Inevitably Positive
By Asmita Srivastava in General Literary | Reads: 307 | Likes: 0
We surround ourselves with the trivial so much, that it starts being not trivial and ends up becoming the most important part of our lives. It's true that most of us tend to focus on the bad instead of the good, this has been the law of human civilization otherwise why would one who had the pleasure  Read More...
Published on Apr 14,2020 12:53 AM
Because you didn't...(Nature talking)
By Divya G Prasad in Poetry | Reads: 307 | Likes: 0
This is Nature talking. I have my own ways. Yours isn't enough. I smoked the pollution. I paved my roads as far as I can see. You were a burden. Because you didn't act responsibly, When you thought everything was yours, it was all actually mine. This is Nature talking. You voted to stay in this lan  Read More...
Published on Apr 23,2020 09:03 AM
Educational pain
By Revathy Narayankutty in Poetry | Reads: 307 | Likes: 0
There we all are  With bundles of books that turn us blind. There we all are With heavy bags that bend our spine. Heart pumping madly  Mind going insane  But no, What matters is the mugging and all the grades. Enthusiasm, discovery and knowledge are not the inspiration But grades and   Read More...
Published on May 4,2020 09:34 AM
A stage dream
By P.Satheesh kumar in Poetry | Reads: 307 | Likes: 0
At the moment, there is fierce fear in my heart, i was dazzling, i was confusing. Incomprehensible embarrassment, this has to happen, mind was flustered, heart was pounded. A severe impulses from here, not sure what was happening, mind feel afraid to move forward, legs moving towards. Yup.It may   Read More...
Published on May 10,2020 10:50 PM
A Little Romance
By Anilkumar Kurup in Romance | Reads: 307 | Likes: 0
He felt, looking back, it was funny, fascinating and a little blushful to recollect the silliness that surrounded the infatuations of the golden teen and early youth. It would seem like a long due self-confession of a once juvenile delinquent if he now puts them into words. The prelate and the confe  Read More...
Published on May 20,2020 11:38 AM
By jaanavi in General Literary | Reads: 306 | Likes: 0
“Rowan! Rowan! Rowan!” Encouragement erupted all around me as I faced the goalpost, getting ready for the penalty shot. I rubbed a calloused hand across my face as sweat dripped off my chin on my already soaked blue jersey. I shook my feet in nervousness, trying to get rid of the sudden   Read More...
Published on Mar 25,2020 11:31 AM
By Subhrima Bandyopadhyay in Romance | Reads: 306 | Likes: 0
The incessant low pitched growls and snarls Followed by shrill shrieks. At a distance the dogs are having a fight. Our plump thirty two years old neighbor with rosy cheeks is altast expecting a baby. The noise of the siren started fading as the ambulance carried her to the nearest hospital. Another  Read More...
Published on Apr 8,2020 06:14 PM
One more Touch
By Kritika Malhotra in General Literary | Reads: 305 | Likes: 0
One more Touch A painter can't walk away just like that, even though the canvas is full of colors, but every step away from it feels like one more touch will make it just right.   Read More...
Published on Apr 2,2020 03:55 PM
To my future self
By Shamama Khan in True Story | Reads: 305 | Likes: 0
Hello,    To the future me, who has become someone independent, someone infamous, someone with a better half or even someone with tiny tots. I want you to pat yourself back and appreciate how beautifully you've come out of it!   This is your very own daily sketch, your time of the day  Read More...
Published on Apr 13,2020 09:08 PM
Nightstand by the window
By Dhara Shrivastava in Poetry | Reads: 305 | Likes: 0
I sit cross legged on the edge of my bed My mind wandering off to places I don't recognise The window by the bed caught my eye and my whole body felt the deep breeze, The scent of wet soil echoing in my soul. By the window was my nightstand  holding onto my sanity was my bookshelf Some of whic  Read More...
Published on May 28,2020 12:37 AM
When Isolation meets solitude
By Sreya Dasgupta in True Story | Reads: 304 | Likes: 0
One week into this lockdown and everything around us has changed so much. The empty roads, the perpetual silence and a sudden enthusiasm of showing off talent on the digital platform. Amidst all these lies a hidden fear of uncertainty. Will we ever go back to the normal routine? The routine that w  Read More...
Published on Apr 5,2020 12:51 AM
Dear Amma
By Paul John in General Literary | Reads: 304 | Likes: 0
I haven't wished you a  happy mother's day today amma. And I don't think I will. It's not because I don't want to, I really do but I cant.  Not from the bottom of my heart. I can't look into your eyes, and say those words, not with the pangs of regret that I have inside me, for all these y  Read More...
Published on May 10,2020 11:45 PM
A Room
By Arvind Sharma in Horror | Reads: 304 | Likes: 0
A Room   He walked into the room. The light was dim and his eyes took some time to adjust. As his eyes adjusted to dim lighting of the room, he noticed that it was a large room with the huge bed against the wall. On the bed there were many beautiful young women lying in various stages of undre  Read More...
Published on May 16,2020 07:14 PM
Love. The Second Time Over.
By Mrunalini Kulkarni in General Literary | Reads: 304 | Likes: 0
Meeting you was destiny, everyone keeps telling me. Forty years later, I am still not sure how to react to that comment.  A perfect, lovely, 'I-wish-well-for-you' destiny wouldn't have left me to be a widow in the first place.  An 'I-care-for-you-so-much' love-line on my palm wouldn't ha  Read More...
Published on Jun 12,2020 05:54 PM
Morning mist
By Smriti Sharma in General Literary | Reads: 303 | Likes: 0
I have never been an early riser . Hardly remember when I got up before sunrise last . This was exactly a week back . I had an early morning flight for Delhi.  The previous night I set the alarm to 4 30 am, and set off to bed an hour before my usual time . I drank my chamomile tea,  brushe  Read More...
Published on Mar 25,2020 10:35 PM