God is less dangerous today

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Is God less dangerous today?

The Gods of Old Testament were very harsh, they never tolerated disobedience. A cursory reading of books which travelled from Abrahams period to a highly coded and dependable ‘Quran’, it is evident that God has much mellowed down since then. He is now, most benevolent, merciful and expiates our sins. The faiths had traversed the period when His people strayed from the path, when they disobeyed His injunctions, violated His covenants and broke His commandments – the trouble followed. The people of yore were, however, wise, scared and superstitious, in an atmosphere of lack of empirical knowledge, thereby failing to realise if the hungry lion was reasonable, fair or just. The humanity has adamantly refused to judge reality. It is interesting to consider Old Testament Hebrews in this regard. Their travails followed a consistent pattern. The stories of Adam and Eve, and Cain and Abel, and Noah, and the Tower of Babel, are truly ancient. These stories and the Biblical narratives of Paradise and Hell are fabricated by our collective imagination working over centuries. It provides a profound account of nature of being and points to the way to a mode of conceptualization and action, well-matched to that nature. The wisdom of the past had been hard-earned, and the credit goes to those ancestors who had something useful to tell us.

It is time to let go. It might even be the time to sacrifice what you value most, so that you can become who you wish to be, instead of just staying who you are.

We the Hindus believe in the universal principle which states that, ‘God is omnipotent, omniscient and omnipresent’. We believe in manifestation and not in creation because a belief in creation contradicts this very universal principle. The term creation suggests that there is a creator and the created. This type of belief in duality is called dualism. This means that the creator and the created have two separate and independent existences, thus the absence of creator in the created, which further denies the omnipresence of God. In fact, if God is not omnipresent; it cannot be omniscient too, and if God is not omniscient, it is not omnipotent either, hence, not a God at all. Therefore believing in Creation leads to absurd results thereby contradicting the Universally Accepted Principle. Hindu ancestors were truth seekers and they taught us to seek knowledge rather than have a ready-made answer to our soul’s doubts.

All Semitic origin religions like Christianity, Judaism and Islam believe in Creation, that is they believe in dualism, giving rise to countless contradictions in their religious philosophy for example; they believe in existence of Satan (Devil) which directly contradicts the omnipresence of God because there must be no God at least in Satan; had there been God in Satan, there would not have been a Satan at all. Hindus believe that if everything is the manifestation of God then God must be present in everything. Therefore Hindus do not believe in Ghosts or Satan. One God is worshipped by the entire humanity in different names and forms. Therefore, all beings are the children of the same Heavenly Father irrespective of our nationality, caste, creed, race and religion.

A baby on birth has meagre requirements generally met by its parents, even for his basic biological needs it depends on others initially. Role of God may be to watch from a distance and let the parents meet baby’s requirements the way they best could; the baby himself is unmindful of the feelings and existential requirements, clamouring to have his wants supplied to him urgently. Could we, therefore, surmise that life was a torture for the newly born child? As there is no way to find it out, there is no way to foretell his future also, whatever may the horoscope indicates from the positioning of stars, the Providence should, at least, undertake responsibility to create the circumstances – suitable or unsuitable – and allow him shape his future destiny. How initially the parents, teachers and friends prove helpful to him, is also beyond his control, nevertheless, as he grows up, life will, to a larger extent, depend upon the type of response to these circumstances, and that is what will shape his future. The type of response will pave the way for a person’s success or failure, however, this awareness is a matter of experience, incremental in nature, and is not a mere happenstance.

The process of the evolution is incremental and inevitable, yet, determinism is a limiting factor, whereas the human mind is always wandering in past and future. We may not and should not predict future. We are yet to fathom how many forces interact and work on us, in unison, to keep the process of evolution going. There is one paramount requirement to at least unite in our religious thinking. The rules of life have been based on experience in unity, thereby, man could identify himself with the cosmic forces and transcendental Self. Could we have a new religion that can bind humanity? The central idea of the Upanishads being the reconciliation of fundamentally opposites and proceed from light to light. However, the ignorant modern mind may not accept this Upanishadic idea. What have we achieved by following different religions? There is only one human failing; our contrived mind that nurtures difficult gods who do not want us to be one. Let us remove difficult gods and worship the amiable ones. It should be possible by removing our identities and suffixes. If this happens, the world can achieve peace. And let us present this as ‘New World Religion’ (NWR), every one desires, but feels shy of taking the initiative to start the process. Let us not be scared of our gods, they were there to bless the human effort, not act as stumbling blocks.

Pritam Singh Aithmian


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