उम्मीद - ए - मन्ज़र
By trayamb keshwar in Poetry | Reads: 550 | Likes: 1
बिना चाहे जभी कोई आँखों से दूर होता है, आँखे देखती रहती है पर दिल मजबूर होता है, जुबाँ कहती नहीं कुछ भी, आसारे दर्द हो  Read More...
Published on May 2,2020 09:40 AM
A moment once spent
By Vijay in Romance | Reads: 550 | Likes: 1
  It was monsoon season yet for some reason it wasn’t raining at all. The streets were pretty much empty except for the stray dogs who were searching for food and looking to bark at some cats. Not the most uplifting or spirited place yet home to some. This was one of the area’s in M  Read More...
Published on May 12,2020 08:07 PM
By jellybean in General Literary | Reads: 550 | Likes: 2
Back when tigers used to smoke, there was an young man, he had left his home of comfort in order to find the true meaning of life. After meditating for years non-stop in an old and dark cave away from rest of the world on top of a tall mountain, he had found his defination of life. One day a young b  Read More...
Published on Jun 12,2020 02:51 PM
टुटा दिल किसी बात पर तो क्या...
By preethi bansal in Poetry | Reads: 550 | Likes: 0
टुटा दिल किसी बात पर तो सोचा मर जाये,  लेकिन क्यूँ ना इससे बेहतर कुछ कर जाये,  और नहीं तो किसी भी अपने से जुड़ जाये,   Read More...
Published on Jun 24,2020 01:30 PM
मेरे फरिश्तों की यादें❤️
By Teesha Rathore in Poetry | Reads: 549 | Likes: 0
वो भी क्या दिन थे जब सर्दियोँ के साथ बाबा की डाँट आती थी स्वेअतर और टोपी पहन लो  वो भी क्या दिन थे जब दादी बाबा स छुप   Read More...
Published on Mar 23,2020 04:24 PM
By Vidushi Arya in Thriller | Reads: 549 | Likes: 1
The night was dark and mysterious, coating everything with a velvety blanket of charcoal black, freckled with white to paint the most mesmerising picture of the galaxy I'd seen in all my summers. Walking to the place that housed some of our most precious memories wasn't easy, but it had to be done.   Read More...
Published on Mar 23,2020 06:11 PM
By Kirthika K S in Poetry | Reads: 549 | Likes: 0
Some things make you , Some things break you , But always remember hope is what brings you and builds you ... Wake and break the things that puts you down!! Sometimes you may go wrong, You always wish to do what your brain says , But end up following what the four walled chamber filled with red rive  Read More...
Published on Mar 25,2020 12:06 AM
Coffee and Cacophony
By Asmita Chakraborty in Travel | Reads: 549 | Likes: 0
I followed Rupsha, as she expertly navigated her way through the nooks and crannies of the historic College Street, the largest secondhand book market in the world. The mile-long avenue was dotted with hundreds of bookstores, big and small. A smell of new books, dreams, tea, mothballs and smoke hung  Read More...
Published on Mar 25,2020 09:31 PM
Good Bye
By Payal Sharma in Thriller | Reads: 549 | Likes: 0
He woke up without the morning coffee on his bed side. It had never happened in 3 years. His coat wasn't ironed and was lying on top of the pool of his dirty laundry. His breakfast wasn't ready and the house was dead silent.  All there was, was the sound of a fluttering paper on the dining tabl  Read More...
Published on Apr 16,2020 11:51 PM
By Simar kapoor in Poetry | Reads: 549 | Likes: 0
For all the people who did the hurting For the impostors out there, who were only pretending Never let your mind, go wild and sick Trust me darling, let Karma do the trick!  Read More...
Published on May 11,2020 06:04 PM
By M.A. Mercier in Poetry | Reads: 549 | Likes: 12
A room , A story, Every bench a character. A room, A poem, Every bench a verse. A room, A game, Every bench a player. A room, A life, Every bench a moment. These benches, these chairs, Every bench a home to two. A sum, a product, My little batch is 112  Read More...
Published on Jun 10,2020 12:21 PM
During Lock-Down
By Merlin Sharon in True Story | Reads: 549 | Likes: 5
As reflecting on the things that happened in the new world of this pandemic, I would state that “it has opened a new era of life for me”                            Everything that happens seems strange and new. Wherev  Read More...
Published on Jun 20,2020 10:29 AM
चाहे तुम…
By Tiasha Bose in Poetry | Reads: 549 | Likes: 0
चाहे तुम… चाहे तुम मूझे कितना भी रोक लो, क्या रोक पाऔगे मेरे अंदर इस जलते हुए मशाल को? हाँ - शायद धमकाओगे, कैद कर दोग  Read More...
Published on Jul 15,2020 09:41 PM
The Eternal Love
By Adrija Chakraborty in Horror | Reads: 549 | Likes: 1
In the eyes of science, spirits are still not explained. But can we ignore the presence of preternatural shadows, which sometimes is very near to us? Mr. Bose, a man who was very soft-spoken and reclusive, one day heard the news of his Ma and Baba's demise. After keeping his phon  Read More...
Published on Aug 1,2020 12:24 PM
All me scars you life
By adarsh pandey in True Story | Reads: 549 | Likes: 1
Writer-Adarsh pandey I still remember it, you know..i remember the way your heart  melted in my hands ,in my mouth,dribbled down my chin. I remember the way you swallowed me whole the way  I almost didn't mind I remember the way you held my head against your chest and the way I was crying.  Read More...
Published on Aug 17,2020 12:47 PM