Pritam Singh Aithmian

Pritam Aithmian, the author of the book, ‘Loud Whispers’ had joined the Indian Army as a commissioned officer at the age of 22. During his long innings of army life, he gained varied experiences; however, the turbulent events that took place in India in the year 1984 changed his perceptions about God and the religions of the world. While going through the administrative turmoil in Punjab state during the turbulent times of Eighty’s, the authorities committed a terrible mistake of tempering with the religious sentiments of a section of our society by storming the place of immense religiouRead More...


Loud Whispers

Books by Pritam Singh Aithmian

Everyone’s past is a chaotic collection of the choices about their likes and dislikes. Memories they carry around as baggage for life, not to mention their fixed beliefs, family history and even life altering experiences since birth. It is ones response to these choices and beliefs that will shape the future, albeit the capability to edit reality will also be matured according to one’s growth in life. In this book you will find how chaos can be transformed

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