
3am Call
By N.Sowbarnika in Horror | Reads: 716 | Likes: 5
                                3am Call "screech..." the  unlubricated brakes of the taxi wailed as it came to halt. A pair of pointed heeled boots alighted from it. The eyes rolled up from within the aquamarine ho  Read More...
Published on Apr 13,2020 09:50 PM
By WILLIAMSJI MAVELI in Horror | Reads: 440 | Likes: 0
SYNOPSIS          Horror is psychological or mystical. It is a psychological fear due to reading, listening or watching ghost movies, something imaginary. Terror is to create a fear by means of threats.          A Psyc  Read More...
Published on Apr 14,2020 12:40 PM
Corona :Fear from ---
By Arvind Kumar in Horror | Reads: 747 | Likes: 2
     Fear!In the world all human beings fill fear in his life. But fear is not same in all the person. It changes man to man. It vary from time  to time. All human beings have no same meanings, regarding fear. Some are coward but some are very courageous. But a courageous person   Read More...
Published on Apr 20,2020 07:55 PM
Over my dead body
By i.chaki in Horror | Reads: 365 | Likes: 0
I cruised along the road, music blasting and headlights tearing through the darkness. Silhouettes of trees on either side bent over like an arch – completing my solitude. I let out a puff of smoke and scattered the ashes out through the window. Let the night eat it up. I could light this worth  Read More...
Published on Apr 26,2020 08:54 PM
A Fairy Tale
By Abhishek Shashank in Horror | Reads: 356 | Likes: 0
  It was 2 AM at night and Abhay and Nisha were back to their stay after a friends engagement party.The stay was a room arranged by the hosts in Part street,Kolkata. “ I will go change” Nisha said. Abhay figured that all other girls also must be changing inside so he went up to the   Read More...
Published on Apr 28,2020 03:38 PM
നിശാഗന്ധി പൂത്ത രാത്രി
By Harsha v k in Horror | Reads: 2,362 | Likes: 1
നേരം സന്ധ്യ മയങ്ങി തുടങ്ങി.തുടർച്ചയായി കാറോടിച്ച്  അനാർക്കലിയുടെ  കണ്ണുകളിലേയ്ക്ക് ഭയപ്പെടുത്തുന്ന പ്രകാ  Read More...
Published on May 3,2020 10:48 PM
The Photograph
By Apoorva Vishnuvajhala in Horror | Reads: 840 | Likes: 14
It was a magical camera.  I knew it as soon as I saw it on the display at the pawnshop. It was love at first sight. Though I had cameras at home, this one called out to me. I wanted it so bad. I went inside and asked the owner about it. He told me it was a decade camera. Everytime I would c  Read More...
Published on May 2,2020 04:52 PM
By Aditya Satuluri in Horror | Reads: 652 | Likes: 1
When Edward was 16 or 17, he had just moved into a new house with his mother and sister. He had the bedroom in the basement. About a month after moving in, he started noticing bizarre things. Hangers would sway as though there was a wind, and he often heard light, unexplainable knocks in the middle   Read More...
Published on May 2,2020 07:01 PM
The Frail Girl
By deepali in Horror | Reads: 395 | Likes: 1
Just as we were about to reach our destination, suddenly the bus came to a grinding halt with a screech of the brakes. As the driver got down shouting, I noticed a frail girl hurriedly running down the hill, her face covered with her scarf. After few minutes, we deboarded the bus and walked to our g  Read More...
Published on May 2,2020 10:17 PM
By Priya Israni in Horror | Reads: 411 | Likes: 2
So, this is the time when I was lost into a deep memory lane and came across many memories out of which one still haunts me deep. Lily was my best friend since childhood; we used to play all day long in the large fields of sugarcane. Yeah, hide-n-seek was the most lovable game to us and these long c  Read More...
Published on May 7,2020 07:51 PM
By Yogi Nayak in Horror | Reads: 1,021 | Likes: 0
The three of them stood at the spot staring at each other. “Are you sure it’s the correct place?” Saahil asked to Vaishali. She nodded in return making it sure that was the correct place. “How much deep did you dig to bury her?” “Might be 3 feet.” “Wha  Read More...
Published on May 8,2020 07:13 AM
The Riverside Cottage
By Aditya Raj Gupta in Horror | Reads: 1,092 | Likes: 0
Five friends gathered at the river bank. The place was new to them – they were there for a picnic; and after lunch, they had planned to explore the place a little bit. All of them were enjoying the breeze by the river, while their guardians were enjoying the air-conditioned rooms of the resort  Read More...
Published on May 9,2020 05:40 PM
By Abhishek Gaukhede in Horror | Reads: 1,490 | Likes: 0
एक  लड़का हॉरर बूक पढ़ रहा होता है , अचानक उसे महसूस होता है की गॅलेरी से उसे कोई देख रहा है ,बूक साइड करता है और गॅले  Read More...
Published on May 13,2020 11:31 AM
पुतलो की आवाज
By Arnab Sarkar in Horror | Reads: 2,236 | Likes: 0
यह कहानी शुरु ‌‌‌होती है एक घटना से, तब मैं बहुत छोटा था। शायद मैं चतुर्थ या पंचम कक्षा में पढ़ता था। मैं और मेरा   Read More...
Published on May 16,2020 10:38 AM
A Room
By Arvind Sharma in Horror | Reads: 336 | Likes: 0
A Room   He walked into the room. The light was dim and his eyes took some time to adjust. As his eyes adjusted to dim lighting of the room, he noticed that it was a large room with the huge bed against the wall. On the bed there were many beautiful young women lying in various stages of undre  Read More...
Published on May 16,2020 07:14 PM
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