Her beauty didn't last and so didn't his money, They were wretched in the cold and wished it was sunny; The rain poured in, from the tarpaulin above, But they believed they would survive, only by love. Resources! Resources! Their trembling house cried, How blooming was the woman when she cam Read More...
Conscience was not in Company when Sauntering on the road, placidly, I was struck by a malaise, And was walloped by an evil malediction. A raucous wind had started blowing, And it ravaged my psyche, My life suddenly became scruffy and saturnine, It turned me into a sedate, a psychopath, and I beca Read More...
This sea of hollow darkness upon which I float, Drowned but alive, the water’s up my throat, The sky has descended; the clouds are in my head, I want to leave this world, but I can’t leave my bed. Upon a single thing I gaze for hours, Read More...
Shhhh! Don’t step out of the closet, For people around you may have another mind-set, Hundreds like you have hung themselves by the rope, Look outside this tent, do you see any hope? Perhaps in the cities, you could walk with pride, Carrying the Read More...