Shashank S. Rawat

Public Speaker, Transformation Worker and Budding Writer
Public Speaker, Transformation Worker and Budding Writer

Shashank S. Rawat is a perennial thinker and an occasional writer. He likes to think and he likes to write what he thinks. A pukka Calcutta boy, no stereotypes there. He works with students helping them make a meaningful impact in the world around them. He loves a lot of things - photography, reading, thinking, eating sweets and sitting quiet are a few among them.Read More...


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True North

Books by Shashank S. Rawat

Being a Christian teenager can be challenging in today's world. You may be faced with many questions and concerns that are unique to your age group and circumstances. You may be wondering about your purpose in life, how to deal with peer pressure, or how to overcome temptation. You may also be struggling with how to live out your faith in a secular world or how to maintain healthy relationships with friends and family while staying true to your Christian belie

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Luke Acts Journaling Bible

Books by All Things Bible

Explore the timeless narrative of Luke as he takes you through the Gospel of Luke and the Acts of the Apostles. Learn how to do inductive bible study and practice the steps daily as you journal your progress through the Luke-Acts storyline. Includes  brief but insightful introductions to Luke and Acts with prompts to keep in mind while studying the Bible portions. Take notes, highlight and mark the text. Doodle or Draw! Happy studying. Explore | Engage |

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The Gospel of Mark Study Journal

Books by All Things Bible

This Bible study guide is annotated with special features to help you have an effective Bible study experience. These features are highlighted below:

Annotated with Background to the Gospel.
Annotated with unique and hand-crafted maps.
Annotated with notes on how to study the Bible.

It is designed to help you study short chunks of the Gospel of Mark using the Inductive Bible Study method explained in the book.

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Bible Characters

Books by D. L. Moody

A collection of Dwight Lyman Moody's thoughts on various Bible Characters as revealed in his sermons. In these writings, we get a practical look at various characters. Moody's reflections help the reader connect their lives with the highs and lows of the various characters in the book. This is not a typical character study book, rather it's a creative and reflective work of Moody at his very best.

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30 Days of Scripture Memory and Bible Lettering

Books by All Things Bible

Scripture Memory made easy with this amazing journal that takes you through 30 simple, short and easy to remember Bible verses on various themes such as God, Christ, Redemption, etc. 

Check out our 5-step plan to memorize Bible verses and store it up for life and beyond. Read the text, Reflect on it. Pray over it and Write it down. Grow spiritually as you do all that. 

Practice writing Bible verses in cursive writing, see your

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The Rise and Fall of Kings

Books by Shashank S. Rawat.

Explore the rise and fall of great kings of Israel like David and Solomon, follow their lives and discover how God interacts with their ups and downs of faith. Know the influences that shaped the decisions and acts of men and women who shaped the Kingdom of Israel. Learn about their lives, leadership and faith. All of it is dissected faithfully as given in the Bible. The author connects these with the challenges of modern life and helps the reader recog

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Days of Heaven Upon Earth

Books by Rev. A. B. Simpson

In this classic work, Reverend Albert Benjamin Simpson explores a Bible-inspired thought and prayer for each day of the year.

As an acclaimed theologian and preacher, Rev. A. B. Simpson's teaching and application of the Bible is faithful and relevant for all ages. This daily devotional is a must-have for every believer out there.

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A Biblical and Theological Dictionary Volume II: J-Z

Books by Richard Watson

This is a dictionary of the history, manners, and customs of the Jews and neighbouring nations, along with an account of the most remarkable places and persons mentioned in the Bible. It also explains the principal doctrines of Christianity as well as other sects and heresies. It also includes charts of various measures, index of proper nouns with a key to pronunciation and meanings. Further, it also contains detailed maps of the old and new testament worlds.<

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A Biblical and Theological Dictionary Volume I: A-I

Books by Richard Watson

This is a dictionary of the history, manners, and customs of the Jews and neighbouring nations, along with an account of the most remarkable places and persons mentioned in the Bible. It also explains the principal doctrines of Christianity as well as other sects and heresies. It also includes charts of various measures, index of proper nouns with a key to pronunciation and meanings. Further, it also contains detailed maps of the old and new testament worlds.<

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The Book of Esther

Books by All Things Bible

This is a perfect tool to learn the art of Bible-study using the notes given. Devoid of any verse numbers, you are free to follow the natural flow of thought. The format of the book helps you take notes by leaving lots of whitespace for you to use creatively. The book also includes resources to help you study the Bible inductively as well. The Bible text uses WEB version and includes an introduction to Esther as well.

