सबकी अनकही कहानी
By Somya Gupta in Poetry | Reads: 631 | Likes: 0
 एक आजीब सी बात है दिल मे चुबती लेकिन इंसान शांत है एक मुस्काते चेहरे के पीछे छुपा एक राज़ किसी को क्या पता क्या है म  Read More...
Published on Jun 23,2020 06:57 PM
The Winter Flavours
By Nitesh Khargonkar in Poetry | Reads: 631 | Likes: 6
Cool breeze blowing and winds making us run, Cozy are the evenings and sleeping long hours is some fun. The hands go shivering and everything seems so Cold, Out come the blankets to make it's it's warmth unfold. When the glimpse of someone's eyes turns into a flame, Love is for all seasons,but here;  Read More...
Published on Jul 2,2020 04:25 PM
By Navya K. Singh in Poetry | Reads: 630 | Likes: 0
" JUST YOU " He's full of himself and sunshine,Being a wholesome ball of joy. Full of desire with a heart so true,His love was like a classic ice sculpture in the world of unfading coldness, which couldn't get knocked down by the warmth of the masses. He remained happy to be out of the limelight,Cr  Read More...
Published on Mar 27,2020 01:51 PM
Save Me(EARTH) - My Child(WE)
By Smriti Thakur in War Story | Reads: 630 | Likes: 0
It's been a long time my earth is facing wars.          It's really a concern.                                                        M  Read More...
Published on Mar 27,2020 04:10 PM
Embarrassing situations
By Deepa Aiyar in General Literary | Reads: 630 | Likes: 0
Some embarassing  situations  in life: 1.When you have left home and in the midst of your journey realise you have worn your dress inside out  2. When you open your mouth to speak at a meeting and suddenly forget midsentence  what you are saying 3. When you absentmindedly try to   Read More...
Published on Apr 3,2020 12:58 PM
The Trail to Recovery
By G3 in War Story | Reads: 630 | Likes: 0
A long time ago When wars were fought Between both sides of a valley Its towering hill tops touching the clouds. And in the valley A little baby, cooed loudly for his mother The mother swept tears of anxiety from her cheeks  Tears of love Tears of loss Running down her cheeks  Hit the lit  Read More...
Published on Apr 11,2020 04:55 AM
Refused love
By Shivani Sharma in Poetry | Reads: 630 | Likes: 1
A guy, perfect  as I want him to be we met, we talked perfect as i want it to be everything was right flowers were blooming nights were beautiful all i want was, him his smile, was like  nature's giving me strength to live his eyes, all I want.. to keep on looking his face, wants me to tel  Read More...
Published on Apr 14,2020 08:37 PM
Passion is Not Always The Key to Success
By Abhinav Srivastava in General Literary | Reads: 630 | Likes: 7
 Passion Is Not Always the Key to Success Ramesh, a 12-year-old boy, is just mad behind a game which is cricket. Not only him but also more than half of India’s population watches this sport as a part of their livelihood. Like everyone, he did have a dream of becoming a cricketer. 17th o  Read More...
Published on May 3,2020 06:39 PM
The Sacrificial Lamb
By Sushanth in General Literary | Reads: 630 | Likes: 2
It is very hard to be a doctor when the very patient you treat might be not only your last patient but also your last breath. Education doesn't prepare you for this, as a student, you are taught to treat everyone to the best of your ability. To hold nothing back, to be the selfless hero people expec  Read More...
Published on Apr 29,2020 01:29 PM
Own the Sky
By Darpan Sain in General Literary | Reads: 630 | Likes: 0
Published on May 31,2020 05:40 PM
हिन्दुस्तान कि शान
By MR VIVEK KUMAR PANDEY in Poetry | Reads: 629 | Likes: 1
" जब आंख खुले तो धरती हिन्दुस्तान की हो,   जब आंख बंद हो तो यादे हिन्दुस्तान की हो,   हम मर भी जाए तो कोई गम नहीं हो,    Read More...
Published on Mar 23,2020 08:16 AM
By Adrija Mukherjee (Amaranthine) in General Literary | Reads: 629 | Likes: 0
 It was a fine spring day,  the ripe fruits hung peacefully from the bosoms of the mother tree,  the birds sang songs which were impregnated in their mind with seeds of euphoria. These natural wonders witnessed everyday a small girl of age 7 or 8 walking joyfully on the uneven, naked   Read More...
Published on Mar 24,2020 09:59 PM
By Anonymous in General Literary | Reads: 629 | Likes: 0
Is Waqt ko waqt do, wrna ek waqt aega jab yeh waqt tumhe waqt nahi dega☺  Read More...
Published on Mar 26,2020 09:57 PM
When you are old
By saptarshi das in Poetry | Reads: 629 | Likes: 2
When you are old Saptarshi Das My childhood crush now has a grown up daughter Her curl has grey hair All the day she sits in a chair Complaining of gout And I doubt Is this the one who slashed me many  monsoons back ?  Read More...
Published on Mar 31,2020 07:32 PM
The flash back.
By Ruqaiya in General Literary | Reads: 629 | Likes: 4
The cat with the utmost patience, to glance at her mistress was sitting on her royal mat. As soon as her mistress pirouetted in, she lifted her in her soft hands and ran her fingers through her furry body. With intense love and care she looked at her and excitedly said, “Oh Snow white! Today i  Read More...
Published on Apr 1,2020 08:39 PM