Angela David

Angela David was born on January 9, 1995, in Jamnagar, Gujarat. She was born to two loving parents who loved and adored her and her brother, who was like a role model to her. As her dad was an army officer, she was good at adapting to new places quickly as they shifted to a new location every two years. Finally deciding to leave the army and settling down in Chennai, she got a stable education from the sixth grade. After that, she pursued MBBS and became a doctor. She developed an entirely different calling and started working in the family’s medical business, which involved home health Read More...


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Flirting with Life

Books by Angela David

We face issues and deal with emotions in our day-to-day life. With a positive mind, we can approach and overcome these challenges. Some of the topics of discussion in the poems include a career change, losing someone close, heartbreaks, long-distance relationships, feeling content, family, and so on. 

Flirting with Life is a collection of poetry, which are very close to the author. She loves to rhyme and shares with you pages from her heart.

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