Satadal Lahiri, a 46-year-old engineer by profession. He has worked with renowned corporate houses at various levels of management. He had a passion for creative writing since school days and had written a lot of articles for newspapers and magazines. He has also written promotional campaigns for corporate houses. His debut novel was published by Partridge India (Kirdaars…A Tale of Character). He followed it up with (Kirdaars 2… Another Incomplete Story). He dedicates a lot of time in reading and research work before getting down writing. He has also completed the A-Level of TOC (Theory ofRead More...


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Bails' Tales

Books by Sthitaprajna Debadutta Kar

Tales of cricket in the lives of everyone. Lets laugh and cry with a game that has become part of our lives.

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Books by Satadal Lahiri

“Our uniqueness makes us special, makes perception valuable - but it can also make us lonely. This loneliness is different from being 'alone': You can be lonely even surrounded by people. The feeling I'm talking about stems from the sense that we can never fully share the truth of who we are. I experienced this acutely at an early age.”

 - Amy Tan

Perceptions are paramount. These are small stories that describe human percep

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Books by Satadal Lahiri

In this world, every character plays a specific role. Humans, as such, are never good or bad. They are governed by the situations that they endure in their lifetime. It is indeed a matter of the designs of the universe that people from diverse backgrounds and interests come across each other, to learn, grow and prosper.
Biographies and autobiographies are written about famous humans who have attained substantial success in life. However, no one congratulat

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VADH (Again)

Books by Satadal Lahiri

Are you a KILLER?

I do not intend to ask whether you have shot or gored someone to death.

“VADH” (killing) is not only limited to physical annihilation. It can happen with beliefs, dreams, aspirations, trust, faith, credibility, commitments, relationships, promises and many other attributes; knowingly or unknowingly.


Have you been a victim of viciousness, deceit, treason or senseless animosity?

Take some t

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Vadh .....Death Of A Character

Books by Satadal Lahiri

The palpable stories of unheralded heroes are depicted with real time situations to bear allegory to the historical matrydom of Abhimanyu . These are stories of common people whom we come across every day but do not stop to understand their plight. 

The world is full of such people whom the times and situational crises have banished to the forgotten history of mankind.

Let us relive some of them.

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Books by Satadal Lahiri

Negative actions and mindsets should come to an end.  There have been endless stories of torment that history holds evidence of. If the right forces collaborate they can terminate any evil that may exist in the world. It is a story of a group of people who come together to snatch back their rightful place which had been usurped by people of evil intents through unscrupulous means. This is an age when the power of collaboration has reached the pinnacle. Ti

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At a time with the world reeling under the malaise of a pandemic, there is more sorrow to share than joy. However, amidst this gloom lies the opportunity to make resurgence through the unlocked, unknown, undiscovered potential within oneself. 

The Resurgent Resolute is about wading through the troughs and crests of life and bouncing back each time when life hands you with a setback, be it a failure, heartbreak, ostracism, repulsion, rejection, protest,

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Books by Satadal Lahiri

The Human species had become complacent about their capabilities and might. Armed with the supreme knowledge of science and technology , they had been counting upon themselves as the Masters of The Universe . Sometimes , they even audaciously equated them to God.  This belief had received further fillip after the victories they had achieved against life threatening diseases , calamities and pandemics like the recent COVID-19 virus . However , to their gra

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By SATADAL LAHIRI in General Literary | Reads: 317 | Likes: 1

Not everyone graduating from IIT go on to become high earning executives in multinationals . A few like me get into other domains like writing and a few like Deepak or Phunty get into queer experimentations. Phunty had the uncanny knack of developing queer machines and systems no one had thought of   Read More...

Published on May 15,2020 04:19 PM


By SATADAL LAHIRI in General Literary | Reads: 278 | Likes: 0

Imagine a world without people. In this world, concrete buildings stand tall against pale blue skies, their interiors left completely vacant. Streetlights flicker when dusk emerges, but the illuminated streets remain silent. Living rooms, kitchens and bedrooms become time capsules, preserving the re  Read More...

Published on May 14,2020 06:23 PM


By SATADAL LAHIRI in Romance | Reads: 492 | Likes: 0

Namita rushed down the staircase of her single bedroom rented house to meet the other nursing staff downstairs. The small nursing home that she and the other girls in her colony had been attached to, had suddenly been receiving a deluge of patients. The pandemic had been slowly tightening its viciou  Read More...

Published on Apr 13,2020 10:38 AM

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