Abdullah Mokaddam

Abdullah Mokaddam grew up in North London, and after a long career in computing and as a lecturer, he returned to his first love poetry and short stories. He is inspired by English poets and novelists and by classic Persian writers. In his unique way, he demonstrates literary works transcend artificial borders. He cleverly combines prose and verse to enliven the story in the Letters of a Secret Love, conveys the idea that love survives adversity and morbid jealousy. The story unfolds in the form of letters that captures one’s attention with a profusion of optimism amid the rigidity of a pedaRead More...


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The Joy of Poetry

Books by Abdullah Mokaddam

We encounter poetry in every aspect of our lives. The reading form is presented in verses. Our modern-day lyrics provide the most popular way of conveying feelings and joy through music. Whatever route a writer and composer take, they fall under the sway of poetry. I have chosen verses as the media for sharing my thoughts, feelings, and views. The subject varies from love, dedication, and memories that I have experienced; some are personal, some are vicarious,

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Letters of Forbidden Love

Books by Abdullah Mokaddam

We take modern amenities for granted, and many of us rarely give a thought of the days when such things were only a dream. Our two protagonists in this story, faced against all the odds of their repressive age, innovated and nurtured their forbidden love with verve and passion. Their feelings expressed in a language that is beguiling, defying and passionate. Ruth Sanderson trapped in a loveless marriage relentlessly pursued all the ways possible to liberate he

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