout at an eagle so that not to take a chick for that was a normal thing in that society.When we got back food was ready and she served we enjoyed the meal and not forgetting about the story I was curious to know what really took place at that time .she continued ,the family had some few cattle’s that provided much for the family. She continued. “the land was cultivated and during harvesting people from every village come to help in harvesting and they would never demand payments, they carried some to their homes and people were happy, although they come from different families, you could not tell because when it comes to work it was communally shared. All that time I was thinking and looking at the present day when brother and sister from the same family are like a cat and dog they can’t share a bowlThings changed when Mr. jack started visiting clubs with his friends he could come home drunk and late and what I could receive was heavily blows if I failed to open the door for him or if I give him small food, after some months Mr. jack got a concubine, it was in the mid month one day, as I was cooking in the evening they arrived and I was introduced to her as my fellow co-wife. And what was your reaction? I asked. I had nothing to do but to accept because I was going through a lot so I thought that if we become two. I will have some days to stay happy. She answered. Looking at her face I could tell the regrets she has at that time. And what about your sons were they not old enough to go against itShe looked at me with a warning eye and say at that time respect from son to father was to be followed no child was supposed to question his parents decision for they believed that that was the best thing parent knows the reason at that time the family become large and we used to leave in a group not knowing that one day my sons will suffer then a good thing happened that Mr. jack bought another two pieces of land I was happy not knowing his intensions of doing so the he married another wife and the later he added two more we together become sixMy eldest son had finished schooling by that time and he got a job as a doctor. And because of that Mr. Jack decided to divide the land so that his son can have their developments and also writing a will of his property. You can imagine how he can do that in five families with a total of 23 sons. That was the start of evil in his family for during that time only children from tow families managed to get education out of their mothers forces but others dint even have a primary school certificate they never mind about school.After the division of property some children started to complain about being given a large share while they have small shares, after Mr. Jack passed every family was against his first family they were making boundaries and parents joined their children and the family was like a country with many political parties. She stopped to take some firewood peaces…………..part two coming soon
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Sweet story
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