Mallikarjun Shankar



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The Conquest- Linage

Books by Mallikarjun Shankar

Vishnu heals from his injuries in a three week long priod to find another adventure waiting for him. He discoveres that his family has more secrets than he thought, but the only thing that matters it that his grandfather is alive and he  has to go on a quest to find him, not only for himself but for the sake of the whole tribe. Unfortunately, he needs to pass a test created by the master of traps, and he is ready to face the challenge that only two people

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The Conquest

Books by Mallikarjun Shankar

This story takes place about hundred and sixty years from now in the future where the human civilization has finally developed enough to explore our galaxy thoroughly. Vishnu is a respected member of the indian government and is supposed to be world's chief of security once all the nations combine. He is going back home one day when something happens that changes his life forever. What will he do now? 

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Loyal through Death... and beyond

By Mallikarjun Shankar in Fantasy | Reads: 4,984 | Likes: 15

He couldn’t see anything. It was dark. Very dark. Panting, he stumbled around the fallen parts of the building, fumbling, trying to find the exit. He was panting, his body was burning, everything hurt, but the fear pushed it all away. Adrenaline and panic together reverting him to the basic an  Read More...

Published on Jun 11,2022 05:43 PM

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