Past- Vanished yet Eternal
By Ananya Sharma in Poetry | Reads: 285 | Likes: 0
I ran, ran fast, fast enough from the past, to not hurt.  But there comes a point when a person has to slow down,  Slow down, to breathe, to think, and that's when it grabbed me,  That little piece of dirt, pervert.  It grabbed me with it's knife like fingers, scratched through m  Read More...
Published on Apr 9,2020 12:40 PM
A mother is writing a letter to her son from heaven
By Nikita Mitra in Supernatural | Reads: 285 | Likes: 0
Perhaps,writing a letter from heaven is mere strange but mother can make everything possible with her love.      So here's a small story about a mother who is writing a letter with her love and pain from heaven with emotions instead of ink. Once a lady named "JIMS" was pregnant and ab  Read More...
Published on May 12,2020 10:11 AM
My beloved.
By Darpan Sain in Romance | Reads: 285 | Likes: 0
                                My beloved.                      Spirituality has taught me  to love myself first. Then in which Statue or Spirit should I bel  Read More...
Published on May 31,2020 05:22 PM
In the sound of silence
By fareha siddiqui in Poetry | Reads: 284 | Likes: 0
In the sound of silence, Like a hurricane I spoke, Not sure if I was alive, Or just smothered in smoke, The words were powerful, And the wind was wild and loud, With the moon I was buried, Like a mountain shrouded by clouds.  Read More...
Published on May 7,2020 06:24 PM
Final Adieu
By Namrata Dev in Poetry | Reads: 284 | Likes: 0
And long after I'm gone when you clean out the closet to rid my memories like you rid my ashes  in the bluest of the oceans, to begin falling in love with a new memory, a nice woman, you will find these pages of handwritten poetry each word screaming your name, each verse reminding you of every  Read More...
Published on May 29,2020 11:14 AM
By Meryl Rock in General Literary | Reads: 284 | Likes: 0
She, her, a woman, a mortal who bore the blame of betrayal from the very beginning, wherein, the man had equally participated in eating the apple. They say a woman came from a man, yet a man failed to respect a part of his own self. She was created from a man’s rib, yet she stood not beside bu  Read More...
Published on Jun 11,2020 04:16 PM
Happy Place
By Sowmya Ramesh in Poetry | Reads: 283 | Likes: 0
Being there at the right place at the right time The mantra I’d have sworn by But time changes and so do the places The grass once green, not so green any more In a parallel universe I see my happy place  And it doesn’t look the way I saw it Merely a few months ago A smiling refle  Read More...
Published on Apr 6,2020 12:04 AM
Go Blue
By Arvind Prashar in General Literary | Reads: 283 | Likes: 0
At least 70% of our earth's surface is covered with water. You can find water in various forms such as oceans,seas,rivers,lakes,streams, water vapours,glaciers,rain and snow. It is also present in the food you eat and even in your body! Water is present in almost all living things. No wonder planet   Read More...
Published on Apr 8,2020 11:06 AM
An Open Letter to the Universe.
By Chris Mathew in Poetry | Reads: 283 | Likes: 0
An Open Letter to the Universe To the begining, and end of everything. To the eternal being, always there. You loaned me a feeling of having someone. Never alone, but my own clone. You made me believe in myself. And gave me the power to manifest. You told me there's nothing wrong in wanting alot.   Read More...
Published on Apr 25,2020 12:20 PM
Domestic Violence: A Slap
By Fibin Francis in Poetry | Reads: 282 | Likes: 0
I committed to you forever with all my concern and care were laid on you like a thick sweater Made sure you got everything you need as I sacrificed my dream to stay home for you and breed.   A slap for correction that's what you only saw But for me it was the smack  that brought me my sani  Read More...
Published on Apr 1,2020 11:16 AM
The Anatomy of the Lockdown - 1.0
By Kiran Sandhu in Poetry | Reads: 282 | Likes: 0
Everything felt normal as I went about with lifeThe invisible invader had come but it seemed a distant sightTill that night, a declarationfrom that one at helm of the nationBrought the skies crashing downCrushing the normalcy, put a lock around the town. Lockdown they call it, what the hell is tha  Read More...
Published on May 5,2020 03:41 PM
By SATADAL LAHIRI in General Literary | Reads: 282 | Likes: 0
Imagine a world without people. In this world, concrete buildings stand tall against pale blue skies, their interiors left completely vacant. Streetlights flicker when dusk emerges, but the illuminated streets remain silent. Living rooms, kitchens and bedrooms become time capsules, preserving the re  Read More...
Published on May 14,2020 06:23 PM
Impure Man
By Darpan Sain in Romance | Reads: 282 | Likes: 0
I'm the impure man. But, whenever she holds me. The man of impurity, becomes Pure. Because the power she have, is called Love. © Darpan Sain.   Read More...
Published on May 31,2020 05:24 PM
My pride
By Monika Shanmugam in Poetry | Reads: 282 | Likes: 0
The vibrant sunshine born in the east will set after a while Even the scary storms loses its prowess passing a mile Fragrant flowers withers and dies to end its jubilant span The snow-white moon slackens its aesthetic size and turns wan Is this a protene world of cockaigne, my Self wonders ! Fors  Read More...
Published on Jun 12,2020 04:26 PM
YOU never go out of style!
By prajwal in General Literary | Reads: 281 | Likes: 0
Dear YOU, Do you remember the last time you were you? No, because you were so busy being  A good daughter A hard working lady A perfect wife A loving mother A responsible person, Where is the real YOU? The childish girl who lived on Park Street avenue, Rode Harley Davidson, Came late at night d  Read More...
Published on Apr 1,2020 09:27 PM