
By Meenakshi Chidambaram in General Literary | Reads: 1,045 | Likes: 0
Renu was tensed about the result of her scans, her husband Arvind too was worried.  She was called in by the doctor.  Doctor looked at them with assurance and told them to relax. Renu was asked to wait outside. This made Arvind more worried. Doctor Anjali confirmed that Renu was suffering   Read More...
Published on Mar 22,2020 06:55 PM
Present world…
By Sudhir Sid in General Literary | Reads: 380 | Likes: 0
People forget about their caste, religion, country borders. In the end, we are just humans. We fight for the human race to survive from deadly viruses.   People realize that money cannot live, Love and care are what we need when we are sick.   People start to take care of fellow humans, as  Read More...
Published on Mar 22,2020 06:55 PM
By Vikalp Joshi in General Literary | Reads: 881 | Likes: 0
Dear person who finds this letter, 8000 metres above sea level and 28 degree celsius below zero, my smart watch says. I say, it’s been 17 days 8 hours and 16 minutes since I left home because it haunted me after she left that morning. I know she loved mountains and so I am here, hoping to meet  Read More...
Published on Mar 22,2020 06:57 PM
Democracy is a slow poison.
By M Arul Satish Pandian in General Literary | Reads: 484 | Likes: 0
Democracy simply means punish the minority. Minority is not just religious but could be caste or race or linguistic minority. It also means the area where a natural resource or a potential business lies. The elected government says for the betterment of rest of the people (majority) who live elsewhe  Read More...
Published on Mar 22,2020 06:57 PM
The guilt
By Rumani Dey in General Literary | Reads: 603 | Likes: 1
Hi everyone, This is a message for all of us . I hope it not be manhandled. I have taken a pledge to serve this world from now on . For all the mistakes I made right from killing mosquitoes to killing fishes, hens for luxury of taste. I have decided to avoid those small crimes which are not Crimes i  Read More...
Published on Mar 22,2020 06:57 PM
Pen and Paper are my Best Friends :)
By Janhavi in True Story | Reads: 915 | Likes: 0
One expresses, the other is always listening no matter what. One keeps flowing, the other holds and contains space for it to flow. One seizes onto the other, yet one looks for the other and the other for the one. One wants to keep going on and the other is always making a safe space for it to happen  Read More...
Published on Mar 22,2020 06:58 PM
Nothing good ever happened after 2AM
By Vikalp Joshi in Romance | Reads: 1,233 | Likes: 1
2:42 AM – I stare at the clock and its hands stretched apart and I can’t help but think of us. It’s been 3 months since I last saw you and I regret what have we done to ourselves. 2:45 AM – I text you and ask if you’re awake and you reply almost instantly. You tell me y  Read More...
Published on Mar 22,2020 06:58 PM
Feeling sometimes is not a reality…!!!
By harish k monga in True Story | Reads: 1,031 | Likes: 0
Feeling sometimes is not a reality…!!! Among the various healing treatments, the feeling is one of the therapies which too can cure ‘black holes’ of depression without drugs. Sometime back during my search over feeling, I was put wiser that feeling cards are available online for t  Read More...
Published on Mar 22,2020 06:58 PM
By Irtika Kazi in Poetry | Reads: 1,101 | Likes: 6
Sunrise   with every sunrise, The hollow of my eyes sink    deeper, deeper Until the liveliness in them disappears, I am a phantom listener In a world of fears.   with every sunrise, My torpid eyes open To horrid sights of man’s inhumanity to man.   Flesh for fles  Read More...
Published on Mar 22,2020 06:58 PM
By Nameera Sallum in True Story | Reads: 912 | Likes: 0
I was always alone. I started believing that loneliness is my vibe. I had handful of friends. Out of them, Few were close and the rest were fake. I lost my close friends One by one Which made me strongly believe in loneliness. So strong that, I stopped making friends for a while, About an year or so  Read More...
Published on Mar 22,2020 06:59 PM
Homes and prisons
By Vikalp Joshi in Romance | Reads: 474 | Likes: 0
We sit down in a secluded ice cream parlour you chose because it has bean bags instead of chairs. You cheer in awe as you hear “All I want” by Kodaline come up in the background. I ask you what’s up and you start to tell me how amazing it feels to pursue what you love and how study  Read More...
Published on Mar 22,2020 06:59 PM
By Mondira deshmukh in Poetry | Reads: 644 | Likes: 1
GRAVITY Standing beneath the cool shade given by you, Which had promised me not to leave me in  any situation, Then why as the sun changes its directions you put me into the edge and give me some sort of test, Test for loyalty, Test for insecurity, It's you who should know that i can leave yo  Read More...
Published on Mar 22,2020 07:00 PM
By Vikalp Joshi in General Literary | Reads: 687 | Likes: 0
It has been three hours since you stopped throwing around things, two hours since you’ve been sitting on the ground waiting for your tears to dry up, one hour since I’ve been working on my next presentation. You get up, frustrated and storm out of the door calling me irresponsible, insen  Read More...
Published on Mar 22,2020 07:00 PM
Value urself
By TAMANNA PARMAR in Poetry | Reads: 583 | Likes: 0
ना आंक अपनी कीमत तू औरो से कम , तू उठ , तू खड़ा हो , तू लड़ अपनी हर जंग।  गिरा दे तुम्हें ना मुश्किलों में है उतना दम , रख  Read More...
Published on Mar 22,2020 07:02 PM
Wave of emotions
By SHALINI SINGHAL in General Literary | Reads: 482 | Likes: 0
Storm hits your heartWaves of emotions- grief, sadness, anxiety and anger startSometimes big sometimes smallYou have been hit overallWaves crash over you pulls you under, turns you around,Waves leave you just as suddenly as it arrived while you gasp, sputter, and seek solid ground.The moment the wav  Read More...
Published on Mar 22,2020 07:02 PM