
Home sweet home
By Iram Fatima in Poetry | Reads: 260 | Likes: 0
Take me back to those times,  When woke up with a smile,  When studies were enthralling,   When problems weren't devastating. . Take me back to those times,  When apple was just a fruit and not a tool for Newton's gravity experiments.  When tears were shed solely for c  Read More...
Published on Apr 27,2020 05:20 AM
Flower vase
By Iram Fatima in Poetry | Reads: 374 | Likes: 0
I gave you flowers , But soon all of the petals withered, So that you can walk on them , So that the hard ground doesn't damage your soft feet. My heart was like a glass, Actually, a vase made up of pure glass. But you broke that magnificent vase, Only leaving the shattered peices of misery and gri  Read More...
Published on Apr 27,2020 05:22 AM
I'm not a writer but I write
By Iram Fatima in Poetry | Reads: 315 | Likes: 0
I'm not a writer but I write , Sometimes, let the paper be your partner and the pen be your words , And let the words dwell on the paper in the same way the stars festoon the night sky.  I'm not a writer but I write , Let the ink be your sword and the paper be your shield , Guarding you from e  Read More...
Published on Apr 27,2020 05:23 AM
self togetherness
By pratishtha verma in Poetry | Reads: 426 | Likes: 1
Listening to music. A cup of coffee in hands. Sitting next to the window. Staring at the blue sky. Thinking all my best moments of life. I was not alone. I was with me.  Read More...
Published on Apr 27,2020 06:51 AM
journey started
By pratishtha verma in Poetry | Reads: 362 | Likes: 0
Rain stopped at my feet Asking me your  Presence As it didn't felt Your fragrance; Don't know How to answer I left alone For the Journey  Read More...
Published on Apr 27,2020 07:02 AM
In love with Love
By piya in Poetry | Reads: 248 | Likes: 1
Dancing with the spring bloom mid-brake  adorned, an angel disguised ; It blew like mind,  lure like eye  blossom blue sky of paradise.  Feather to a forlorn faith,  splash to a hope of rain,  silent symphony of stars;  It gleamed like dreams,  bliss like a ki  Read More...
Published on Apr 27,2020 07:24 AM
A bridge between two souls
By in Poetry | Reads: 704 | Likes: 0
There exists a bridge between You and I And I travel across it To reach to you each day. This bridge remains invisible In the world governed by reality Glad that it is non-existent! In a world marred by evil eyes It remains invisible to naked eyes In love with concrete images And I did the right By  Read More...
Published on Apr 27,2020 07:34 AM
A bridge between two souls
By in Poetry | Reads: 318 | Likes: 0
There exists a bridge betweenYou and IAnd I travel across itTo reach to you each day. This bridge remains invisibleIn the world governed by realityGlad that it is non-existent!In a world marred by evil eyesIt remains invisible to naked eyesIn love with concrete imagesAnd I did the rightBy not givin  Read More...
Published on Apr 27,2020 07:34 AM
वो जो तुमसे जोड़ता एक पुल है
By in Poetry | Reads: 373 | Likes: 0
कही न कही तेरे मेरे बीचमें एक पुल हैजिस पर से गुज़र कर मैअक्सर पहुच जाता हूँ तुम तक हां वो पुल दिखता नहीं हैइस यथार्थ   Read More...
Published on Apr 27,2020 07:56 AM
वो जो तुमसे जोड़ता एक पुल है
By in Poetry | Reads: 466 | Likes: 0
कही न कही तेरे मेरे बीचमें एक पुल हैजिस पर से गुज़र कर मैअक्सर पहुच जाता हूँ तुम तक हां वो पुल दिखता नहीं हैइस यथार्थ   Read More...
Published on Apr 27,2020 07:56 AM
Trapped Inside
By Vidhi Gupta in Poetry | Reads: 280 | Likes: 1
Something pulled me from behind, They were the shackles of my mind.  I was tied up in knots,  And a slave of my own thoughts.  I drowned in a sea,  But my body was free. The sun now seemed gray,  And life was astray.  There were walls all around,  Absolutely free o  Read More...
Published on Apr 27,2020 09:32 AM
By Ajahar Rahaman in Poetry | Reads: 999 | Likes: 1
टूटे ,बिखरे ,सतदल पंखुड़ियॉ । अंकुरित हुये नविन कौपल,नवल पंक दल, फूल। बारिस में तो अच्छे लगते हैं ,भरभंण्डे के भी फूल  Read More...
Published on Apr 27,2020 10:07 AM
बस यूँही (Pulwama Attack)
By Abhinav Srivastava in Poetry | Reads: 931 | Likes: 13
आज इस अंधेरी रात में बस यूँही ये कविता निकली है देश को समर्पित मेरी यह कविता खुद में एक फूल की कली है इसकी नही करूँगा  Read More...
Published on May 2,2020 11:00 AM
Cupboard of Dreams
By Vidhi Gupta in Poetry | Reads: 277 | Likes: 1
I bounce, I dance, I sing,  And suddenly it was spring.  As the sunlight plays on my face, It is only hope that I chase. When I was a child,  And always smiled; Someone asked me what I want to be,  I said a painter in myself I see.  So I bought paints and canvas,  And s  Read More...
Published on Apr 27,2020 10:35 AM
The final Goodbye
By Arjo Sengupta in Poetry | Reads: 383 | Likes: 0
The terrace was the sole witness of his first cigarette,his first kiss,his first heart break and his last jump....  Read More...
Published on Apr 27,2020 10:38 AM