Born and brought up in New Delhi, India, Manoj Srivastava is a renowned film professional well known in the international film festival circuit. Having headed the prestigious International Film Festival of India, Goa as CEO, Entertainment Society of Goa, he now heads Jagran Film Festival and advises a dozen international film festivals. He started the Short Film Movement in India and also established Goa as a Film Destination. A trained Film Director from Film & Television Institute of India, Pune, Srivastava has won international recognition for his films, contribution to promotion of theRead More...


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Wide Angle

Books by Manoj Srivastava

Why does Indian Cinema look different, sound different and is so lengthy? Why are the dialogues so long winding? Why are our costumes so gaudy and garish? Why do we have so many songs in our films? Why do our actors burst into songs and dances for no reason? Are we a society that is exactly like our Cinema? Why are films directed by Saytyajit Ray great and not so great by some other Directors. Have you ever called your spouse ‘Sajni or Sajna’ or ‘Saiyan

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Books by Manoj Srivastava

We grew up listening to the stories of ‘Alexander the Great’ and watching films dedicated to his valor and magnanimity towards the Indian King Porus. It has been claimed that impressed by Porus’  bravery,  Alexander returned his entire kingdom to him but do we also know that Alexander also handed over each territory he subsequently won to Porus. Why?

The known history tells us that Porus became richer after this war while the victorious Alexande

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Wide Angle

Books by Manoj Srivastava

Why does Indian Cinema look different, sound different and is so lengthy? Why are the dialogues so long winding? Why are our costumes so gaudy and garish? Why do we have so many songs in our films? Why do our actors burst into songs and dances for no reason? Are we a society that is exactly like our Cinema? Why are films directed by Saytyajit Ray great and not so great by some other Directors. Have you ever called your spouse ‘Sajni or Sajna’ or ‘Saiyan

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