Sunken Space
By Akul Anandur in Supernatural | Reads: 395 | Likes: 0
No stones unturnedAll have sunken down,Like they wanted toPenetrate to the centerOf the Earth—No land for me to stand,Hands dancing wormsIndependently,Neck extended- for a slam dunk,Dunking my head out to breathe….Oh, how I wish buoyancyRevealed itself sometime now…Galloping, Run  Read More...
Published on May 3,2020 04:53 PM
இனியவைகள் ஏழு - சுவி.பாபு T தாமஸ்
By Evg.Babu.T Thomas in General Literary | Reads: 524 | Likes: 0
இனியவைகள் ஏழு - சுவி.பாபு T தாமஸ் நம் ஒவ்வொருவர் வாழ்க்கையும் மிகவும் விசேஷமானவைகள். நாம் அனைவரும் அதிசயமாக உரு  Read More...
Published on May 3,2020 04:54 PM
The colors
By Suraksha Satish in General Literary | Reads: 346 | Likes: 0
For us,  Pink signifies happiness,  Red signifies love,  Yellow signifies hope,  White signifies peace and  Black signifies evilness.  There come visually challenged people who,  Live in black,  Love in black,  Hope in black,  Find their happiness an  Read More...
Published on May 3,2020 04:58 PM
Valmiki's Revelation
By Akul Anandur in Mythology | Reads: 492 | Likes: 0
The duet of birds,those perching on a green spot of a forest,underwent a transpose withaddition of an instrument- an Arrow."O, what poacher bearing,Such desire, which,Collapsed the song..."The hungry hunter, a victim,having sought the freedomfrom fruitlessness, with his first huntin Weeks, sets to r  Read More...
Published on May 3,2020 05:00 PM
Should I Be Depressed Of My Road Traffic Accident
By shruti karkare in True Story | Reads: 464 | Likes: 0
Depression was a word, which was not there in my dictionary ever, as I am a Physiotherapist, I have treated and counselled and motivated so many patients with various injuries and fractures to resume their life all over again. But the question “Should I Be Depressed Of My Road Traffic Accident  Read More...
Published on May 3,2020 05:08 PM
The Mumbled Thoughts
By Amir Raza in Poetry | Reads: 248 | Likes: 0
Two thoughts mumbled in my mind  Created an ample silence for me behind, confused between two lines, as just as fair What to choose , what not to choose with some fear. I doubted myself with a heave Will it be the right one? Or will I loose myself? Between the thoughts I couldn't realized Get  Read More...
Published on May 3,2020 05:13 PM
The flow
By Suraksha Satish in General Literary | Reads: 555 | Likes: 0
There comes a time when you come across many people.  There comes a time when you will be ill treated by your close ones.  There comes a time when you will be blamed for the mistake you haven't done.  There comes a time when your emotions will be considered to be a drama.  There   Read More...
Published on May 3,2020 05:32 PM
By Vinita Ferwani in Poetry | Reads: 1,366 | Likes: 0
" जो  हैं पास  मेरे,  वो  हैं  पास   तेरे   भी,  जिस  में  पला  हूँ  मैं,  उसी   कोख  में  पला   Read More...
Published on May 3,2020 05:41 PM
The journey
By Aishwarya Nimbjiya in Poetry | Reads: 355 | Likes: 0
THE JOURNEY  The myth of birth yet continues to fool us,  And the fear of death yet creates such a fuss!  For birth from womb isn't the only beginning of life,  As if the concept of afterbirth we just couldn't derive.    From cradle to tomb the ride is surrealistic,&nbs  Read More...
Published on May 3,2020 06:37 PM
Social distancing
By Shilpa saha in General Literary | Reads: 355 | Likes: 0
These days are been feel like the same.I am even forgetting the count on weeks,what day it is and for time i dnt hv to keep eye on as i don't have  anywhere to go.For the first time I get to know exactly how being isolated feels.And I must admit that this social distancing is damn tough.Walking  Read More...
Published on May 3,2020 07:00 PM
Hold On
By Riya Khoja in Poetry | Reads: 271 | Likes: 0
I never know how to hold on to someone. You came, became a part of my life and just slipped as sand does through the fist.  It is said that the more you hold, the more it hurts. So I gave you your own space. But you just created your universe from the space provided by me, where I don't even ex  Read More...
Published on May 3,2020 07:29 PM
A stranger
By Manasa in True Story | Reads: 357 | Likes: 0
At a corner of hall,sat on chair,bored of everything,sakshi took her phone to see something interesting than the function she visited by her mother coercion..after few minutes she looked her surroundings for her mother who was busy in chitchatting with relatives,sakshi eyes suddenly fell on a guy wh  Read More...
Published on May 3,2020 07:34 PM
A miserable part of my Life
By Huidrom Bikash in Crime | Reads: 306 | Likes: 0
We know, everyone living in this mockery world have their own weak points.Among all those,      the insultants that are being given to the tran-    gender.But that is not their wish.Unfortunately I was born as a trangender in this mockery world as a third child of my parents  Read More...
Published on May 3,2020 08:19 PM
A miserable part of my Life
By Huidrom Bikash in Crime | Reads: 321 | Likes: 0
We know, everyone living in this mockery world have their own weak points.Among all those,      the insultants that are being given to the tran-    gender.But that is not their wish.Unfortunately I was born as a trangender in this mockery world as a third child of my parents  Read More...
Published on May 3,2020 08:33 PM
The cost of mistakes
By Barnali Basu in Thriller | Reads: 1,109 | Likes: 0
She stared at the email message on her computer. Just three lines, but enough to make her life--the life she’d worked so hard and sacrificed so much to build--begin to crumble around her. Rangoli Mitra Roll No.12114, Obstetrics and Gynecology Theory 198/400, Practical 215/400 Fails   The   Read More...
Published on May 13,2020 09:22 PM