
I Wish To Be A Painter
By Kshitij in Poetry | Reads: 313 | Likes: 1
I would paint onthe canvas of your facesome elegant kisses, one day. Dipped in your charmmy lips would, on your cheeks,spread innumerable pecks and blushes. And on your forehead, there,it would be drizzling kisses beforeyour eyes would smile into mine, while I shall paint a new you and we shall  Read More...
Published on May 6,2020 04:35 PM
फ़र्ज़ करो...
By Kshitij in Poetry | Reads: 348 | Likes: 1
फ़र्ज़ करो कि हमारी यादों की क़ब्र हो एक,फूल खिले हों उस पर और अजनबी लोगअक्सर वहां से गुजरते हुए फ़ातिहा पढ़ते जाएं.  Read More...
Published on May 6,2020 04:46 PM
सपनों का टूटना बाक़ी है
By Kshitij in Poetry | Reads: 1,070 | Likes: 1
दरिया का इक कतरा मैं, इक मुद्दत से पर प्यासा हूँसपने तो हैं लाख मगर मैं जाने क्यूँ अलसाता हूँ! छूना है इक रोज़ क्षिति  Read More...
Published on May 6,2020 04:55 PM
ये ज़मीं और चाँद
By Kshitij in Poetry | Reads: 655 | Likes: 1
हो न सकता हो चाँद कभी ज़मीं का पर ज़मीन से देखना कभी आसमाँ इक ओस की बूंद सा चाँद, इक घास की दूब सी ज़मीं  Read More...
Published on May 6,2020 04:59 PM
दिन-ब-दिन, रात-दर-रात...
By Kshitij in Poetry | Reads: 650 | Likes: 1
दिन-ब-दिनरात-दर-रातयूँ ही जब घूमते फिरेंगे हम दोनों शहर-दर-शहरदीवारें पूछेंगी तुमसेपता तुम्हारा और तुम मेरी तरफदे  Read More...
Published on May 6,2020 05:10 PM
Mind Vs heart
By Dakshi in Poetry | Reads: 585 | Likes: 1
                        MIND VERSUS HEART Sometimes I wonder that why our heart is so against our mind!!! Did you feel  that little warning whispering in your head when you meet someone you should be wary of?? It's like that voice try   Read More...
Published on May 6,2020 05:59 PM
When we were small
By Srishty Gupta in Poetry | Reads: 214 | Likes: 0
When we were small It never mattered how we smell We were more than skin deep when we heard someone weep We had nothing in ours minds Rather than just being kind Complexion meant colours Our figures meant shapes We shared chapaties we shared our grapes We didn't knew ego, all we said was sorry We be  Read More...
Published on May 6,2020 06:01 PM
By Srishty Gupta in Poetry | Reads: 242 | Likes: 0
From the moody fights and the teary rains You never left me on the window pane Though rudely and badly took me to the doorway Showed me the world that would surely change someday It was difficult to believe you felt very harsh But yes I tried to understand that you had a different past I've tried my  Read More...
Published on May 6,2020 06:11 PM
She will still try
By Aarushi Shubham in Poetry | Reads: 271 | Likes: 0
A shattered heart, crushed in a million piecesThe walls built around to protect her,Collapsed on her, crashing her mind, body and soul,And for good, the ideal world she longed for, ceased.A nightingale sings, a lazy cloud wanders,A jackal cries, a mischievous brook makes its way,How oblivious, how i  Read More...
Published on May 6,2020 06:33 PM
A Soldier's voice
By Samridhi Talwar in Poetry | Reads: 621 | Likes: 3
 The letters you'll write                                             shall never be received.                        &n  Read More...
Published on May 6,2020 06:41 PM
Shades of love
By kanika in Poetry | Reads: 614 | Likes: 0
They keep on saying Go with the flow,  Let it go,  Life always have something more,  Put all in vain, all in pain I fail to understand,  How not to let it grow You healed and put things back together,  Thought this could go forever,  So I held on to you,  You were  Read More...
Published on May 6,2020 07:07 PM
A letter to god
By kanika in Poetry | Reads: 714 | Likes: 0
Some times ,to god i want to send , a wish ,a prayer  or a message so silent... Each day,each moment, each passing hour of the day that went , it seems to me god, it's all,it's the end ... end of the journey, end of the life , end of the world, that is more of yours ,than of mine .. words are  Read More...
Published on May 6,2020 07:24 PM
चलो थोड़ा और जीते हैं
By Aman Kumar Singh in Poetry | Reads: 412 | Likes: 0
अपनी खूबियों पर थोड़ा इतरा कर, और अपनी खामियों को जरा सुधार कर, नफरत को अपने मन से हटा कर, और उसी मन में सबके लिए प्यार   Read More...
Published on May 6,2020 08:24 PM
हम बेकार हमारी ज़िंदगी बेकार - आशु चौधरी ''आशुतोष
By Ashu Choudhary ''Ashutosh in Poetry | Reads: 553 | Likes: 1
हम बेकार हमारी ज़िंदगी बेकार मतलबी लोगों से दोस्ती बेकार हम बेकार हमारी दिवानगी बेकार बद्दुआ देने वालों की तिश्न  Read More...
Published on May 6,2020 09:34 PM
I am strong
By priyadarshini vishwakarma in Poetry | Reads: 241 | Likes: 0
Alone in the night , mid of streets ; Crying , depressed but still quiet  Suddenly a hand on my back , Inappropriate, was the touch ; I felt . BUT LET IT GO, CAUZ "I AM STRONG" .     Entered in the class ; laughing and gigling was all I heard . Neither i was  "Madonna" nor "Tom c  Read More...
Published on May 6,2020 09:51 PM