தோழா... விழித்தெழு
By Ranjith in Poetry | Reads: 1,066 | Likes: 1
தோழா… விழித்தெழு! நூற்றாண்டின் கதை கொண்டேன், கேளு! கரை கடந்தான், பனிமலை கடந்தான், தமிழ் மனம் கடந்தான். இறை தேட   Read More...
Published on Apr 10,2020 07:38 AM
All Over Again!
By Sowmya Sri Rathnakumar in Romance | Reads: 427 | Likes: 2
Everytime when I don't wanna think about you; Everytime when I decide it's over; Everytime when I try to throw you off my mind; Everytime when I push you far away; Everytime when I want to forget you; Why the hell am I falling in love with you all over again?  Read More...
Published on Apr 10,2020 07:03 AM
Never Again - A Sonnet
By Sowmya Sri Rathnakumar in Poetry | Reads: 773 | Likes: 1
Once, I was buried in the darkness created by my demons. Unforeseen, you came to my salvation like a ray of light!! You held out your hand and pulled me out harder. Above the darkness and cold, there was light and beauty. You raised a wall with its roots set deep in to the ground that made me strong  Read More...
Published on Apr 10,2020 06:58 AM
Her Pink Handbag
By Surabhi Kaushik in General Literary | Reads: 1,195 | Likes: 7
Kabir grew restless as he heard the light rail approaching, but his eyes continued their search for her. He was pretty sure the pink handbag lying on the bench next to him was hers. She would be coming back to get it, anytime soon. It looked familiar. Vaguely familiar to be more precise, because he   Read More...
Published on Apr 10,2020 04:39 AM
ख्वाबो की कश्ती पर सवार मैं !!
By Dipanshu Arora in Poetry | Reads: 629 | Likes: 0
ख्वाबो की कश्ती पर सवार मैं,लेकर चला हूँ, हौसले की ढाल औऱ हिम्मत की तलवार मैं.....!!!! तरक्की की दरिया में रहना चाहूँ मछल  Read More...
Published on Apr 10,2020 12:32 AM
By Chanchal in Poetry | Reads: 257 | Likes: 0
Consider you as me. As time has gone by, I have budded out and grown through the superhero stories which were once medlied in my ears, Those not ending stories were so enthralling to hear. My innocence at that time created an imagery which only spoke about how superheroes are always there to save u  Read More...
Published on Apr 9,2020 11:56 PM
joy is within us
By M Tasleem in General Literary | Reads: 294 | Likes: 0
In fact, what we are looking for in everything is joy, ecstasy. But ecstasy is within us. We never look for it in our own heart.   There are certain core teachings that can forever shift the way we see the world. "Joy is within us" is one of them.   It is possible to feel happy regardless   Read More...
Published on Apr 9,2020 11:50 PM
Perfect one!
By Sana Malhotra in Romance | Reads: 306 | Likes: 0
He is the one and he is the only one. He is he one who knows when to be possessive and when to let loose. The one who has got sense of every person around him and me. What a combination of a badass and a sophisticated one. And your spelling mistakes that you see as flaws,  Are nothing coz i can  Read More...
Published on Apr 9,2020 10:41 PM
By Sana Malhotra in General Literary | Reads: 407 | Likes: 0
He said, he is an open minded one then why do you want to cluster your days and ways in a shell. He said he loves you the way you are then why do you hell not spread your wings, spread enough to take a flight. We need gentlemen in our society who knows  women are nurturers of society and not so  Read More...
Published on Apr 9,2020 09:55 PM
What is religion?
By Sana Malhotra in General Literary | Reads: 414 | Likes: 0
A human without humanity is not religious. The one who follows, practices and projects humanity. Religion is to serve one another. You glow different when you have grace and blessings which you earn through your acts of kindness. You were never born as Hindus, Muslims, Sikhs or Christians or any oth  Read More...
Published on Apr 9,2020 09:34 PM
और बेटा सब ठीक है ना
By Sifarr in General Literary | Reads: 751 | Likes: 1
अक्सर ज़िंदगी के पड़ावों में आप अपने को अलग अलग किरदार निभाते हुए पाते हो । कई बार जब ज़िंदगी से बहुत उम्मीद लगाके उ  Read More...
Published on Apr 9,2020 09:27 PM
Gesture to the love life of spirit interconnection*
By Bishakha Dewyani in Romance | Reads: 1,215 | Likes: 1
All of the while,                            the life as a human spirit has been crossing across the planet to find the purpose of the leading journey into the introduction of the holiness within the living spirit from the above "  Read More...
Published on Apr 9,2020 08:49 PM
समय आ गया है
By dolly in Poetry | Reads: 701 | Likes: 1
मुश्किल है रास्ते पर आज अपनी कहानी लिखने का समय आ गया है। कब से था जिस पल का इंतज़ार आज वो पल जताने का समय आ गया है। च  Read More...
Published on Apr 9,2020 08:13 PM
சரித்திரத்தின் நடு நாயகம் உலக இரட்சகராம் இயேசு கிறிஸ்து
By Evg.Babu.T Thomas in General Literary | Reads: 666 | Likes: 0
சரித்திரத்தின் நடு நாயகம் உலக இரட்சகராம் இயேசு கிறிஸ்து புதிய தமிழக பள்ளி பாட திட்டத்தில் கிறிஸ்துவுக்கு மு  Read More...
Published on Apr 9,2020 08:05 PM
ராஜ ராஜ சோழன் காலத்து கல்வெட்டில் குற்றச் சேரி பகுதி கு
By Evg.Babu.T Thomas in General Literary | Reads: 855 | Likes: 0
ராஜ ராஜ சோழன் காலத்து கல்வெட்டில் குற்றச் சேரி பகுதி குறித்த தகவலும் – பரிசுத்த வேதாகமத்தின்  விளக்கமும். க  Read More...
Published on Apr 9,2020 07:59 PM