Question and answer
By Riya in Poetry | Reads: 294 | Likes: 2
Question: There is a cloud amongst all the clouds in the sky. When you look at it at the right moment, you will see it glow. But not many know, so keep shush you. There is a secret passage that leads to the cloud. You will find it in your dream. I left a key there. It opens to a room inside the clou  Read More...
Published on May 19,2020 06:08 AM
A Dog's Statement
By Avni Nangia in Poetry | Reads: 294 | Likes: 0
The gravity of depression was pulling me below and below Hadn't I met a four pawed Hadn't I given him a lap He would have definitely collapsed Outside, he was bright as sunshine Inside, dark as a dungeon So I named him Brine And walked him in the lawn Just about to reach home  The abandoned cre  Read More...
Published on Mar 26,2020 11:44 PM
Once he was a common man now a soldier.
By Harshit Goyal (Lucifer) in Poetry | Reads: 294 | Likes: 0
He was assuring his family for his return, But after a year the family may have a body to burn, Before leaving his house, he gave a kiss to his daughter, And said her "Your father may not return but try to be like him, a fighter", Once he wanted to be a good father, Now leaving his children to becom  Read More...
Published on May 27,2020 09:47 AM
Being and becoming
By Daisy Nagpal in Western | Reads: 294 | Likes: 1
Don't let people weigh you down. Count your worth.  #Layersofwritings !   Read More...
Published on Jul 26,2020 09:20 PM
Days with a coin
By Tanya Soni in Poetry | Reads: 294 | Likes: 0
Where did I go wrong? It's been 7 years since I first saw you. How jubilant and flamboyant you looked,  How timed I was to say the first word. But it seemed like we got connected from heaven, How instantly we grew a bond, How our time together flew away. How we came so close that a day without   Read More...
Published on Apr 7,2020 07:30 PM
By Swarnasankha Acharjee in Supernatural | Reads: 294 | Likes: 0
আজ নবম এনিভার্সারি হত যদি সে সাথে থাকতো। দু বছর আগে সমপর্কে ইতি টেনে সে চলে যায়। চলে যায় অভয়ের কাছে। সে হল রাই। ১  Read More...
Published on May 24,2020 05:00 AM
One sided lover
By rekha vinod in Romance | Reads: 294 | Likes: 0
She isnt the type of girl you could easily understand, and thats what i love about her. You had to learn her everyday. She is made up of mistakes and blessings. She is made up of imperfect perfection. Being with her is like a thrilling adventure everyday. And above all, she has a huge heart. A heart  Read More...
Published on Jun 6,2020 05:18 PM
Karwaan - A Revisit
By Sriharsha in Poetry | Reads: 294 | Likes: 0
Karwaan - A Revisit Lingering in thoughts, rooted in melancholy The purpose of life slowly slipped away Lamenting the folly Was he in a compromise for a substantial pay   The support turned bleak The voice toned down To an entity, lifeless and meek The charisma was hazed by a visible frown&hel  Read More...
Published on Jul 7,2020 12:48 AM
To the one who was always getting away
By Sai Tharun in Romance | Reads: 294 | Likes: 0
To the one that was always getting away, I've known you almost half my life now, and from day 1 of knowing you, i don't believe I ever held you even once thinking you were mine to hold. When we met, you were this bright little bundle of energy, talking the randomest things on Facebook chat with me.   Read More...
Published on Apr 14,2020 06:19 AM
By sk in Poetry | Reads: 294 | Likes: 0
Time Relationship  Career Health Wealth   Or anything that's bothering you Believe  Time runs Relationships succeed Career copes up Health improves Wealth retrieves Believe    Read More...
Published on Jun 15,2020 08:44 PM
The Colour Red
By Arya Patil in Poetry | Reads: 294 | Likes: 0
I wake up in the puddle of my own blood on this day of colours.  But this time,I celebrate my colour.  The colour of red not the colour of filth The colour of my strength not the fraility The colour of me growing into a woman, and so a warrior.  The colour that brings life to this man  Read More...
Published on Mar 27,2020 04:10 PM
Caption of a rudderless ship
By Varsha Singh Rao in General Literary | Reads: 294 | Likes: 1
I entitle my yatch as a ship as there is reason behind it  however I may be poky like my ship but still I stand dignified for who am I. Now you might have wondered why am I talking like this. Then I am obliged to tell you that it is impetus for everyone of us to understand that we all row in a  Read More...
Published on May 28,2020 07:27 AM
What I See in the Mirror
By Renuka Krishnaraja in Poetry | Reads: 293 | Likes: 0
What I see in the mirror...If I had to fairly defineWhat I see in mirror today,And what it reflects back on me,At the very first glance I would say,I see a rather composite imageBrushed with different strokes of life.I see flashes of all the cold and heat,That changing seasons have swept upon.I see   Read More...
Published on Jun 22,2020 02:32 PM
Perfect imperfect love
By yamini in Romance | Reads: 293 | Likes: 0
Lost in his magical touch, i rang the doorbell of my home. His soft yet strong hands holding onto my arm moving up towards the bare skin of my off shoulder dress. The warmth of his breath that just wont go, reminds me how close we came, for the first time life found its meaning. My mind, my soul, ev  Read More...
Published on Jun 16,2020 12:17 PM
रेत पर लिखा था कुछ।
By Pritesh Vyas (Pandit) in Poetry | Reads: 293 | Likes: 0
                           रेत पर लिखा था कुछ,                             जो हमे दिख न सका,    &n  Read More...
Published on Jun 8,2020 08:47 AM