Crash Course
By Giftsy Dorcas E. in Humour & Comedy | Reads: 713 | Likes: 5
       The advertisement seem enticing- "Come Crash and Win". He wondered how that would work out. He was an excellent driver, known among his buddies as "The Monster Wheels".       He took a better look at the flier in his hand. The other details on it was that da  Read More...
Published on May 10,2020 07:38 PM
घर और मां
By Dr. Surbhi Pareek in Poetry | Reads: 1,328 | Likes: 2
घर और मां घर का आंगन मुझे, इस तरह भी कभी याद आता है, मैं धूप में जब भी जाता हूं, आंगन की छांव का जिक्र ज़हन में आता है.. ज  Read More...
Published on May 10,2020 07:21 PM
By Rishikesh Sonawane in General Literary | Reads: 802 | Likes: 0
"Pain!!" Days somehow passed  But nights, they were a wagon of pain Everything felt apart Despair seemed to surround him all the time Felt like lying numb in a sea full of nothingness Where all he can see is darkness Being broken, cheated, betrayed. It literally Feels like broken ribs that no o  Read More...
Published on May 10,2020 07:04 PM
Are you a Living dead?
By Shaik Sharoz in Poetry | Reads: 407 | Likes: 1
Are you a Living dead?  #writeyourheartout In a life where everything looks like a race, with a competetor that we don't know, This is a poem of my thoughts about the Lives of present day people,Where every one are hurry in a race,where the one who wins loses everything. You come into this w  Read More...
Published on May 10,2020 06:43 PM
By ankita srivastava in Poetry | Reads: 1,306 | Likes: 0
कहते थे हमदर्द हूँ और दर्द क्या गजब दिया  ताउम्र का ये साथ था  तुम ने ही तो था कहा तो छोड़ के यू बीच   तुम गए क्यू   Read More...
Published on May 10,2020 05:55 PM
The Lost Elephant
By Rasika in Humour & Comedy | Reads: 473 | Likes: 3
    The Lost Elephant   “How much for the banana leaves baaiyaa (brother)?” “20 rupees per leaf.” “Are you kidding me? The aunty in the previous lane is selling for 10 rupees”. “Don’t try to fool me with unreasonable prices. Tell the p  Read More...
Published on May 10,2020 05:28 PM
The Bangalore Bus Saga
By A.Shruti in Humour & Comedy | Reads: 1,047 | Likes: 0
My sister was staying in Bangalore at the time, Whitefield to be exact. I wanted to go gift shopping a day or two before we were to leave. Incidentally, both my sister and brother in law couldn’t take a day off. So, they offered us to take the car and zip through the city. Now this was before  Read More...
Published on May 10,2020 05:15 PM
What shall I write
By Mousumi Biswas in Poetry | Reads: 305 | Likes: 1
Entry for phase 3 WHAT SHALL I WRITE ?  What shall I write ? My mind was empty I glared blankly at the walls What shall I write? I kept asking myself Slowly my eyes became heavy I put my head on the pillow But still couldn"t decide what to write ? I picked up my pen And opened my diary But the   Read More...
Published on May 10,2020 05:05 PM
That one selfless creature!!
By Narmadha in General Literary | Reads: 1,096 | Likes: 1
It was already eleven! Not pm..but am...Yes it was the time she woke up! That lazy morning was not so pleasing. After a quarrel for a cup of coffee as she was not ready to sacrifice it, started to think! Why life on this earth so incredible? she thought and started scribbling.What can I write? As so  Read More...
Published on May 10,2020 05:00 PM
Motherhood is a privilege
By Simran Sawhney in General Literary | Reads: 262 | Likes: 1
The umbilical bond is the eternal unforeseen love for the unborn that engulfs a would be mother right from the moment the journey of shaping a life inside her womb manifests .  This is the purest form of love - unadulterated and unconditional bestowed upon by God himself . No other gift can eve  Read More...
Published on May 10,2020 04:15 PM
पंछी उड़ाना चाहे नभ में
By Chandni in Poetry | Reads: 439 | Likes: 1
पंछी उड़ना चाहे नभ में, बस उन्हें चाहिए अपने पंख, पंखों के सहारे वे, दूर गगन में उड़ते जाए, जब भी उनको देखूं मैं, उल्ला  Read More...
Published on May 10,2020 03:27 PM
Heal the World
By Deepti Menon in General Literary | Reads: 892 | Likes: 11
“We are living on this planet as if we had another one to go to.” So, there is a virus out there, running circles around the whole world, a world that prided itself on its development spearheaded by the most intelligent species ever – the homo sapiens. Men and women who began as hu  Read More...
Published on May 10,2020 03:20 PM
Girls Journey
By Neha in Poetry | Reads: 655 | Likes: 0
Oh the girl is born  Well is it happy news or sad? Mom dad so much of love But no one tells about real world  Child sex abuse begins  Even before realising what does it mean  Innocence get lost ..but memories of the first weird kiss who forgets that ? Girl become quite ...unders  Read More...
Published on May 10,2020 03:19 PM
हम सभी ईश्वर के बंदे
By Chandni in Poetry | Reads: 839 | Likes: 1
हम सभी ईश्वर के बंदे, ईश्वर ने बनाया हमको, हम सभी उनकी संतान, धरती पर जब जन्म हुआ, ना पता था धर्म का, ना थी जात की पहचान।   Read More...
Published on May 10,2020 03:15 PM
Long lost son
By Nidhi karkhanis in General Literary | Reads: 646 | Likes: 9
 It's been 15 years now, that I have been settled in this beautiful city - Paris. I came here alone on a scholarship, to live my dream. I met my soulmate, married her and had two beautiful kids. It's been 5 years; or more maybe that I haven't visited India. I was born and brought up there, in M  Read More...
Published on May 10,2020 02:31 PM