Mridula Singh

I am a creative writer who is passionate about poetry.I have also attempted few short stories.I am a freelance article writer for newspapers too.
I am a creative writer who is passionate about poetry.I have also attempted few short stories.I am a freelance article writer for newspapers too.

Spiritual Being

By Mridula Singh in General Literary | Reads: 417 | Likes: 1

Who is Spiritual? Surrenderer : When you believe that life is a gift given to decorate your soul with its eternal qualities. Practical : When you see your follies too and save yourself and others falling into them again and again. Inclusive : When you embrace the pains of others like you embrace you  Read More...

Published on Oct 4,2020 09:45 AM

Ultimate Happiness

By Mridula Singh in General Literary | Reads: 354 | Likes: 0

Ultimate Happiness A man came to the temple with his son who looked like any other six-year aged boy. He had come there to distribute prasad on the occasion of his son’s birthday. When the father was distributing it, the son’s gaze was stuck at the balloon seller standing at the far end of the l  Read More...

Published on Sep 23,2020 10:31 AM


By Mridula Singh in Poetry | Reads: 1,170 | Likes: 0

बेमतलबउस शहर का भी क्या मतलब,जिसमें कोई हमदर्द भी ना हो।उस हमदर्द का भी क्या मतलब,जिसे मेरे दर्द की परवाह भी ना हो।उ  Read More...

Published on Sep 21,2020 10:09 AM

The Best

By Mridula Singh in Poetry | Reads: 531 | Likes: 0

Title : The Best Birds are best when they fly free,overlooking the human convoy.Flowers are best when they rest carelessly on nature's charpoy.Trees are best when they bath and glisten in sun's joy.Butterflies are best being naughty around with flowers so coy.Children are best playing out with mate  Read More...

Published on Sep 14,2020 06:57 AM

God's Gaze

By Mridula Singh in True Story | Reads: 839 | Likes: 0

Kush was just in grade one. Unlike most kids for whom the four walls' learning is boredom, it was a joyful experience for him. The class which he enjoyed the most was his moral values class with his principal ma'am. His level of interest grew manifold in that one hour. One day ma'am told them an int  Read More...

Published on Sep 9,2020 11:56 PM

Acrostic Poem on Teacher's Day

By Mridula Singh in Poetry | Reads: 1,029 | Likes: 0

Acrostic Poem on Teacher's Day Turns the childhood into living heaven. Earnest learning desire kindles even in a craven. Armed with knowledge and lot of patience. Cares to tend the nascent beauty of innocence. Hallmark of highest character in all the behaviours. Essence of truth shows in each and ev  Read More...

Published on Sep 4,2020 12:40 PM

Plentiful Pranav

By Mridula Singh in True Story | Reads: 484 | Likes: 0

Plentiful Pranav Meera was new to her teaching profession. Luckily she got her appointment at the school where she served as an intern. She had mixed feelings of excitement and apprehension about the effervescent children around her. She was handling the responsibility of the co-class teacher of g  Read More...

Published on Aug 29,2020 06:05 PM


By Mridula Singh in Poetry | Reads: 594 | Likes: 0

संकल्प यह कठोर चट्टानों से टकरा जाए,किन्तु ना कण - कण टूटे।यह मन मंथन की परिणति का उपहार,अमृत समान झर-झर फूटे। यह दिन   Read More...

Published on Aug 28,2020 12:20 PM

Total Tea Time

By Mridula Singh in True Story | Reads: 571 | Likes: 3

Today my nine- year old son and I were strolling amidst the drizzle in the nearby upbeat market. We were there for a small job. Once the job was done the idyllic twosome was tempted by the waft of tea coming from the famous brand outlet. I glanced at him and he was already smiling in readiness. My s  Read More...

Published on Aug 23,2020 03:41 PM


By Mridula Singh in Poetry | Reads: 1,763 | Likes: 0

शीर्षक : उदघोषणा आज मैंने सुनी अपनी आत्मा की बात, हृदय की पुकार को किया आत्मसात। रोम रोम से आयी एक उदघोषणा, तू स्वतंत  Read More...

Published on Aug 18,2020 12:45 PM


By Mridula Singh in Poetry | Reads: 513 | Likes: 0

Title : Reclaim The pigeons in my balcony did conspired.'Let's usurp this lady's place without being hired.'I knew first they'll fill the place with filth.That's their way to say ' it's our wealth.' I tried hard to shoo them with my broom,To save my haven from becoming a labour room.But who am I to   Read More...

Published on Aug 13,2020 03:27 PM

Life is a Contrast

By Mridula Singh in Poetry | Reads: 372 | Likes: 1

Title: Life is a Contrast Life is a dazzling firework against some dreaded blasts. Always some humour arising from it's many contrasts. Sometimes the memorable events keep us alive, Other times memories only sting as bees erupts from hive. We live with people for life and never know them ever, While  Read More...

Published on Aug 5,2020 02:49 PM


By Mridula Singh in Poetry | Reads: 418 | Likes: 0

शीर्षक : बिगुलजब जब मेरा आगाज़ हुआ,कुछ शोर हुआ, आवाज़ हुई।कानों के पर्दों पर कुंठा प्रहार हुआ।अन्तर्वेदना गुंजित ह  Read More...

Published on Aug 1,2020 06:37 PM

Read to Feed

By Mridula Singh in Poetry | Reads: 592 | Likes: 0

Title : Read to Feed For me reading is not a fashion.It means wearing out my passion.It gives me that important 'me' time.When I recline with a book and a tea of lime. Words attract me like a strong magnet.I adore them and love them like my pet.Same gusto for a thick book or a candy wrap.Innumerable  Read More...

Published on Jul 29,2020 02:05 PM

The Gift

By Mridula Singh in Poetry | Reads: 584 | Likes: 0

Title : The Gift The most endearing journey begins by Lord,  When a bundle of joy is put on board. That first cry of the baby in my ears, Brought together smiles and tears. The gentle touch of that soft skin, Gave me lifetime's closest akin. She taught me to sing and rock, And slept in my arm  Read More...

Published on Jul 24,2020 12:49 PM

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