Aarav Dixit

I was Born In Jhansi But Curently Living In Noida. I want To be This best selling book of the world. My faroute Subject is Computer. I am Thankfull to Notion Press For Publishing This Book.
I was Born In Jhansi But Curently Living In Noida. I want To be This best selling book of the world. My faroute Subject is Computer. I am Thankfull to Notion Press For Publishing This Book.

I was Born In Jhansi But Currently Living In Noida. I want To be This best selling book in the world. My favorite Subject is Computer. I am Thankful to Notion Press For Publishing This Book.Read More...


The Paradox Of Time

Books by Aarav Dixit

If you're looking for a serious and scientific guide to time travel, this book is not for you. But if you're in the mood for some hilarious and absurd adventures across history, you'll love this book. Join Sam, a bored and broke college student, as he accidentally activates his eccentric uncle's homemade time machine and finds himself in various sticky situations. From meeting dinosaurs to fighting pirates, escaping the guillotine to crashing a royal wedding,

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The Ghost Busters 2

Books by Aarav Dixit

The Ghost Buster

On Sunday morning, I got a call from Ad Wart; they said, "Help Us!"& the phone switched off(a lightning strike). I ran to a police station, and there we gathered some information about this no. and I found some information about this no. so we ran to the location. It was a scary location. As we entered the Villa,

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The Ghost Busters

Books by Aarav Dixit

Ghost Buster Is my dream where i and my team goes to Ad Wart's Home to gather some information about the ghost!

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Egypt Mysteries

Books by Aarav Dixit

Egypt is one of the oldest cities in the world. The civilization of ancient Egypt is not only one of the oldest, but it is also one of the most developed civilizations the world has ever seen. That is why the mystery of Egypt seems to have no end.

The ancient tombs and thousands of years old temples, everything about Egypt has equally surprised both people and the archaeological department. Many organizations have conducted several pieces of research t

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The English Yard

Books by Aarav Dixit

Hi! I am Aarav Dixit.

Note:- These stories are not mine these are of respected authors.

This Book is For many students with no age limit. First Story Bio:- "The Boy Who Cried Wolf" is one of the most famous fables attributed to the classical writer Aesop: it gave us the popular idiom to cry wolf, meaning to raise a false alarm. But although the moral meaning of the fable is fairly clear, the story’s effectiveness as a moral fable is less

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A life Of an Ordinary boy

Books by Aarav Dixit T- K- S

This Book is About complex work situations. You can buy this book for reading if you like. You may buy it from online platform etc to get. Subscribe to me on youtube. You can see my website till then take care of everybody and bye... Wait do you subscribe to me?

I was Born In Jhansi But Currently Living In Noida. I want To be AUTHOUR. My favorite subject is computers. I am Thankful to Notion Press For Publishing This Book. I am currently studying in Th

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The Treasure Hunt

Books by Aarav Dixit

The Tresure Hunt Begins............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

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The Bird Want Earth Pollution Free

Books by Aarav Dixit

This is a poem about bird want to be pollution free bye....................................................................................................................................................

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The Magical Pen

Books by Aarav Dixit

A boy who meets a  Aileen and give him a magical pen. Read this with full intrest.bye...............................................................................

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The Paige

Books by Aarav Dixit

Read this book with full intrest. As I am a new author I woud like to tell you about this book but first a foll i would be thankfull to Notion Press. This book is fill of lots of Adventure, thrill, morals etc......................................................................bye

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Endless Loop

By Aarav Dixit in Horror | Reads: 2,852 | Likes: 0

One night, a man had a nightmare. It was the most frightening thing he had ever experienced. In the dream, he found himself walking in a desert. Somehow, he had no idea how he had gotten there, but he knew he was lost and alone. When he looked down, he realized he was carrying a machete in his hand.  Read More...

Published on Oct 12,2022 06:05 PM

Rabindranath Tagore Biography

By Aarav Dixit in Indian History | Reads: 4,236 | Likes: 1

Rabindranath Tagore FRAS; Bengali Name: রবীন্দ্রনাথ ঠাকুর; 7 May 1861 – 7 August 1941) was a Bengali polymath who worked as a poet, writer, playwright, composer, philosopher, social reformer and painter.[1][2][3] He reshaped Bengali literature and music as well   Read More...

Published on Jun 12,2022 11:37 AM

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