Public Speaker & Young Politician
Public Speaker & Young Politician

Datchanamoorthy Ramu an eminent youth leader of India and Founder - General Secretary of the International Youth Forum, who represented India Multiple times in United Nations Headquarters. He worked with International entities like United Nations, Commonwealth and etc., for the past few years. He also founded Two National and One International Organization. Datchanamoorthy Ramu has been Awarded Karmaveer Chakra, Bharat Jothi Award and several International Awards for his work towards Empowerment of Youth.  Datchanamoorthy Ramu Pursued his B. Tech from Anna University and and Global DiplomacyRead More...


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Human Rights and Sustainable Development Goals

Books by Datchana Moorthy Ramu

Under the theme "Fulfilling Rights, Achieving Goals: A Holistic Approach to Development," Dr. Datchanamoorthy Ramu delivers a groundbreaking exploration of the intricate interplay between human rights and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). As societies grapple with complex challenges ranging from poverty and inequality to climate change and social injustice, this timely book offers a comprehensive framework for understanding how safeguarding human right

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மனித உரிமைகள்

Books by தட்சணாமூர்த்தி ராமு

பல நாடுகளைச் சேர்ந்தவர்கள் மனித உரிமைகளை அனுபவித்து வருகிறார்கள் என்பதை நாம் அனைவரும் அறிவோம், ஆனால் மிக மோசமான விஷயம் என்னவென்றால், அவர்களில் பலருக்கு அவை என்னவென்று தெ

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Youth Leads India to Achieve SDG in 2030

Books by Dr Datchana Moorthy Ramu

Our nation's youth hold the key to our future well-being. Investing generously in them will create a “more perfect union.” That is the central message of this Book Youth 2030 & SDG’s on the “promise of Youth”. This book deals about India’s Largest Community named “Youth” with development and future needs in the field of Education, Entrepreneurship, Civic Participation. The book weaves youth development theory

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Gender Equality & Sustainable Development Goals

Books by Dr. Datchana Moorthy Ramu

This book addresses several aspects of Gender Equality in India and how it can be achieved along with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals by the Year 2030. It was written on the Basis of Gender equality is not only a fundamental human right but a necessary foundation for a peaceful and sustainable world. This book discusses Gender inequalities, and their social causes, impact India's sex ratio, women's health over their lifetimes, their educationa

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Proceedings of 3rd Annual International Youth Forum on SDG’s & Human Rights

Books by Dr Datchana Moorthy Ramu

This book addresses several aspects of the Human Rights law and sustainable development analysed in the existing literature. The editor has tried to demonstrate that the core assumption of sustainable development regimes - that sustainable development maximizes certain social benefits over social costs by providing a necessary inducement for the work in public and distribution of goals to 2030 - has several important implications for the society.


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