By Nithya in Poetry | Reads: 798 | Likes: 1
A hollow lied deep inside, Where her heart did once reside, The absence of which she’d learnt to hold, With the burden of a story left untold.   Beneath her heavy armour of smiles, She hid from the world that was too hostile. She hid from people who she knew would deceive, She hid from p  Read More...
Published on Apr 11,2020 04:54 PM
By Nithya in Poetry | Reads: 517 | Likes: 1
They were an unlikely friendship, a love no one saw: He was the joker of court; she was the princess of hearts.   Not love at first sight, oh no not at all, It was love for her kindness and love for his charm.   A pair truly perfect in only their eyes, Frowned upon by others from childre  Read More...
Published on Apr 11,2020 04:58 PM
By debjanibhadra22@gmail.com in Poetry | Reads: 388 | Likes: 1
We survive,  The scorching heat,  The chilling nights. We survive,  The loneliness,  in a gloomy place. We survive,  When all our efforts go in vain. And our faces Buried in shame. We survive,  Every high and low. Of a wide desert,  As it seems so. We outlast o  Read More...
Published on Apr 11,2020 06:55 PM
Happy Waiting
By The Poet in Poetry | Reads: 988 | Likes: 1
Do the birds sing? Does the moon have light? Do angels have wings? The poet came along, He made us believe in it.   So why don’t you wait too? Let the poet come along and say, Yes, Soulmate’s exist too.   Until then, Happy waiting!!  Read More...
Published on Apr 11,2020 07:00 PM
तुम लड़के हो !!
By Vidhi Wadhwa in Poetry | Reads: 924 | Likes: 1
तुम लड़के हो, तो लड़कियो जैसे रो क्यों रहे हो? तुम लड़के हो, तो बाहर जाओ खेलो लड़कियो की तरह खाना क्यों बना रहे हो? तुम   Read More...
Published on Apr 11,2020 07:22 PM
Let's Build and Grow Together
By Runali Bajaj in Poetry | Reads: 345 | Likes: 1
Let me build you up, Let me build myself with you  Let me watch you grow, Let me grow with you    Let me see you smile, Let me laugh with you  Let me watch you soar, Let me fly with you    Let me see you touch the sky, Let me climb the steps with you  Let me watch   Read More...
Published on Apr 11,2020 07:37 PM
Who is a WOMAN?
By Runali Bajaj in Poetry | Reads: 437 | Likes: 1
Who is a woman? Why do we celebrate a day that is dedicated only to her? What's so special about the gender that we call "woman"   She is born a daughter, culminates into a sister, a wife a mother, a grandmother  All the while, never losing her essence which makes her a woman, a Goddess. K  Read More...
Published on Apr 11,2020 07:46 PM
My Apology to God
By sonali bagga in Poetry | Reads: 1,064 | Likes: 1
For all those cut throat toils and harshness... Ashamed I'm of my ungratefulness.. O God , I pray for forgiveness, your divine forgiveness... On the behalf of my co creatures,I bow down to you.. My reason for existence I owe only to you.. I fell for a mere piece of paper, currency I mean... Never re  Read More...
Published on Apr 11,2020 08:27 PM
By Sanchee in Romance | Reads: 725 | Likes: 1
I have tried, you know. I have tried to stop myself from thinking of you whenever I have walked down familiar lanes. Like whenever I have heard our favorite  songs, whenever I have listened to your name, whenever I have had dinner at our favorite Cafe, I have really battled with myself not to b  Read More...
Published on Apr 11,2020 08:33 PM
By Sanchee in Supernatural | Reads: 893 | Likes: 1
You know those dreams where you are falling forever? The dreams where you are so close to touch the ground of reality but don't want to wake up because it will ruin all your unborn galaxies?  Same.  I was falling through the sky, the clouds passing as fast as lightning. I saw the ground ap  Read More...
Published on Apr 11,2020 08:37 PM
Destroyer of Innocence.
By Pooja Sharma in Poetry | Reads: 473 | Likes: 1
The girls that can’t be seen, The destroyer has a perception to deceive,  She is destroyed from inside out, From the ones that do not care about the crowd, The girls that can’t be seen, Broken into a million seas, Touched like it was the need, From all the angles of belief, The gi  Read More...
Published on Apr 11,2020 09:19 PM
# Title at the End
By dinato joseph in Supernatural | Reads: 1,434 | Likes: 1
I’m the one who was born the first, I’m the one who is the last to leave, If I’m not there, no one can be there. But I’m not the Almighty.   I’m the reason for every man to live, I’m the basement for everything to stand, If I’m not there, nothing can be  Read More...
Published on Apr 11,2020 11:18 PM
Silent Killer
By anu in Poetry | Reads: 470 | Likes: 1
As a silent killer It walks amongst us... No shadow No form Just a ghost  In a gust It was all  But a deadly sin Experimented in a Lab. Could not be controlled So , Now it's  whezzing In your Lap. You never thought  When it was at some another jade You considered it deadly, Whe  Read More...
Published on Apr 11,2020 11:42 PM
Life isn't laid on silver platters
By Kamil Kour in Poetry | Reads: 528 | Likes: 1
Life isn't laid on silver platters, But how you perceive is all that matters. The times that make you fall apart Are those that make you fight any war & dart. It's ok to feel broken torn or even defeated, But remember, they never got far who retreated. Pressure, tantrums, scarcam surrounds you!   Read More...
Published on Apr 12,2020 01:10 AM
By kanthi sree chitturi in General Literary | Reads: 538 | Likes: 1
*Hero Lord  Rama* Virtuous hero - Fights the evils Picture of purity - Protect the world   That hero is none other  than *Lord Rama*   May his blessings shower on all of us!!    Divine day - hero's outline     Read More...
Published on Apr 12,2020 01:50 AM