By Aditi Singh in Poetry | Reads: 1,262 | Likes: 0
ये आईना सच बोलता है  ये सब कबूलता है  ये तुझे उस शख्स से रूबरू कराता है जिसे तू रोज़ मिटाता खामियां जिसकी तू सबसे   Read More...
Published on Apr 10,2020 06:14 PM
O my dear krishna
By andal chitturi in Poetry | Reads: 305 | Likes: 0
O my dear Krishna O my dear Krishna,Are you gazing at the bleak and gloomy world?O my dear Krishna,Only the touch of your green feather,Can heal away the pain in people,O my dear Krishna,Only the music from your flute ,Can protect the world from invisible threat,O my dear Krishna,Only your divine to  Read More...
Published on Apr 10,2020 06:09 PM
The shadowed mountain
By Naveen in True Story | Reads: 819 | Likes: 5
It was around noon. My ears were filled with Rehamania songs as I drove my car on the foothills of Yelagiri. I was heading to the hills to join my friends on a hiking trip. As I set off on the slopes I lowered my window glass to allow the chill breeze to add more flavour to my songs. The green plush  Read More...
Published on Apr 10,2020 06:05 PM
The undenied
By Deepika Reddy in General Literary | Reads: 462 | Likes: 2
We live in a world where the time has already started its countdown when we were born.Some of us make the time to flourish and some of us make the time to fly.What do you choose? I am a typical engineering graduate just like any other who firstly defined life as a life cycle but it turned out as a r  Read More...
Published on Apr 10,2020 06:01 PM
To the person who’d love me
By aishwarya raman in General Literary | Reads: 1,175 | Likes: 0
To the person who’d love me(or will try to), I might not be the most romantic human alive,I might mess up things,maybe I might argue for things that are hypothetical.When you’ll talk to me you’ll come to know about how much of tendency I have to overthink and imagine things in my h  Read More...
Published on Apr 10,2020 05:54 PM
By Amitesh Kumar in Horror | Reads: 604 | Likes: 1
Celebrations was in view, everywhere.Lights,music, people,cars,food vendors etc. , flooded the roads.It was Dussehra festival time,the festival in name of'Mother Godess-Durga'.The night seemed,day! Pawan,a nineteen year old teenager,took his bicycle to enjoy the festive night.He was  college st  Read More...
Published on Apr 10,2020 05:53 PM
Mistakes of love making
By Amandeep in Romance | Reads: 629 | Likes: 0
MISTAKES OF LOVE MAKINGPoor guy in a wierd situation,Asks girl with hesitation.That he wants to show her his love,Finally expressed the desire which was all above.Girl passes a naughty smile and agrees,When guy listens this he totally freeze.Finally it happens and they both become man and woman,Thie  Read More...
Published on Apr 10,2020 05:46 PM
Lord Rama
By andal chitturi in Poetry | Reads: 301 | Likes: 0
Lord Rama The clashing of clouds illuminating the colourful lightening,And foretelling the emergence of Lord Rama from heaven,And a bejewelled form appeared with supreme power,And His eyes emitted peaceful patience,And His namam emitted ray of hope,And His lips emitted words of wisdom,And His bow a  Read More...
Published on Apr 10,2020 05:41 PM
A tribute
By chekitan pandya in General Literary | Reads: 676 | Likes: 0
Time and again as I glance out my window all that comes to my mind is gratitude. Overwhelming gratitude to all those workers, policemen, doctors and essential service workers who are tirelessly working to make ends meet and keep us safe and supplied. Words can't even begin to describe how much thank  Read More...
Published on Apr 10,2020 05:22 PM
Cute Mistake
By Gouri M Kartha in Romance | Reads: 304 | Likes: 0
It started all abrupt, as cute as their age.Embraced everything, not knowing what it was.Ignoring the veil of chaos that encircled them, forged ahead.Bit by bit, reality hit harder.Relishing the memories, they began afresh.Their faith to crawl past the demons went in vain.'Cause, one kept haunting r  Read More...
Published on Apr 10,2020 05:16 PM
A tribute
By chekitan pandya in General Literary | Reads: 568 | Likes: 0
An Open to the one who’s One No More It still feels like yesterday when we were all together sitting on the dining table or going on a trip or celebrating festivals together when the reality comes crashing down with startling clarity jerking us out of those fine memories and reminding us that   Read More...
Published on Apr 10,2020 05:16 PM
Tea with the Buddha
By Kiran Sandhu in Poetry | Reads: 955 | Likes: 1
It’s a beautiful starry night And the moon shines so bright As I gaze outside my bedside window Sleep descends gently as I hit the pillow Drifting into a magical world of dreams Who will I meet tonight, my soul excitedly thinks And lo behold, I see a magnificent vision a spark of his halo, hi  Read More...
Published on Apr 10,2020 05:05 PM
The unwanted crown
By anupama s in Poetry | Reads: 654 | Likes: 0
Silent streets, empty roads, not a soul in sight;    No handshakes, no hugs, no high-fives.                For fear of being crowned,it's a lockdown:            Me and my loneliness, claims some on social sites,  &n  Read More...
Published on Apr 10,2020 04:58 PM
Of Blossoms & Love...
By Sanjana Chawla in Romance | Reads: 500 | Likes: 0
Dear Zara,How have you been? Time erodes so fast, isn't it?It seems as if we were walking with your blue painted nails; seeking shelter in my hands just yesterday. But alas! That’s the false reality. All the times we've had together and your childish whimsical talks still haunt me day ‘n  Read More...
Published on Apr 10,2020 04:51 PM
By Varnika in Poetry | Reads: 255 | Likes: 0
When smokes choked up the sky, and rivers became dry, when creatures cried for life, and the ecosystem were to die, No wonder heavens took over and no sooner humans were confined. It's just for a tiny virus that we're all inside. And some say, 'I can even defy the tide!' sorry sir, you can't for Ja  Read More...
Published on Apr 10,2020 04:49 PM