the worst ravi

hi this is ravi and i dont do anything.i only do black mail evrybody
hi this is ravi and i dont do anything.i only do black mail evrybody

RI am a mental a full mental I just do nothing everyday just se the laptop,i even got specs hahahah i am themadest child on the whole worldRead More...


ravi stories

Books by Ravindra Nadh

The book is for children.I hope all the readers who are reading it liked this book .Bye friends and thank you for reading



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i dont know

By the worst ravi in True Story | Reads: 268 | Likes: 0

once therewas a bad boy he died and every one was happy  Read More...

Published on Aug 12,2020 11:29 AM

The lesson for the kid

By the worst ravi in True Story | Reads: 649 | Likes: 1

Once there was a kid who was very annoying and used to tease and take fun of others.So until then one day he was arriving at his home as he had visited somewhere.So there were some kids who were playing and there was some water in the floor and he slipped and fell down.Then the kids who wee playing   Read More...

Published on Aug 8,2020 02:34 PM

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