
Biotechnologist by Profession & Writer by Passion
Biotechnologist by Profession & Writer by Passion

Precious Price

By AkiPrabagar in Children's Literature | Reads: 3,226 | Likes: 2

The bustling world disregarded the pristine beauty of the sunset. Though, the mesmerizing effect never faded away for her. Enjoying nature was her full-time job while writing about them was her part-time. That particular day, her legs directed her to the beach unannounced as her clobbering thoughts   Read More...

Published on Jul 4,2022 04:22 PM


By AkiPrabagar in Romance | Reads: 5,380 | Likes: 3

நான்கே தெருக்கள் கொண்ட சிறிய கிராமம் அது. கிராமத்திற்கே உரித்தான பச்சை வயல்களுக்கும் குளம் குட்டைகளுக்கும் ம  Read More...

Published on Jul 4,2022 10:08 AM

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