General Literary

Ultimate Happiness
By Mridula Singh in General Literary | Reads: 357 | Likes: 0
Ultimate Happiness A man came to the temple with his son who looked like any other six-year aged boy. He had come there to distribute prasad on the occasion of his son’s birthday. When the father was distributing it, the son’s gaze was stuck at the balloon seller standing at the far end of the l  Read More...
Published on Sep 23,2020 10:31 AM
Spiritual Being
By Mridula Singh in General Literary | Reads: 444 | Likes: 1
Who is Spiritual? Surrenderer : When you believe that life is a gift given to decorate your soul with its eternal qualities. Practical : When you see your follies too and save yourself and others falling into them again and again. Inclusive : When you embrace the pains of others like you embrace you  Read More...
Published on Oct 4,2020 09:45 AM