The Tragedy of a Garden
By Manish Kumar in Poetry | Reads: 312 | Likes: 0
In a garden there were almost thirty trees. Four were of 2-3 years and rest were of more than ten years. One day the owner of the garden thought to extend his residence and thus clearing the garden was like hitting two targets with one arrow. Among the trees there were two mango, one neem and the re  Read More...
Published on May 31,2020 02:58 PM
By Asha Mantri in General Literary | Reads: 312 | Likes: 3
Baby... Shona... Honey... Jaanu... All these are a 'part' of your life and not the 'whole' life, period! In today's world we are so involved in such thoughts wherein we feel that having a partner/ a boyfriend/ a girlfriend is mandatory, I understand it's necessary requirement but not mandatory and t  Read More...
Published on Jun 15,2020 12:44 AM
I wish
By Ashar in Poetry | Reads: 312 | Likes: 0
I wish I wish more, I wish I feel more, I wish I heal more, I wish I travel more, I wish I unravel mysteries, I wish I see a different world, I wish I see people more, I wish I see them differently, I wish I wish more, I wish I swim the ocean, I wish I climb the mountain, I wish I unearth nature,   Read More...
Published on Jun 15,2020 07:00 PM
Last Night
By Nikhil Jain in Poetry | Reads: 312 | Likes: 4
we were walking hand in hand , over sand without knowing about the end.. sharing laugh , and talk , making memories by some miles of walk.. the moon was shining so bright , the waves were touching our feet , the soft sound was playing in background , and we were dancing like salsa on that sanded gr  Read More...
Published on Jun 20,2020 12:09 AM
तलाश जारी है
By Shyam Jangra in Poetry | Reads: 312 | Likes: 0
जो नही है जमी पर उस की तलाश जारी है, सब ले तेरा नाम बदल गये किस्मत अब तेरी बारी है।   जो कभी गुम हुआ नही उस की तलाश जार  Read More...
Published on Jun 28,2020 02:50 PM
Just a conversation
By Ritika Garg in General Literary | Reads: 312 | Likes: 2
The conversation which intrigued me to think the harsh unnoticed realities Background Family of four where both of my parents are government officials and my younger brother and me are doing a job in MNCs in Hyderabad and Bangalore respectively. ( dinner gossip while serving ice cream)Me: Mumma, why  Read More...
Published on Jul 25,2020 02:28 PM
By Velmurguan in Romance | Reads: 312 | Likes: 0
             உருவம்  கதை  பொறியியல் கல்லூரி ஒன்றில் இரண்டு மாணவர்கள் ECE இறுதி ஆண்டு படித்துவந்தார்கள். இதில் ஒருவன  Read More...
Published on Sep 20,2020 09:44 AM
कुछ पुराने चेहरे
By Priyanka Sonvane in Poetry | Reads: 311 | Likes: 0
चेहरे पे चेहरा , चेहरे पे चेहरा  हर बार सामने आता है एक नया चेहरा  पर वो कुछ पुराने चेहरे कभी दिल से नहीं मिटते  औ  Read More...
Published on Mar 22,2020 07:35 PM
Rest in Peace
By Bhavana in Poetry | Reads: 311 | Likes: 1
With hues of cries and screams, I heard Rest in Peace, Wondering is it true? It is true, doubtless. Yet, I wonder. Am I? No.  Not until I don't hear, 'Rest in peace' with the 'Candle March' anymore.  Read More...
Published on Mar 24,2020 01:14 PM
It's Time For Humanity
By Sana Aisha Nizami in General Literary | Reads: 311 | Likes: 0
This lockdown makes me feel frightened and worried! One hand I see the posts of fortunate people (like me or you whoever is reading this post) who have the best time to have new leisure experiences, read, sleep or do whatever we feel and still complaining.  At the other hand, the opposite side   Read More...
Published on Mar 25,2020 11:57 AM
By Aquib Javed in Poetry | Reads: 311 | Likes: 1
Jo  rakhte hai bharosa apne rab ki zaat pe.. Vo bikharte nahi kabi kitni b badi baat pe.. Housle hmare past ho Gaye is guman me na rehna Kabu rakhna jante hai hum apne jazbaat pe Log dis se dar k ladna chod dete.. Ye jugnu has padta hai us siyah raat pe.. Ye tanhaiyan ab use kya sataygin.. Jo y  Read More...
Published on Mar 25,2020 07:47 PM
Corona- Happened for good?
By Ikjot Parmar in Poetry | Reads: 311 | Likes: 6
खुद को पहचान लेने का एक मौका मिला है... खुद से भी बात कर, इस से बेहतर दोस्त कभी ना मिला है... कर लेना अपनो से भी बातें, कल क  Read More...
Published on Mar 29,2020 05:23 PM
The Locality
By Anamta in Humour & Comedy | Reads: 311 | Likes: 1
So, I was sitting there thinking what to write that can be considered funny and suddenly this idea popped up in my mind. I was born and brought up in the Sangam city, Prayagraj. And my maternal grandparents' house happens to be in a town, near Ayodhya, called 'Basti' and as the name suggests, i  Read More...
Published on Apr 1,2020 11:49 PM
Those who guide us through the DARKENSS
By Kritika Goyal in General Literary | Reads: 311 | Likes: 3
Sometimes we sit in a dark room thinking that we are the only ones there, wondering that in a world of 7 billion people, why did we end up alone. Why did we never find LOVE?Why didn't our families understand what we wanted in life? Why did our friends turn their backs on us?Why did this society try   Read More...
Published on Apr 10,2020 02:49 PM
Moon & Halo
By Ritika Garg in Poetry | Reads: 311 | Likes: 1
You are the moon  I want to be the halo That follows you That surrounds you That protects you From every sorrow I'll always be around you  And you'd never be alone I'd repel every event of sadness From your life  And the stars will be jealous of our affair   Read More...
Published on Apr 25,2020 08:20 PM