Find Your Wings
By Sanglap Adhikary in True Story | Reads: 606 | Likes: 1
“Just more two years and your life will be settled” is probably the most ecumenical piece of lie that has been deliberately slipped into our intuition after 10th. But it’s after two years of struggle we tend to realize the substantive is yet to devour us. Undoubtedly college life i  Read More...
Published on Jun 3,2020 12:28 PM
By Vanilla Sharma in Thriller | Reads: 605 | Likes: 7
My wheezing breath is deafening. My humdrum heartbeats and the thundering tick-tock of the grandfather clock in the bedroom are close friends. My palpitations, dear friends of death, visit me every twilight. They bring me gifts; gifts of monotony, gifts of trepidation. There is something sinister ab  Read More...
Published on May 17,2020 02:17 AM
Become Love
By Preeti Agrawal in Poetry | Reads: 605 | Likes: 0
Become Love You fall a bit and become love.  No actions and no words can prove love It's a quality that blossoms Love and beauty go hand in hand Ordinary things become extraordinary It's a set up sparking everyday, every moment Take total responsibility of love, it becomes bliss.  An oppor  Read More...
Published on May 27,2020 07:20 PM
Searching for my soul
By R. Dharani in Poetry | Reads: 605 | Likes: 7
                  Searching for my soul      I just wake up, but I didn't open my eyes     The wind blows, I feel the Sun raise,     I feel that my hands are moving     And I feel that my toes are dancing,  Read More...
Published on Jun 1,2020 01:16 PM
By Dr Gigi Chandran in Poetry | Reads: 605 | Likes: 0
Resilience befits me. But do I need to don this hat Begrudgingly? This resolution in its entirety, Is for me alone to choose. Do I nod in acquiescence, This fate sealed for me? Do I defy unflinchingly, And tread upon a path my own? Whenever, whatever, life has offered me.. I've accepted it graciousl  Read More...
Published on Jul 13,2020 08:18 PM
Indigenous liar
By Pooja Thapa in General Literary | Reads: 605 | Likes: 0
Thought of writing a story but we do think that every story ever picture has some existence thats because someone of the existence people have experienced and go through it to tell share make others listen and relate and understand and support aware how to be strong. This is the story of person who   Read More...
Published on Aug 8,2020 05:21 PM
The Loser Who Never Gave Up!
By Dr.Sanjay Rout in Western | Reads: 604 | Likes: 0
At the point when he was a young man his uncle called him "John", after a funny cartoon horse named Spark Plug. School was everything except incomprehensible for John.  He flopped each subject in the eighth grade. He failed material science in secondary school, getting an evaluation of zero. H  Read More...
Published on Mar 23,2020 01:59 PM
Story for sale
By Sayed Nizam in Fantasy | Reads: 604 | Likes: 2
I burnt a book last night, fed it to a candle and waited for the flames to vomit the pungent stench of sales. The details of how I ended up reading such a book might sound clichéd,  but such are all truth. It started with a grin on the book seller’s face, he assured me that it was  Read More...
Published on Mar 23,2020 07:57 PM
The Secret
By Aniruthan. C. D in Poetry | Reads: 604 | Likes: 13
Science never true literature never new Yet needs years to prove Every poet wandering with his pen Searching here and there  For a thought to pen Trying to create new less he knew His spade in other's pit His mind in a complex web Never a ebb he drags all in his web Striving to place his wounde  Read More...
Published on Mar 31,2020 04:16 PM
एक पिता की मन की बात
By Dipannita Das in True Story | Reads: 604 | Likes: 1
“आब बोहुत हुया, बोहुत रह लिया दुर .... अब मे आ रहा हुँ तुम्हारे पास ...”। ये एक पिता की दिल टूटने वाले शब्द हैं, जो व  Read More...
Published on Apr 13,2020 12:27 AM
By Anchal Rajawat in Thriller | Reads: 604 | Likes: 1
Just a minute ago I was standing on the edge of my terrace. I could feel the scorching sunn under my bare feet. Must have been a hot summer day. The last time I went out it was spring, flowers blooming everywhere. Had I actually lost so much time in my den of 10 by 10? Must be because of pills. My h  Read More...
Published on Apr 20,2020 06:57 PM
Misty Moments
By Dwaita Mondal in Poetry | Reads: 604 | Likes: 0
Vintage Photographs, stardust on black walls A cute smile lost in a carefree day... You stand smiling hiding a bouquet of flowers, Teleported back to reality - my illusion breaks.  Read More...
Published on May 12,2020 11:22 AM
By Sweta N in True Story | Reads: 604 | Likes: 0
Shit, that's where I lived around. Piled up human and animal excreta at the corners of my street, surrounded by cluttering house flies. The streets were narrow and hence reeked of the stench. Half-dressed children, scruffy and rugged playing; middle aged women babbling, giggling and doe eyed sparrow  Read More...
Published on May 15,2020 05:48 PM
The perfect letter
By Abhishek Singh in Romance | Reads: 604 | Likes: 13
He had been staring at the blank screen for quite some time now. The blinking cursor seemed to mock his thoughts. This was supposed to be his masterpiece. Words moved across his mind but he couldn't make anything out of them. What was the point of experiencing so much when you can't put it to words?  Read More...
Published on May 16,2020 11:58 AM
By Piyush Vishwakarma in Poetry | Reads: 604 | Likes: 1
                                                                   WOMEN  You are not less than a part of this universe. You   Read More...
Published on May 18,2020 07:02 AM