Dr. Kamlesh N. Patel

Dr. Kamlesh Patel born on 15th May, 1964 has mainly been working in the medical field, since 35 years and serving as an ICU-RMO, in several different renowned hospitals of Vadodara city in Gujarat. Apart from being an Anatomical analyst, he is also a
Dr. Kamlesh Patel born on 15th May, 1964 has mainly been working in the medical field, since 35 years and serving as an ICU-RMO, in several different renowned hospitals of Vadodara city in Gujarat. Apart from being an Anatomical analyst, he is also a

Dr. Kamlesh Patel born on 15th May, 1964 has mainly been working in the medical field, since 35 years and serving as an ICU-RMO, in several different renowned hospitals of Vadodara city in Gujarat. Apart from being an Anatomical analyst, he is also an astronomer and has been involved in various astronomical activities of the ‘Amateur Astronomers Association of Vadodara (AAAV).’ Alongside that, he is continued with agriculture as part of his Patel community’s heritage. Nature has, knowingly or unknowingly, inspired him to write this book, the beginning of which dates back to tRead More...


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