COVID 19: You have got time to spend with your family.
By Suman Kumar in General Literary | Reads: 677 | Likes: 0
COVID 19 Pandemic: You got time to stay with family and leave all the worry on their own. Covid 19 has spread all around the world. And it’s affecting widely to humans. Daily we get big numbers that is being added the list of affected person.  Government is doing required work and taking   Read More...
Published on Apr 16,2020 07:20 PM
By sherin saji in Romance | Reads: 337 | Likes: 0
I didn't understand love,not at all..not even after 2 happy breakups..yes..I did cry..a month at that..maybe i hoped,once..or twice in this case,that i'd one day find love as exquisite as it is exhibited.. In my thirst to find it ,i asked every important person in my life,even to my pet dog and they  Read More...
Published on Apr 16,2020 07:23 PM
That’s how it began
By Akanksha Sharma in Romance | Reads: 989 | Likes: 0
Thunderstorms , powercut , silence on streets and everyone locked inside their homes except that little one on the road. Looking for place to hide and someone to protect.  His eyes were searching for a mate and soul for someone who can help. His eyes stopped at a young man who was walking towa  Read More...
Published on Apr 16,2020 07:24 PM
Resentful heart
By Deepanshi in Poetry | Reads: 730 | Likes: 0
I am drowning Near, but far from shore. All hands are dragging me down No one is pulling me up to the peak. Want to.. Run away from the city chaos. Where I can listen myself. But with all my passing nights Soul becomes shattered And tears turn into misty eyes. I am sitting in the dark, No one   Read More...
Published on Apr 16,2020 07:53 PM
By Phoenix Cries in Poetry | Reads: 387 | Likes: 0
When I look at you, I still feel a lot Exactly like before My heart pounds faster And my eyes start to water The more I wipe, The more my palms sweat My body trembles Because I am restless My mind drenches itself In your memory. .  When I look at you, My hands feel yours Soft as a feather My bo  Read More...
Published on Apr 16,2020 08:24 PM
By Phoenix Cries in Poetry | Reads: 250 | Likes: 0
I had decided to try New ways of art everyday.  Paints and water Charcoal and sketches I always leave a few drops On the floor And my coal hands Always mark my fingerprint on the wall Mom used to always ask me to clean But now its routine to see them When my thoughts were happier, I moved to a  Read More...
Published on Apr 16,2020 08:30 PM
By yashmin Pattnaik in Poetry | Reads: 364 | Likes: 0
She tried her best To put him to rest. She tried her best, To bend him down. She tried her best, To enjoy him frown. He tried his best, Not to look sad. But still she tried hard, To play the woman's card. Down the memory lane, Were some golden rays. C made him smile and laugh, In hot and rainy days.  Read More...
Published on Apr 16,2020 08:53 PM
कोरना शब्दयुद्ध
By DR. RAJESHWAR UNIYAL in Poetry | Reads: 1,207 | Likes: 0
कोरोना शब्दयुद्ध ...   - डा. राजेश्वर उनियाल          9869116784/8369463319    हे सूक्ष्  Read More...
Published on Apr 16,2020 09:13 PM
By Shweta Singh in General Literary | Reads: 1,320 | Likes: 0
चुभे जो बात दिल को वो दोहराया ना करो औरों की बात दिल से लगाया ना करो, जो रिश्ते समझ ना आएं खोल दो उन्हें बेवजह ऐसे रिश  Read More...
Published on Apr 16,2020 09:17 PM
I wish that day I would have hugged you a little tight.
By khushi kotak in Poetry | Reads: 330 | Likes: 0
We talked,we laughed,we cried Wasn’t knowing we being together was that last night! You left even though you promised you would fight And now I wish that day I would have hugged you a little tight. You promised me to come with me to our grave, But I guess you lost a bit early in the game of w  Read More...
Published on Apr 16,2020 10:01 PM
By yashmin Pattnaik in Poetry | Reads: 386 | Likes: 0
They came they sat,they roamed, they flapped.Playfully happily they ate,Tiny rice grains lying on the mat.One fine summer morning I heard,Amplified noises beyond that rustic wall.They fluttered and flapped,As if caught off guard.Petrified and surprised,Quickly closed the door back.My mind saying me,  Read More...
Published on Apr 16,2020 10:33 PM
Good Bye
By Payal Sharma in Thriller | Reads: 549 | Likes: 0
He woke up without the morning coffee on his bed side. It had never happened in 3 years. His coat wasn't ironed and was lying on top of the pool of his dirty laundry. His breakfast wasn't ready and the house was dead silent.  All there was, was the sound of a fluttering paper on the dining tabl  Read More...
Published on Apr 16,2020 11:51 PM
The Saviour
By Neha Dhar in True Story | Reads: 314 | Likes: 0
It began as a whispering in the air.The day had been beautiful.I looked out of the window.Upto now the sky had been postcard perfect but it was changing .The beautiful cocktail blue shade was beginning to darken into gravel-grey.Large pillows of clouds were forming, blotting out the old gold color o  Read More...
Published on Apr 17,2020 12:34 AM
Umbilical connect
By yashmin Pattnaik in Poetry | Reads: 427 | Likes: 0
UMBILICAL CONNECT She smiles with tears in eyes, She weeps with nectar in heart, She greets with unbound cheers, Piousness never falling apart; She is a mother. They say the first day with you is best. Eyes half shut body begging for rest. Next day eyes peeping through the crib; And that novel surre  Read More...
Published on Apr 17,2020 12:48 AM
Till we meet again
By simran dey in Poetry | Reads: 735 | Likes: 0
It drizzled today .. So with my pad and my pen  I scuttled to the balcony  To get my answers again ... I kept all my questions prepared  And all my complaints in line  Swiftly perched on the doorway chair  Hoping to get answered this time. .. Year back it came  When m  Read More...
Published on Apr 17,2020 01:35 AM