
By Deepshika in Poetry | Reads: 593 | Likes: 0
I open my eyes I look aroundAt everyone whom I surroundWhat I want to see is nowhere to be foundSomeone who can keep an other safe and soundAll I see is people who are meanI want to see someone who has their heart cleanThese are loveless people who are always cold Grudges are the only things they ca  Read More...
Published on Apr 12,2020 12:18 AM
The core
By Deepshika in Poetry | Reads: 486 | Likes: 0
There's something good in every person who seems badThere's something bad in every person who seems goodThere's so much more in a person that we cannot seeThere's something special underneath the mask we all putWe feel pity for ourselves because we see us without any maskYet, we fail to lift up some  Read More...
Published on Apr 12,2020 12:19 AM
Once the storm is over
By Purnendu Ghosh in Poetry | Reads: 260 | Likes: 0
Once the storm is over Purnendu Ghosh   Once the storm is over  there will be  fallen trees among the dense leaves. There will be silence. There will be struggle. There will be urgency. Once the storm is over struggle, urgency, silence all will become one. Storm is not for one. Stru  Read More...
Published on Apr 12,2020 12:24 AM
God is a long poem
By Purnendu Ghosh in General Literary | Reads: 363 | Likes: 0
We often see a thing and feign to have not seen it. This is common phenomenon. We often pretend to have seen a thing even when we have not seen it. This is also a common phenomenon. God, no one has seen, some pretend to have seen, while some assume to have seen. For some god is equal to zero and fo  Read More...
Published on Apr 12,2020 12:35 AM
The Lockdown Story
By Priyanka Godse in General Literary | Reads: 1,010 | Likes: 3
        "Grandma, it's storytime now. Tell us a new story today. We are bored of the same tiger monkey story every weekend." Riya told her Grandma as she lay down on her lap. Reyaansh also hurried to sit besides Riya and Grandma to listen to the story. Just then Grandpa entered a  Read More...
Published on Apr 12,2020 12:35 AM
Cliche love
By Sonia Rodrigues in True Story | Reads: 504 | Likes: 0
“Good morning, beautiful!” Every night, the 10-year-old self would dream to wake up to these words. Little did the young one know that being born with a vagina and growing with a pair of breasts had its own penned down fate. She grew up with a family’s protective shield, naive abou  Read More...
Published on Apr 12,2020 12:36 AM
Life isn't laid on silver platters
By Kamil Kour in Poetry | Reads: 528 | Likes: 1
Life isn't laid on silver platters, But how you perceive is all that matters. The times that make you fall apart Are those that make you fight any war & dart. It's ok to feel broken torn or even defeated, But remember, they never got far who retreated. Pressure, tantrums, scarcam surrounds you!   Read More...
Published on Apr 12,2020 01:10 AM
By kanthi sree chitturi in General Literary | Reads: 500 | Likes: 5
                  *A WOMAN*  Kindness in her sunset eyes!!  Silence on her cherry lips!!  Spiritual soul wrapped  by tradition!!  Elegance attracted by lavender flower!!  Sungod resting on her  turmeric forehead!!    Read More...
Published on Apr 12,2020 01:15 AM
By kanthi sree chitturi in General Literary | Reads: 1,049 | Likes: 2
                      *Girl-beauty* Does her eyes twinkle like stars Are her lips juicy like strawberry Does her face shine like a moon Is her beauty endless like sky                     *No No   Read More...
Published on Apr 12,2020 01:33 AM
By kanthi sree chitturi in General Literary | Reads: 537 | Likes: 1
*Hero Lord  Rama* Virtuous hero - Fights the evils Picture of purity - Protect the world   That hero is none other  than *Lord Rama*   May his blessings shower on all of us!!    Divine day - hero's outline     Read More...
Published on Apr 12,2020 01:50 AM
By kanthi sree chitturi in General Literary | Reads: 280 | Likes: 1
                       *brown bridge* Pink flowers fluttering in the wind!    Red petals enticing the viewers sight!    Yellow, green leaves tumble down to lay a carpet!    Blue streams reflects silently scenic  Read More...
Published on Apr 12,2020 02:04 AM
By kanthi sree chitturi in General Literary | Reads: 295 | Likes: 1
Published on Apr 12,2020 02:11 AM
By kanthi sree chitturi in General Literary | Reads: 381 | Likes: 0
Published on Apr 12,2020 02:16 AM
By kanthi sree chitturi in General Literary | Reads: 244 | Likes: 1
Reflection.... Reflection....  Silent waters,  lovely sky,  Green bed,  Chirpy birds,  Innocent company,  Omg can't stop myself!!  Yes!  can't wait for chance!! But, where??? It is?? Yes!!!  In girl's little hands!!  Yes, good nature, hardwork,   Read More...
Published on Apr 12,2020 02:25 AM
My take on the pandemic
By sapna mahadevan in Poetry | Reads: 1,005 | Likes: 0
We are a part of history, I feel With a lot of anxiety and fear, we need to deal. The virus, the lockdown and the isolation, Has become the norm of our conversation. I am positive, there is a hopeful ray, This too shall pass, as they say. Everything happens for a reason The good,the bad,day,night an  Read More...
Published on Apr 12,2020 03:04 AM