
रहल ( Rehal )
By Ashutosh in Poetry | Reads: 1,499 | Likes: 0
आज फिर मज़हब रखा है रहल पर।      जाओ ढूंढ़ो अगर है फुरसत। पहुंची कहां तक है ख़ुदा की रहमत।।     आएं हम कहां से और  Read More...
Published on Apr 29,2020 04:00 PM
महामारी के उस पार
By gaifi in Poetry | Reads: 858 | Likes: 1
घरों से बाहर अलग एक होगा माहौल, सब होगा नव्य जैसे कभी बचपन का था दौर, हमने जो था बिगाड़ा, किया था बेकार, इस धरती मां ने   Read More...
Published on Apr 29,2020 04:16 PM
Feelings are rain drops
By gaifi in Poetry | Reads: 268 | Likes: 1
Rain drops sprinkle all around, Brought fresh wet mud smell. Flowers bloomed, alluring everything looked, Its time it stopped, sharp sun rays felt like hell, Faded off, withered petals ring a bell. Next time rain came even bought a rainbow along, It was never same again, Missing those tiny rain drop  Read More...
Published on Apr 29,2020 04:21 PM
Fifty years after
By Aysha Naurein in Poetry | Reads: 295 | Likes: 0
Before you be my lover, know this.  I'm flawed, raw, real. I'm flesh and bones. I'm nothing like the girls you screenshot on Instagram.  I'm made up of emotions. I cry freely. But I don't cry in front of just about anyone. And if I do it in front of you, know that I consider you a mirror o  Read More...
Published on Apr 29,2020 04:21 PM
By gaifi in Poetry | Reads: 1,070 | Likes: 1
वक़्त था गहरे दोस्त थे आज अनजान बन गए हैं, कभी सब कुछ था या थे निठलले, आज कुछ नहीं या साहब बन गए हैं, वक़्त ने इंतज़ार क  Read More...
Published on Apr 29,2020 04:23 PM
Complicated teen
By gaifi in Poetry | Reads: 220 | Likes: 1
Am knitting my future, don't get deceived from my rugged jean, I don't like healthy but my dieting can lead to green bean, Worry about my college life or the pocket money that has wings, I listen to Beyoncé and also Jagjit Singh, Don't bother am a complicated teen. My struggle is real, not th  Read More...
Published on Apr 29,2020 04:25 PM
Life goes on!
By manasvi agarwal in Poetry | Reads: 336 | Likes: 1
Dear no one, What do you think? About everything.. That you have been going through.. And I am here to remind you.. That this time will pass too.. And before you even knew.. You'll in a happier place.. And will in a better phase.. 'Cause no matter what life goes on.. And you should keep moving on..   Read More...
Published on Apr 29,2020 04:38 PM
By Sarthak Sharma in Poetry | Reads: 296 | Likes: 0
जीवन चक्र्चाल है, यात्रा यह विशाल है, कल किए जो कर्म थे परिणाम उसका यह काल है, ऐसे चक्र्चाल को काल के कपाल को, मनुष्य क  Read More...
Published on Apr 29,2020 04:58 PM
Selenophile's love
By Simar kapoor in Poetry | Reads: 311 | Likes: 0
Miles between us yet it's not that far It may seem celestial to you, But it resides safe in my heart.  Read More...
Published on Apr 29,2020 05:19 PM
He who broke more than a heart..❤
By Tanvi in Poetry | Reads: 986 | Likes: 2
He was my own part... He set himself apart... He gave a tragic end to our story and there is no restart. He broke my trust along with my hymen. Inside his fire I still burn.. He removed his veils of love along with my outfit. He stole everything and pushed me into a pit. His scratches are still burn  Read More...
Published on Apr 29,2020 05:22 PM
Lost Love..
By Alfred in Poetry | Reads: 281 | Likes: 0
Lost love......I wish upon the stars Some day we meet againI wish up on the stars  To serene my pain My existence has lost valueLife seems ,not the sameThe absence of presenceHas left my heart to akeWearing a smile of an optimistFrom within I bleedCry out in the rainSo my tears are n  Read More...
Published on Apr 29,2020 05:32 PM
दास्तां- ए- ज़िन्दगी
By Manav khurana in Poetry | Reads: 609 | Likes: 0
जीवन एक धोखा है, रुह को जिस्म में इसी ने सौंपा है। ज़िन्दगी से मिलाता है, मां की ममता में सुलाता है। पिता जैसे साए से   Read More...
Published on Apr 29,2020 05:42 PM
To The Moon
By manasvi agarwal in Poetry | Reads: 306 | Likes: 1
It's cold and its still On the dark side  Of  the earth. There is nothing in sight  Not even my worth I'm dreaming of leaving  Maybe taking flight . No reason to stay Would you notice if i died? It's just another day. I can tell by my silence My choice disappeared With nothing to  Read More...
Published on Apr 29,2020 05:45 PM
LOCKDOWN: Is it a BLESSING Disguised as a CURSE!??
By Dr Kashmira Goghavalla in Poetry | Reads: 653 | Likes: 0
LOCKDOWN!! IS IT A Blessing Disguised as A Curse!?? A Blessing to mankind, To which we are blind. Has come as a forced punishment, For us to cherish our incomplete accomplishment. We complained all day... There is no time to go that way. Abundant time was gifted to us, But we thought, we were bein  Read More...
Published on Apr 29,2020 06:56 PM
Seashell On The Ground
By Najam Us Saher in Poetry | Reads: 438 | Likes: 0
Like a seashell, I remain on the ground, Some notice and pick the best ones, While some are left around. I feel I am the left one which no one cares about, I have been picked once, But thrown back to the ground. I feel I am the worst surrounded by the best, Like a seashell which is lying on the beac  Read More...
Published on Apr 29,2020 07:22 PM