एक शोर
By aish in Poetry | Reads: 289 | Likes: 0
मेरे मन के अंदर एक शोर सा हैजो मुझे रातों को सोने नहीं देताबाहर की आवाज़े कितनी भी तेज होलेकिन इसकी चीख उनसब से ज़्याद  Read More...
Published on Jun 21,2020 10:23 PM
Meet you in raining
By Nancy in Poetry | Reads: 289 | Likes: 0
Finding you in the heaven Is my destiny... Love is so farther  In the melody...of the dream soul The music that burns  In my heart Finds you lost in this world  The wrath in my eyes.. Can't see my body But my buried heart I dont love myself anymore Maybe i forgot the meaning Or may be  Read More...
Published on Jul 19,2020 11:28 PM
By Kaashvi Malik in Poetry | Reads: 288 | Likes: 1
A place to live and play, A place to learn and pray,  Everyone enjoys these years, Memories are smiling and even bring tears!  From the first we tighten our bands,  Make friends and join our hands.  Slowly we move to higher grades,  And understand the life's trade.  Pr  Read More...
Published on Mar 28,2020 09:59 AM
उंगलियों से खुशबुओं को
By M Tasleem in Poetry | Reads: 288 | Likes: 0
उंगलियों से खुशबुओं को पकड़ने का हुनर आना चाहिए इंसान को पढ़ने का हुनर आना चाहिए सच की औकात ही क्या है आजकल झूठ को सजा  Read More...
Published on Mar 28,2020 02:07 PM
காதலே என் காதலை அறிவாயோ?
By Gopinath Samikkannu in Poetry | Reads: 288 | Likes: 0
கற்றையாய் நீ கோதும்போது  சிந்திய ஒற்றை முடிக்கும்  என் காதல் தெரியும் …   பேருந்தில் சக பயணியாய்  நீ வாங  Read More...
Published on Mar 29,2020 11:42 AM
Bid The Uterus Adieu
By Sneha Vyas in General Literary | Reads: 288 | Likes: 0
An exorbitant increase in the number of abortion cases around the world makes it imperative to talk about this issue openly with no tinge of shame. It is often witnessed that females are expected to conform to the societal norms by conceiving children at the cost of their health. It is indeed ironi  Read More...
Published on Mar 31,2020 07:20 PM
Just a flawsome sky
By Sohini in Poetry | Reads: 288 | Likes: 0
It's like everything's perfect, Everything is going well, Everything is good, And I am looking at the night sky, And I am looking alone. I see the moon up there, I see the clouds that hid it, I see the moon shinning,  I see the moon fading so slowly,  It's just a night sky now, The clouds  Read More...
Published on Apr 1,2020 08:38 PM
What the . . . !
By Suvankar Ghosh Roy Chowdhury in Humour & Comedy | Reads: 288 | Likes: 0
My university is certainly one of the unsung wonders of the world, overshadowed by its association with academic excellence. It never fails to amuse you, even when you do not really want to be amused. Early last afternoon, at around one, when too hot the eyes of heaven did shine, I happened to find   Read More...
Published on Apr 2,2020 09:41 AM
कटु सत्य
By deepshikha sharma in Poetry | Reads: 288 | Likes: 0
तू क्यूँ रोता रे पगले जब जानता सब मिट जाना है इस छोटी सी ज़िन्दगी में क्या रोना पछतांना है शरीर बना है मिट्टी का  जो   Read More...
Published on Apr 4,2020 04:28 AM
To the love that he lost'
By Meesam in Romance | Reads: 288 | Likes: 1
To the love that he lost, remember , someday he'll find you and replace you with the pillow that he loves to hold by himself when hes lost. .   To the smile that he misses, remember, someday he'll find that smile and treasure it for the rest of his life while commiting his smile to yours until   Read More...
Published on Apr 7,2020 09:24 PM
Your destiny is near
By Neema Kumari in Poetry | Reads: 288 | Likes: 0
Why are you droopy, o traveller; and have no zeal for a sway? Don’t say you have given up, your destiny is far away. It's calling you for a long time, but you are lacking your yay. Keep the faith and get ready, your destiny is far away. If you won’t walk then, someone will walk your way.  Read More...
Published on Apr 8,2020 02:53 PM
By Mibdah in General Literary | Reads: 288 | Likes: 1
i sure am falling to bits and pieces seeing hearts break and eyes weep i was ready for a disaster but one directed at me why did you have to succumb to my weaknesses I prayed for a downfall and it took all! For a long time now, I've been depressed( in layman's terms), lamenting a heartbre  Read More...
Published on Apr 8,2020 07:25 PM
Water Ride and COViD!
By Megha in General Literary | Reads: 288 | Likes: 0
I remember, a water ride! It was beautiful, but scary Oh wait! It was scary, but Beautiful ! This COVID lockdown, is similar !  Read More...
Published on Apr 17,2020 09:45 AM
A paid murder
By Neema Kumari in Crime | Reads: 288 | Likes: 0
She knew she would be murdered today. She had been held in captivity for seven days. Before, there were many others in the room with her. All were killed one by one for the ransoms. She was the last one remaining. She knew like her many more would be brought there and each would be murdered one afte  Read More...
Published on Apr 26,2020 03:01 PM
By Preeti Agrawal in Poetry | Reads: 288 | Likes: 0
Wings Designed with wonderful life strings Not required to add those extra wings Listen around the choirs of birds Explaining their joy with no words.  Amusing is the creator's musings Set that curve that sets everything More contagious than a virus; curing.  Spread the cheer that sings N  Read More...
Published on May 6,2020 12:16 PM