corona viras
By Rock in War Story | कुल पढ़ा गया: 254 | कुल पसंद किया गया: 1
मै घर से बाहर निकला तो देखा बाहर सनाटा था मै फिर थोडा आगे बडा जहां मै हर रोज जाता था मैने वंहा भी देखा आज  तो बाजार भ  ज्यादा पढ़ें...
इस तारीख़ को पब्लिश हुआ May 14,2020 01:27 PM
नको असे नातेवाईक...
By Ketki K. in Poetry | कुल पढ़ा गया: 1,229 | कुल पसंद किया गया: 2
नको असे नातेवाईक... जे लहान मुलांमधेपण दुजाभाव (favouritism) करतात... जे लहानपणीच तुम्हाला judge करतात... जे  ज्यादा पढ़ें...
इस तारीख़ को पब्लिश हुआ May 14,2020 01:22 PM
Approach:The Best Coach
By Sreesubhashini in True Story | कुल पढ़ा गया: 265 | कुल पसंद किया गया: 1
The lock down has revealed many of our hidden qualities to come out into words As a story to the world. Now I remember , the position that I'm standing out is truly based on the peoples behaviour and learnings from them which turnout to be our priceless character in our life. I like to share this   ज्यादा पढ़ें...
इस तारीख़ को पब्लिश हुआ May 14,2020 12:52 PM
By bones&flesh in Poetry | कुल पढ़ा गया: 641 | कुल पसंद किया गया: 15
This moment was unseen, As I was barely seventeen. My dad was dejected, My decisions he rejected. His wife was distressed This, her tears expressed Her son's hazel stare, Reflected no care To escape his deadly frown I held my head down The splitting pain and fear Betokened the time was near As I was  ज्यादा पढ़ें...
इस तारीख़ को पब्लिश हुआ May 14,2020 12:44 PM
Be The One for You
By Amrutha PS in General Literary | कुल पढ़ा गया: 271 | कुल पसंद किया गया: 0
At times it is smarter to be distant from everyone else. At times it is smarter to be quiet.Being separated from everyone else never implies being lonely.Both are incredibly different.Being alone is much the same as to be a Mr. Bean fan.He is the man who instructed us to appreciate our own conversat  ज्यादा पढ़ें...
इस तारीख़ को पब्लिश हुआ May 14,2020 12:37 PM
आत्मा का रिश्ता
By Anuja Kaushik in True Story | कुल पढ़ा गया: 1,978 | कुल पसंद किया गया: 7
"आलू ले लो.. प्याज़ ले लो " की आवाज़ इतनी तेज़ बारिश में भी सुनाई दे रही थी..सर्दी का मौसम था. जैसे ही छाता लेकर बाहर आई तो दे  ज्यादा पढ़ें...
इस तारीख़ को पब्लिश हुआ May 14,2020 12:30 PM
I smiled
By Amrutha PS in General Literary | कुल पढ़ा गया: 591 | कुल पसंद किया गया: 0
In an overcast surly night, I was sitting in my yard. Out of nowhere sky began thundering. Thunder and lightning met up. It constrained me to get inside the house. I realize the rain was going to come. So that, I set myself close to the window itself. The plants in my garden was likewise energized t  ज्यादा पढ़ें...
इस तारीख़ को पब्लिश हुआ May 14,2020 12:15 PM
The Lock Down
By Nabin Chandra Mishra in Poetry | कुल पढ़ा गया: 273 | कुल पसंद किया गया: 0
The Lock Down     The lock down was preordained, “To defeat the dreaded Covid-19”. At the cost of all the comforts, All remain inside without agitating.     The every blueprint that was in mind,  Could not be fulfilled and was adjourned. The hope persisted only f  ज्यादा पढ़ें...
इस तारीख़ को पब्लिश हुआ May 14,2020 12:12 PM
The Lock Down
By Nabin Chandra Mishra in Poetry | कुल पढ़ा गया: 482 | कुल पसंद किया गया: 0
The Lock Down     The lock down was preordained, “To defeat the dreaded Covid-19”. At the cost of all the comforts, All remain inside without agitating.     The every blueprint that was in mind,  Could not be fulfilled and was adjourned. The hope persisted only f  ज्यादा पढ़ें...
इस तारीख़ को पब्लिश हुआ May 14,2020 12:09 PM
By Shriya in Poetry | कुल पढ़ा गया: 227 | कुल पसंद किया गया: 0
Live it for ray of sunshine that lightens up your messy morning face, or the smile of your loved ones that does just the same. For the mind full of hope, that tells you that you can make this a good day. Is it happiness at all, if it doesn’t come from within you? Live it to do what you love, h  ज्यादा पढ़ें...
इस तारीख़ को पब्लिश हुआ May 14,2020 11:57 AM
A Lesson By An Older
By Sidak in General Literary | कुल पढ़ा गया: 902 | कुल पसंद किया गया: 1
A LESSON BY A OLDER  That day as I woke up I heard some voice from outside. I felt as if something has fallen down.  I came out of my room and looked around but there was no one. Then I heard the voice of a child, as I love being around children I just followed the sound and reached to one  ज्यादा पढ़ें...
इस तारीख़ को पब्लिश हुआ May 14,2020 11:57 AM
भारत माँ की मिट्टी
By RAJESH KUMAR VERMA in War Story | कुल पढ़ा गया: 1,370 | कुल पसंद किया गया: 1
ये भारत माँ की मिट्टी, अब हमें  बुलाती है, बलिदान चाहती है बलिदान चाहती है | तड़फ -तड़फ  कर जब हमारी जान जाती है, रोती ह  ज्यादा पढ़ें...
इस तारीख़ को पब्लिश हुआ May 14,2020 11:42 AM
By Shriya in Poetry | कुल पढ़ा गया: 711 | कुल पसंद किया गया: 0
Moments when you wake up much before the first ring of your alarm knowing, that you have so much to do and look forward to on that day. Moments when mom walks up to your room to give a mouthful but watches you sleep like a baby that you once were and kisses your forehead. Moments when you cannot ste  ज्यादा पढ़ें...
इस तारीख़ को पब्लिश हुआ May 14,2020 11:35 AM
Net Dialogue
By Margaret Borge in Romance | कुल पढ़ा गया: 378 | कुल पसंद किया गया: 0
    She lay tossing and turning in her bed.  Waiting for him to come to bed.  She longed to make love, but she wanted him to make the move.  She wanted him to want her and want to make love to her.  She kept waiting.  She recollected the long years of marriage to   ज्यादा पढ़ें...
इस तारीख़ को पब्लिश हुआ May 14,2020 11:23 AM
By Aryan Shah in General Literary | कुल पढ़ा गया: 370 | कुल पसंद किया गया: 1
Defining something is never an easy task and if it's related to defining something related to someone's feelings or human emotions than it becomes a very tough task . How would you define love ? How would you see the bond between the two indivudials ? Is it easy to see the parental bond with the spe  ज्यादा पढ़ें...
इस तारीख़ को पब्लिश हुआ May 14,2020 11:12 AM