
More than ever before
By Fiona in Poetry | Reads: 243 | Likes: 0
While we are turning the pages and  discovering a new chapter each day,More than ever before negative energies and thoughts we need to keep at bay.While the world around us is innundated by round the clock hard-hitting views,More than ever before we need to refrain from spreading   Read More...
Published on Apr 13,2020 11:01 PM
The Dreams
By Vivek Sehgal in Poetry | Reads: 491 | Likes: 2
When dreams seem far, The track is lost, the feet retreat And the eyes relinquish the fire they have held Since the day it was concieved Against all, for a singular belief The belief is there, but conviction not The will and heart in despair, thus rot I drown in retrospect to seek flaws I did But th  Read More...
Published on Apr 13,2020 11:02 PM
Un-Happy seven
By dipika maheshwari in Poetry | Reads: 367 | Likes: 0
As a kid, I believed! Home is heaven, Untill the day, I turned seven ! Moving to happy ages  It was my birthday eight I was locked up in cages Beneath burdens of Weight I've been misused, Beyond you can bear Take it all stranger Coz I no more fear Since my dear ones Didn't bother to care   Read More...
Published on Apr 13,2020 11:29 PM
The Surreal Quarantine Life
By Kargila Ranganathan in Poetry | Reads: 786 | Likes: 7
Waking up tired Relishing the lazy sound sleep. Yet, the urge to check notifications Remain unchanged, anyday. Sitting back, then taking pleasure In  having  a homespun  meal. Kicking back with chaos – While the brain switches between The television remote, WhatsApp, Instagr  Read More...
Published on Apr 14,2020 12:39 AM
By anu in Poetry | Reads: 311 | Likes: 0
I am sorry for all that pain. I am sorry  for the love, you couldn't gain. I am sorry,  you went through all this alone. Sorry, I couldn't be by your side  And all you got,  was vain. I am sorry, the trouble has been a lot  for you to bear. If it was small,  you would   Read More...
Published on Apr 14,2020 12:28 AM
ख़ामोशी अच्छी लगती हैं
By dolly in Poetry | Reads: 393 | Likes: 0
दिल भर आता है जब किसी की याद में तो खामोशी अच्छी लगती है। टूट जाते है पुराने रिश्ते किसी नई आड में तो खामोशी अच्छी लग  Read More...
Published on Apr 14,2020 12:41 AM
Not An April Fool
By Selena in Poetry | Reads: 255 | Likes: 1
Waiting in a vestibule With that fine trickling drool, Winding a spool That showed you in a swimming pool With your partner who is supercool Whilst your child is off to school. At evening you celebrate Yule Using energy in joules And with every mistake of your servant you blow your cool. Oh wow! Ev  Read More...
Published on Apr 14,2020 01:14 AM
U & I
By shweta in Poetry | Reads: 217 | Likes: 1
It's just like a fairy taleCoz together we never fail I'm confusion ,You're  the solution I'm bunch of madness ,You're gems of wisdom I've power in voice ,You've magic of inking choice I talks too much ,Your  maturity keeps me in cluch I'm emotional fool ,You're gorgeous drool I'm control   Read More...
Published on Apr 14,2020 01:30 AM
Peculiar she's called
By Jyotsna in Poetry | Reads: 712 | Likes: 1
|PECULIAR SHE'S CALLED| An unsolved mystery, An unanswered question she is, Not the one the world wants but the one the oceans crave . She's not the type of girl you'll find on Social networking sites, Or In between poetry of several lines, She's one you'll find in the skies, Between the cloud  Read More...
Published on Apr 14,2020 05:03 AM
This Love
By Sai Tharun in Poetry | Reads: 274 | Likes: 0
This love - It's high-flying and free-falling. It's fulfilling and deep-frying. It's red hot and lukewarm. It's stone-cold and steamrolled. It's real and dreamy. It's cool and steamy. It's still and breezy, But hardly ever easy. It's smooth and bumpy. It's happy and grumpy. It's fire and ice. A  Read More...
Published on Apr 14,2020 06:21 AM
ज़रूरी है!
By Gaurav Khandelwal in Poetry | Reads: 821 | Likes: 0
कर्कश शोर से भरी इस दुनिया में, एक सुकून की आवाज़ ज़रूरी है। मन लगाने भर के लिए आने वाले लोगों में, जो मन में लग जाए, व  Read More...
Published on Apr 14,2020 07:00 AM
Hope amidst hard times
By Thamar in Poetry | Reads: 475 | Likes: 0
Hope amidst hard times Gabriel Delvis Roy               I published my first venture in literature, a collection of poems, “When Two Worlds Collide: Reality and Myth” in 2018 by Notion Press. Some of my readers suggested that I   Read More...
Published on Apr 14,2020 07:59 AM
By Divya Rai in Poetry | Reads: 359 | Likes: 0
“No more regrets,  no more complaints, no expectations, no aspirations”, said to myself, when I entered into my room; Lights were off silence prevailed, the shrieking loneliness sung a mournful tale... I kept them off... In the moments of decision, self-realization, I saw a vision w  Read More...
Published on Apr 14,2020 08:43 AM
By in Poetry | Reads: 783 | Likes: 0
                Memories            -By Arvind K Pandey  Mind has become the storehouse of memories,Sweet memories which are mine,Which are, of course, my prized possession,When loneliness has gripped me,They surround me slo  Read More...
Published on Apr 14,2020 09:04 AM
Writing Back to Camus.
By Abhijeet Singh in Poetry | Reads: 311 | Likes: 0
it has trampled flight of floating sun steps are as soft and vulnerable as the leaves of the Fall. plague, has been lurking behind the veil of contagion, already infused, in our discipline, culture and soul. contagion of our ethics. contagion of self. fear is the elated neurosis. hooded, smoking,   Read More...
Published on Apr 14,2020 09:12 AM