Mala Thakur

Mala Thakur was born in the town of Balaghat, situated in the heart of India - Madhya Pradesh. A B.A in qualification, she took retirement from a 29-year career in State Bank of India while serving as a Senior Assistant, in 2012. Known for her distinguished poetic abilities and a feminist voice, she has been a regular invitee at various poet conferences and at All India Radio, Balaghat. Apart from reading a plethora of books and writing poems, she enjoys listening to Morari Bapu's Ram Katha and living a simple life close to the nature.Read More...


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कृष्णलीला वल्लरी

Books by माला ठाकुर

कृष्णलीला वल्लरी प्रेम पुंज का संवर्धन कर, जीव के जीवन को निर्मल बना, कर्म कुंज की चक्रीय यात्रा के विसर्जन का मार्ग निर्देशित करती है। ब्रह्म की पावन लीला, चित्त से अहंकार को नि

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कृष्णलीला वल्लरी

Books by माला ठाकुर

कृष्णलीला वल्लरी प्रेम पुंज का संवर्धन कर, जीव के जीवन को निर्मल बना, कर्म कुंज की चक्रीय यात्रा के विसर्जन का मार्ग निर्देशित करती है। ब्रह्म की पावन लीला, चित्त से अहंकार को नि

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Ramcharit Anjuri

Books by

"Ramcharit Manas se chun laayi kucch phool; karoon arpit Anjuri shraddha se bharpoor."

Ramcharit Manas is a code of ideals of the Indian culture and tradition. The study of this great epic laid the foundation of Ramcharit Anjuri's poetic composition.

Ramcharit Anjuri is an attempt to collect the blissful nectar of Ramcharit Manas through songs and hymns, for the upliftment of human values. Lord Ram is a pioneer of a liberal and id

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