
Unreal but not Fake
By Seerat in Poetry | Reads: 392 | Likes: 0
UNREAL BUT NOT FAKE Aren't we all a little unreal Not fake but not completely genuine In our world it's called dishonesty But is it all that bad? They say truth hurts, it's painful What if we don't want to hurt What if we are willing to beak To keep someone unbroken Will that make us a bad person  Read More...
Published on Apr 12,2020 02:15 PM
An Actor's Dream
By Seerat in Poetry | Reads: 320 | Likes: 0
An Actor's Dream I dream to be ordinary, i am simple I want to remain that way Yes i always wanted to be noticed Wanted to stand out for what i do But not for how i look or am made to look Cause that's what is 'their' talent To make me look pretty But i don't just want to 'look' beautiful I want to  Read More...
Published on Apr 12,2020 02:18 PM
My Beautiful soul
By ardra shaji in Poetry | Reads: 394 | Likes: 1
"The way you entered in to my body The way you disposes my body... and in the middle the series of chronicles you faces are just amazing to bind a story"   Read More...
Published on Apr 12,2020 02:24 PM
By arisha shaikh in Poetry | Reads: 703 | Likes: 0
Dosti khuda ki sabse haseen niyamat hai Bina dosto k zindagi ek shikayat hai Khushnaseeb hai woh log jinke paas ye daulat hai... Roye Jo hum toh hasata h dost Ruthe Jo hum toh manata nhi or satata hai dost Lekin  uske alawa sataye Jo koi uski band bajata hai dost Humare tute hue Dil ko fevico  Read More...
Published on Apr 12,2020 02:31 PM
Sleepless Nights
By Divya Susana Sunil in Poetry | Reads: 652 | Likes: 2
I stay up all night, staring at the walls  Thinking of all the what-ifs and could be's. Thinking of sleep and how elusive it is. Missing the sweet oblivion as I try to calm my racing thoughts of darkness. Counting nos, dancing till my toes and mind hurt. But alas, no point, sleep decides not to  Read More...
Published on Apr 12,2020 02:32 PM
By Nilesh Sankrityayan in Poetry | Reads: 1,553 | Likes: 0
       निर्भया के पिता आपसे कुछ कहना चाहते हैं। पूजा मैंने कई देवताओं को,धन-धान्य का दान किया तब जाकर देवी के रू  Read More...
Published on Apr 12,2020 02:43 PM
क्या हुआ?
By Nilesh Sankrityayan in Poetry | Reads: 1,259 | Likes: 0
क्या हुआ गर कोई तेरे साथ नहीं? क्या हुआ गर मंज़िल अभी पास नहीं? अकेले हीं निकले थे इस मार्ग पर कठिनाइयों से घबराते हो   Read More...
Published on Apr 12,2020 02:51 PM
हां,वह एक लड़का है
By Nilesh Sankrityayan in Poetry | Reads: 956 | Likes: 0
हां,वह एक लड़का है ख्वाहिशें तो हैं उसकी भी मगर बताने से वह डरता है समाज ने कहा कठोर बनो कभी ना टूटे वो डोर बनो तुम्ही  Read More...
Published on Apr 12,2020 02:53 PM
रुका नहीं हूं
By Nilesh Sankrityayan in Poetry | Reads: 902 | Likes: 0
तू पर्वत सा विराट खड़ा मैं अभिमान को तेरे देख डरा देख उठा के सर अपना ले नदी मैं बनकर तेरी ओर बढ़ा खोद सुरंग तेरे गुमा  Read More...
Published on Apr 12,2020 02:59 PM
एक बूढ़ा
By Nilesh Sankrityayan in Poetry | Reads: 1,157 | Likes: 0
शीत ऋतु की सर्द रात उस मोड़ पर बैठा एक बूढ़ा अर्धनग्न बदन लगभग सत्तर का वो होगा गमछा,डंडा हैं उसके धन ताकता कभी तारो  Read More...
Published on Apr 12,2020 03:05 PM
सुख की परिभाषा
By Nilesh Sankrityayan in Poetry | Reads: 853 | Likes: 0
आंनद , सुख क्या है?  जैसे भोर में सुनाई दे पक्षियों की चहचहाहट, जैसे दिसंबर की सर्दी में धूप की गर्माहट, जैसे वसंत ऋत  Read More...
Published on Apr 12,2020 03:09 PM
तुम्हारा तिल
By Nilesh Sankrityayan in Poetry | Reads: 929 | Likes: 0
मंत्रमुग्ध हो गया हूं तुम्हारी अदाओं पर तुम्हारे हुस्न के,कुछ यूं चर्चे हज़ार हैं जो दूर रहो तो ध्यान भटकाती है, कर  Read More...
Published on Apr 12,2020 03:11 PM
By Nilesh Sankrityayan in Poetry | Reads: 884 | Likes: 0
महबूब वो जो अपनी मनोरम मुस्कान से उसके सारे दुख मिटाए जो भीड़ में चलते हुए अपनी बांह की आड़ बनाए जो तपती दुपहरी में   Read More...
Published on Apr 12,2020 03:14 PM
The Wall ~ Past
By Subha Chugh in Poetry | Reads: 591 | Likes: 1
Mortar of blood Bricks of sweat Days bled into night They had built me up, Tiny brown hands sweltering under the blazing hot sun White, I was painted As the masters Who kicked their shins And cracked their whips Tiny brown hands sweltering under the blazing hot sun First came the pamphlets  T  Read More...
Published on Apr 12,2020 03:38 PM
Live a piece
By Anuradha Sahani in Poetry | Reads: 283 | Likes: 1
Live a piece you have, the whole may not be not yours, Live the way you're, that way is not yours, Live with yourself, he may not be yours, Live the piece you have, the whole may not be yours, Live with a smile, tear is not yours, Live with your soul, your body is not yours, Live the piece you have,  Read More...
Published on Apr 12,2020 04:01 PM