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Illustrated Bible Stories

Books by Josephine Pollard

A children's classic full of great illustrations made by great artists and bible stories communicated in an easy and faithful manner. The author sticks to the King James / American Standard Version, the language may seem old but it's simplified for kids. Every name is broken down into syllables so that your little one can easily read and remember the names.The colorful paintings and big texts will keep your kids glued to the book and introduce them to the mess

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The Book of Psalms

Books by All Things Bible

Explore the Book of Psalms by studying it inductively using our specially formatted book. It contains the Book of Psalms (Open English Bible) in manuscript format - we have removed all verse numbers so that you can follow the natural flow of thought - the way they were originally written.

The book contains: A guide to help you study inductively
An introduction to Psalms
A note on Hebrew Poetry
Plenty of white-space for notes or journaling

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God Speaks

Books by All Things Bible

Meditating on God's word is a powerful and necessary art for an effective life. Develop a closer walk with God by using this a quiet time journal.

This is a DIY guide to the very important and much neglected spiritual discipline of quiet time - the daily practice of listening to god speak to us through his word.

It will prepare you with the right attitude and tools to have an effective quiet time. It contains useful tips, ASPECT method and over

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Books by All Things Bible

This books in this series will help you dig into God’s word and explore it like a detective using the inductive method. This method helps us keep our biases away from our study and let the text speak to us. This method has been followed by many great teachers and preachers of the word. So jump in and start exploring individual books of the Bible - one at a time. To help you further each book is arranged as a manuscript - the way it was originally written

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My Little Book of Prayer

Books by Anugrah Lepcha

A Prayer Journal designed to help you pray meaningfully covering all aspects of life. Discover a deeper bond with God and a closer transformation experience.

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A Collection of Great Sermons from Basil to Whitefield

Books by Grenville Kleiser

The sermons have been chosen in some cases for their literary and rhetorical excellences, but in every case for their helpfulness in solving some of the problems of Christian living. No two persons are likely to agree upon "the best" of anything, and readers will probably wish in particular instances that some other clergymen or sermons had been included. It is confidently believed, however, that the list here given is fairly representative of the preaching th

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Selected Works of Andrew Murray

Books by Andrew Murray

This is an attempt to complie some of Andrew Murray's finest works. He lucidly writes on prayer, stewardship and discipleship through in-depth study of God's word and powerful illustrations from God's world.

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The Innocence of Father Brown

Books by G. K. Chesterton

This collection of short stories, introduces the readers to Father Brown, a priest who is also a detective.  These stories explore the human nature through all its twists and turns. These become the stepping stones for Father Brown's adventure of faith and investigation.

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Around the Wicket Gate

Books by Charles H. Spurgeon

Charles Spurgeon shares on what it means to take the narrow road of faith. He masterfully expounds on the gospel of Jesus Christ and helps the reader understand this beautiful offer of friendship.

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Sermon on the Mount

Books by John Wesley

Sermon on the Mount is one of the most well-known passages, John Wesley expounds it with honesty and power to help the reader dig through the text and come face to face with the truth of God's message. These thirteen sermons slowly take you through what Jesus meant in this classic text. Every believer is called to take this way of life yet so few of us understand what it means, hence this becomes a must-read collection of sermons for every disciple of Jesus.

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Prayers of the Early Church

Books by J. Manning Potts

This book of prayers is published with the hope and prayer that it may have wide use. It has been prepared for individual and family devotions. It can be used with prayer groups in prayer meetings, for cells, and, of course, for the development of one’s own personal spiritual life. The material is perfect for use in the devotional services of young people’s groups, women’s groups, and men’s clubs. The prayers are excellent for insertion

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The Pursuit of God

Books by A. W. Tozer

Here is a masterly study of the inner life by a heart thirsting after God, eager to grasp at least the outskirts of His ways, the abyss of His love for sinners, and the height of His unapproachable majesty—and it was written by a busy pastor in Chicago! 

There is deep insight, sobriety of style, and a catholicity of outlook that is refreshing. The author has few quotations but he knows the saints and mystics of the centuries—Augustine,

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Taste & See

Books by Shashank S. Rawat

God is neither distant nor abstract! In Jesus Christ we meet God incarnate as one of us - yes, a fellow Human. This apparent divine downgrading allows us to taste and see who God is and what following him means. This book is an exploration of different biblical stories and characters who tasted and saw the incredible goodness of our Lord. This book is a must read for all those who seek and strive to discover the amazing grace of God and experience his life-changi

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Unreasonably Yours

Books by Shashank S. Rawat

The world we live in is both amazing and gruesome. Unreasonably Yours attempts to look at our world from a perspective that seems radical and yet remains simple. This collection of anecdotal letters will take you on a journey. It will make you smile and reflect simultaneously. The letters are of a different kind and they reflect the personality of the author like a mirror, thus it's not just a book rather an interaction.

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