
By akshat thakur in Poetry | Reads: 2,276 | Likes: 1
मैं तुम्हें फिर मिलूंगा कहाँ ,किस तरह ,पता नहीं नहीं मालूम कब ? मिलूंगा भी या नहीं नहीं कह सकता  नहीं कहा जा सकता  म  Read More...
Published on Apr 16,2020 01:51 PM
By Aashlesha Mishra in Poetry | Reads: 662 | Likes: 0
I Wonder, Is it real this time Or a trap again It's like flying in the sky of mind, living all the fantasies.  Creating Sandcastles, surrounded by gentle wind of Pureness,  Hoping for a forbidden, seeking the treasure of happiness But....  The lightening of reality strikes , Hard And   Read More...
Published on Apr 16,2020 02:02 PM
रोकना तो रोक ले मुझको
By Amit kumar in Poetry | Reads: 1,613 | Likes: 4
रोकना तो रोक ले मुझको, तू खुद ही हार कर जाएगा, मरते वक़्त भी मेरे मुख पे, तू हँसता चेहरा पाएगा।।   सितम जो ढाले हो मुझ प  Read More...
Published on Apr 16,2020 02:06 PM
Time travel
By dhana varshini in Poetry | Reads: 567 | Likes: 1
2010 Everyone was constant  Expressed by emotions  Moments are just lived That's called happiness  2020 Everything is instant  Impressed by emoticons  Comments for insta live And that's named happiness   Read More...
Published on Apr 16,2020 03:50 PM
Still I’m surviving
By Anisha Patel in Poetry | Reads: 1,230 | Likes: 6
Brows growing  Acne’s popping  Lose Tee’s and  Short pj’s Food consuming   Yet Weight losing Distance growing Memories glowing Heart wrenching  And tears rolling  Expectations denying  Relations defying  Mistakes realising Truth accepti  Read More...
Published on Apr 16,2020 04:03 PM
The wind
By Simar kapoor in Poetry | Reads: 246 | Likes: 0
With ease is my pain relieved A faint smile strikes my face Things will be alright;I did believe The day I perceived wind's delicate grace.  Read More...
Published on Apr 16,2020 06:59 PM
By Simar kapoor in Poetry | Reads: 552 | Likes: 0
She wears that smile To gracefully hide... The chaos in her head The words she never said.  Read More...
Published on Apr 16,2020 07:01 PM
By Simar kapoor in Poetry | Reads: 243 | Likes: 0
She's a damsel in distress who knows how to find her light. Even though things are a little bit messed she knows how to stand alone and fight.  Read More...
Published on Apr 16,2020 07:05 PM
By Simar kapoor in Poetry | Reads: 471 | Likes: 0
The prettiest thing that has my heart even it has some beautiful scars. Still every night it comes out and shines and tells me the whereabouts of those who are mine.  Read More...
Published on Apr 16,2020 07:06 PM
Resentful heart
By Deepanshi in Poetry | Reads: 728 | Likes: 0
I am drowning Near, but far from shore. All hands are dragging me down No one is pulling me up to the peak. Want to.. Run away from the city chaos. Where I can listen myself. But with all my passing nights Soul becomes shattered And tears turn into misty eyes. I am sitting in the dark, No one   Read More...
Published on Apr 16,2020 07:53 PM
By Phoenix Cries in Poetry | Reads: 377 | Likes: 0
When I look at you, I still feel a lot Exactly like before My heart pounds faster And my eyes start to water The more I wipe, The more my palms sweat My body trembles Because I am restless My mind drenches itself In your memory. .  When I look at you, My hands feel yours Soft as a feather My bo  Read More...
Published on Apr 16,2020 08:24 PM
By Phoenix Cries in Poetry | Reads: 228 | Likes: 0
I had decided to try New ways of art everyday.  Paints and water Charcoal and sketches I always leave a few drops On the floor And my coal hands Always mark my fingerprint on the wall Mom used to always ask me to clean But now its routine to see them When my thoughts were happier, I moved to a  Read More...
Published on Apr 16,2020 08:30 PM
By yashmin Pattnaik in Poetry | Reads: 357 | Likes: 0
She tried her best To put him to rest. She tried her best, To bend him down. She tried her best, To enjoy him frown. He tried his best, Not to look sad. But still she tried hard, To play the woman's card. Down the memory lane, Were some golden rays. C made him smile and laugh, In hot and rainy days.  Read More...
Published on Apr 16,2020 08:53 PM
कोरना शब्दयुद्ध
By DR. RAJESHWAR UNIYAL in Poetry | Reads: 1,200 | Likes: 0
कोरोना शब्दयुद्ध ...   - डा. राजेश्वर उनियाल          9869116784/8369463319           uniyalsir@gmail.com   हे सूक्ष्  Read More...
Published on Apr 16,2020 09:13 PM
By Adi Malvi in Poetry | Reads: 788 | Likes: 1
A mother's love is really true Every day there's something new She won't ever let you weep she knows your secrets that are deep Never ever you hurt her She's a cute teddy without fur You should Always take her advice And you'll never think about it twice Mothers are really awesome If you got any pro  Read More...
Published on Apr 16,2020 09:14 PM