Shrawan Kumar

I am Shrawan. I am from Bihar. I am a student, studying in Saraswati Vidya Mandir Muzaffarpur..
I am Shrawan. I am from Bihar. I am a student, studying in Saraswati Vidya Mandir Muzaffarpur..


Aao Kabhi Hostel Pe

Books by Shrawan

 It is normal in all  school hostel that a  hostel abides by its own norms, rules, and regulations; those must bind the students rather than giving them a vibe that they are caught up in jail. Perfect routine translates into the fact that there must be a scheduled wake-up time, a time when breakfast, lunch, and dinner are served, adequate arrangment and all that...
Besides this , this book contains a  lot of funny and dengerous moments

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Backbone of Silence

Books by Shrawan Kumar

Backbone of silence is written by Shrawan kumar. In this book , author  have described that how silence sometime the best answer and many more.

The main objective of this book is just tell you the power of silence

   Backbone of Silence is a type of book that you can turn to everyone to remind you of the need of silence of your own mind in order to get the best out of it.

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Life After Lockdown

By Shrawan Kumar in Life Journey | Reads: 1,882 | Likes: 2

We’re in the last week of the lockdown and even though there are whispers about a staggered exit, there is no confirmation on what will really happen when the 21-day period gets over. Assuming the lockdown is lifted, many of us will be venturing back to the office. While many will be rejoicing  Read More...

Published on Jun 11,2022 09:20 AM

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