
Blogger @ https://soansrezones.home.blog/
Blogger @ https://soansrezones.home.blog/

A writer by heart, a teacher by choice and a foodie by passion, that’s how I would like to introduce Shruti. Always pursuing her creative interests, she firmly believes that a life spent in yearning, learning and earning is a life well spent. She yearns to be a writer & also to serve the society. She is constantly learning and reinventing herself and believes a lot in earning. To her, earning is not only monetary. She believes in earning friends, respect and love and prefers investing her time and energy in people whenever required and possible. A voracious reader, a passionate cook Read More...


By A.Shruti in General Literary | Reads: 929 | Likes: 0

Chrysalis "I am done with you, I am through. I cannot continue to live here and pretend to be in love with you. You are plain, and boring. I am leaving you." The words flew like hot lava and singed her to the core. More lava flew her way but she did not feel any of it; all that she could blurt out w  Read More...

Published on Jun 4,2020 08:09 AM

The Cryptic Cookie

By A.Shruti in Thriller | Reads: 610 | Likes: 4

“Your life is in danger. Say nothing to anyone. You must leave the city immediately and never return.” said the note. I looked at thenote for quite a while. Pondering, with my mind wandering in all possible directions. After all, it is not easy for a fifteen year old to leave the city, w  Read More...

Published on Jun 2,2020 06:19 PM

The poem that got me my job

By A.Shruti in True Story | Reads: 981 | Likes: 0

“Miracles are not about prophets walking on water, miracles are not calling for pestilence or bringing the dead alive. Miracle is meeting people who believe in you, if you believe in yourself.” Boman Irani at Josh Talks, SRCC Delhi. I had seen this video of Boman Irani on YouTube a few y  Read More...

Published on May 25,2020 12:45 PM

Little green

By A.Shruti in Poetry | Reads: 549 | Likes: 0

The little leaf in its budwas wary to show its green.Rest of the crop egged it onto show its lovely sheen.Softly, slowly she came outto face the warm Sun.Others too began to sproutand a new life had begun. As the days went by and the Sun got harshHer pale green too became dark.The days went by, the   Read More...

Published on May 23,2020 12:08 PM

The Techie Teacher

By A.Shruti in Humour & Comedy | Reads: 1,133 | Likes: 0

Every test in life teaches and enriches us with new experiences. The current lock down is no different. It has brought with it; its own set of challenges and I share today the trials and tribulations that we went through as educators. The single most important thing for a teacher is ‘port  Read More...

Published on May 12,2020 01:32 PM

The Bangalore Bus Saga

By A.Shruti in Humour & Comedy | Reads: 1,089 | Likes: 0

My sister was staying in Bangalore at the time, Whitefield to be exact. I wanted to go gift shopping a day or two before we were to leave. Incidentally, both my sister and brother in law couldn’t take a day off. So, they offered us to take the car and zip through the city. Now this was before  Read More...

Published on May 10,2020 05:15 PM

The Unread Obituary

By A.Shruti in General Literary | Reads: 284 | Likes: 0

The month of February always made him contemplate about love and relationships. It was the month which celebrated the birthday of a very important person in his life and also her going away to be one with the Supreme. Her face was now a photo locked away in his locker and the memory of it had begun   Read More...

Published on Apr 27,2020 05:20 PM

The woman in the train

By A.Shruti in General Literary | Reads: 770 | Likes: 0

The spirit of a city lies in its people. So, if Benaras identifies with its ghats and Hyderabad with its bazaars, the city of Mumbai takes pride in its locals. The local trains of Mumbai are not only its lifeline but also its spirit. They carry millions of people who commute daily from their homes t  Read More...

Published on Apr 26,2020 12:22 PM

Winds of destruction

By A.Shruti in Poetry | Reads: 871 | Likes: 0

I am the storm, strong and bold.I am the blizzard, furious and cold.I am the haboob, the hurricane.Out to fight all that comes my way.Why?Because You took my zephyr days away!  Read More...

Published on Apr 25,2020 06:14 PM


By A.Shruti in Romance | Reads: 534 | Likes: 2

I remember them perfectly, they were the cutest couple in the neighborhood. The boy was tall, dark and handsome. He had the looks to kill and she was just the opposite, plain, plump and short but very fair. And that is where their dissimilarities ended. They both had twinkling eyes and lips alm  Read More...

Published on Apr 25,2020 05:02 PM

A mini story

By A.Shruti in Poetry | Reads: 1,122 | Likes: 0

A story was left incompleteI never knew it's end.It started with promisebut changed to keep with trend.I didn't complain,for this was also fine.But the Author seemedto have changed His mind.There was a new twist,it was back to beginning.Thought okay fine,now I'll know the end.But there seems to be n  Read More...

Published on Apr 22,2020 08:50 PM

The Box

By A.Shruti in General Literary | Reads: 984 | Likes: 16

Little Myra was the first one to see it in the morning. It lay there in its entire splendor, a beautiful silver box with a big blue bow on top. She screamed in delight. It was the most beautiful box that she had ever seen. Her howls brought in a rush of footsteps towards the room. Soon there was sma  Read More...

Published on Apr 22,2020 08:48 PM

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