दर्द दिल का अब सहा नहीं जाता - आशु चौधरी ''आशुतोष
By Ashu Choudhary ''Ashutosh in Poetry | Reads: 518 | Likes: 0
दर्द दिल का अब सहा नहीं जाता ज़हर नफ़रत का अब पिया नहीं जाता मिला है दर्द ऐसा की दो लफ़्ज़ों में बताना मुमकिन नहीं क  Read More...
Published on May 5,2020 08:24 PM
நேர்வழியாய் நடத்தும் தேவன் - சுவி. பாபு T தாமஸ்
By Evg.Babu.T Thomas in Mythology | Reads: 521 | Likes: 0
நேர்வழியாய் நடத்தும் தேவன் - சுவி. பாபு T தாமஸ் தலை குனிந்து, கர்த்தரைப் பணிந்துக்கொண்டு, நான் என் எஜமானுடைய சகோத  Read More...
Published on May 5,2020 08:26 PM
जब दर्द का इलाज़ न मिले ज़माने में - आशु चौधरी ''आशुतोष
By Ashu Choudhary ''Ashutosh in Poetry | Reads: 686 | Likes: 0
जब 'दर्द' का इलाज़ न मिले ज़माने में तब लौट आओ तुम मयखाने में दर्द-ए-ग़म हम ने कितना सहा  तुम्हें अंदाज़ा नहीं कभी आ   Read More...
Published on May 5,2020 08:27 PM
Warm gesture of Mother Earth
By Radhika Harshwal in Poetry | Reads: 273 | Likes: 0
Years ago,  I gave you birth, making you the sharpest brain, whose you have no worth, So, now it is mother earth talking! You all are my son and daughter, not only human, The animals, the sky,the nature, The cat, the dog, the sea,  the mountains the plant the trees, so now it's mother Ear  Read More...
Published on May 5,2020 08:48 PM
The Stranger
By Manoj Vaz Ramchandran in Poetry | Reads: 679 | Likes: 0
THE STRANGER By Manoj Vaz   An unknown land bare and rundown, And I met a stranger there. Faces all around, known unknown, And I met my stranger there. A crowd I missed to walk alone, In the dark near the lake somewhere. No fear, no thoughts, no sins to atone, And I was with my stranger t  Read More...
Published on May 5,2020 09:09 PM
கல்யாண சுந்தரும் கொடுக்குமலை ஜோசியரும்
By Annas Thahirulla in Humour & Comedy | Reads: 337 | Likes: 0
கல்யாண சுந்தரம் 31 வயது மிக்க இளைஞர். இதற்கு முன்பு சோம சுந்தரம் என்று வைத்திருந்த இவனது பெயரை கடந்த இரண்டு வருட  Read More...
Published on May 5,2020 09:11 PM
Don't Cry For Me
By Manoj Vaz Ramchandran in Poetry | Reads: 282 | Likes: 0
DON’T CRY FOR ME By Manoj Vaz The road was slippery ‘n’ the light slippin’, Speeding away to meet ya earliest. Don’t cry for me darlin’, The Doctors are trying their best. The turn at the fag end of my journey, I accosted a truck that was so speedin’.  Read More...
Published on May 5,2020 09:24 PM
Fear of the sight
By teeana in General Literary | Reads: 295 | Likes: 0
Just like chameleons, we humans camouflage but our feelings to stray amidst a heartless world.  One troubled by the sight of the enemy and the other in the fear of losing his own sight, both yet hoping to survive.   Read More...
Published on May 5,2020 09:29 PM
Clear or Blur
By Preeti Agrawal in Poetry | Reads: 242 | Likes: 0
Clear or Blur It's life rolling on fast-forward Decide your speed, clear or blur.  You on by convenient belief system Or you by life's beautiful rhythm With single-track mind, one may move clear The faster you travel, the more is blur Make up your mind, just have a look Whether any incident, m  Read More...
Published on May 5,2020 09:55 PM
The Hair Pin Bend
By Divya Gopal Shetty in Poetry | Reads: 418 | Likes: 0
On this crazy day, what could I possibly say, it killed me once inside, and loud my heart cried.. It was a happy day, & I thought all was well,  as I lived a happy moment, not knowing it was about to dent.. On a usual night, while I waited for your sight, an unusual plan got me into tears a  Read More...
Published on May 6,2020 12:19 AM
Maa poetry
By Nehajain in Poetry | Reads: 436 | Likes: 0
वो आँचल वो महफूज़ साया  जिसने हमारा वजूद बनाया उंगली पकड़ चलना सिखाया माँ को पाकर मैंने सबकुछ पाया  खाना हम नहीं ख  Read More...
Published on May 5,2020 11:11 PM
By Manoj Vaz Ramchandran in Romance | Reads: 440 | Likes: 0
JULY MORNING By Manoj Vaz 8TH JULY 2019 It was a typical July morning in Goa. The plane lands expertly in Dabolim. Among the passengers in the first-class section is a pretty blonde woman in her 30s wearing oversized sunglasses. The stewardesses approach her warily, “Ms. Archer, if you don&rs  Read More...
Published on May 5,2020 11:29 PM
ख़्याल थे सिर्फ ख़्याल ही तो साथ थे
By Swati in Poetry | Reads: 616 | Likes: 0
कुछ सवाल थे जो अब ख़्याल बन गए थे, हाँ, बस ख़्याल ही तो थे साथ मेरे।   क्या कुछ कर लूँ  इस वक़्त ? क्या कुछ बना लूँ इ  Read More...
Published on May 5,2020 11:59 PM
An Unbreakable Bond
By Swayamdeepta Das in Poetry | Reads: 336 | Likes: 0
In the eerie blanket of night Silhouetted against the white curtain, She was engrossed in her solitary musing A photo frame clutched to her heart, Tears staining her soft cheeks. How she missed that comforting voice! The touch that healed all her burning wounds That reassuring pat upon her back, Tha  Read More...
Published on May 6,2020 12:53 AM
Counting down the hours
By Kusum Reddy in Poetry | Reads: 256 | Likes: 0
The butterflies in your stomach, Have found a home in my heart The emotions they stir, Will ensure we never part My heart does a dance And then skips a beat In ecstacy and delight, Of when we shall meet I count down the hours, Till I see your face My head in your chest I hear your heart race We stan  Read More...
Published on May 6,2020 12:56 AM