Those joined hands
By Manjula SuriyaPrakash in Romance | Reads: 307 | Likes: 0
The long last night was cold and long under the shadow of trees were those two hands joined together and holding the soul of each other That night which was wide spread in memories of pain gave me a smile a chill feel inside the heart❣️  Read More...
Published on Apr 5,2020 07:35 PM
Hey Miracle
By Borra Mounika in General Literary | Reads: 251 | Likes: 1
Like the stars that wait for the moon to shine, Like the flowers that wait for the sun to bloom, Like the trees that wait for the clouds to rain, O' my dear miracle, I'm waiting for you, When are you gonna happen to me?  Read More...
Published on Apr 5,2020 07:35 PM
Hey Ram
By Borra Mounika in General Literary | Reads: 338 | Likes: 1
It took me an eternity to reach you and here I am , standing in front of you, waiting for you to acknowledge my presence  Read More...
Published on Apr 5,2020 07:29 PM
A warrior
By Manjula SuriyaPrakash in War Story | Reads: 342 | Likes: 0
She was made to fear not to speak loudly She was beaten up  not to step out the home She was made to scream where the pain wasn't heard, still She hid it She hid everything, but those scars never stopped her from  her sacrifices those pains never stopped her from  keeping her promises  Read More...
Published on Apr 5,2020 07:27 PM
You are my favourite poem
By Barsha Priyadarshini in Poetry | Reads: 294 | Likes: 0
  MY FAVOURITE POEM   The way your eyes look at me Brings up a smile on my face My cheeks tinged a slight red And heart beats at a faster pace   The way you talk to me Voice heard is only yours All other noises slowly fade away Eyes focus on you and else blurs   The way you hold  Read More...
Published on Apr 5,2020 07:23 PM
Somewhere between
By Manjula SuriyaPrakash in Poetry | Reads: 245 | Likes: 0
Somewhere between those Busy friends who are busy with new one... I lost the old me Which was laughing like a mad with them... As a new hope I felt you will be the one Who will be busy with me... When you said that I Am Yours... Again... Somewhere between those Love and hope I lost myself when I saw  Read More...
Published on Apr 5,2020 07:23 PM
Uncertain is beautiful certain is certainly not
By Avinash in Travel | Reads: 511 | Likes: 2
Uncertain is beautiful, certain is certainly not. 
Published on Apr 5,2020 07:21 PM
By Mira Midha in Poetry | Reads: 281 | Likes: 0
The air is fresh.....Something tells me the coast is clearAnd there is a soothing silence...Free from fear,Dare I step out?'Tis not my domain NorMy habitat anymore...Yet I see uninhabited streets And locked doors.But as I shyly venture outThrough foliage green...I am awestruck.......Not a human to b  Read More...
Published on Apr 5,2020 07:21 PM
The staircase
By Barsha Priyadarshini in Poetry | Reads: 589 | Likes: 0
The first face off, stuck on the staircase  Not even a word,but gazing in a million ways Still  you will be you and not mine  Just like the twilight and the sunshine   The episode of staring carried on  Until a loud SNEEZE spoiled the fun Now he saw a millions staring    Read More...
Published on Apr 5,2020 07:19 PM
By Borra Mounika in General Literary | Reads: 236 | Likes: 2
Born in some nook of the world,you travelled the entire planet. You reached millions and trillions of people and no one knows that you have visited them till a fortnight. And alas,they start panicking and start worrying about their loved ones. You have ran a shiver down the spine of every human bein  Read More...
Published on Apr 5,2020 07:05 PM
Staying apart
By Sana Malhotra in Poetry | Reads: 269 | Likes: 0
How beautiful it is to stay apart, My heart asking for his heartbeat. My eyes longing to see his face as if i just want to keep his face imprinted in my eyes. My soul craving for his soul. My eyes waiting to get drowned in his deep, full of secret eyes. My hands waiting to cling on his shoulders. My  Read More...
Published on Apr 5,2020 07:01 PM
Menstruation, voice of every woman
By Ruksar Rosy in General Literary | Reads: 486 | Likes: 1
It was 12 at night. She felt an unbearable pain, an ache in her abdomen and gradually realising that blood flowing out of her body. She went to her mother frighteningly and mother persisted her its a natural process, every woman should go through it. The very next morning she was ascribed with some  Read More...
Published on Apr 5,2020 06:52 PM
By Amitesh Kumar in Thriller | Reads: 1,261 | Likes: 1
"Youth Martial Arts Club" was a martial arts training club in the suburbs of Bihar.Students from different colleges and schools used to train over there. There was a famous group of martial arts students.A group of five students: Amit,Atish,Sambhu,Rakesh and Shanker.These five were outstanding in Ma  Read More...
Published on Apr 5,2020 06:51 PM
By NIDHI KOLHA in True Story | Reads: 318 | Likes: 0
COVID-19 Hi everyone I am Nidhi Kolha, I guess seeing the above title you might have known my topic and few may feel I will be again lecturing about the the viruses and you might even do is exit the page. Am I right?? But don’t worry I am not a doctor nor a scientist to guide you about its   Read More...
Published on Apr 5,2020 06:42 PM
By kiruthika Nehru in General Literary | Reads: 365 | Likes: 5
             George and Liza are kind  of social workers .George,the big rich man in that city and Liza,the care taker of the pets and also a social worker and she is belongs to middle class family.They both are not belongs to the same family or same city ,the  Read More...
Published on Apr 5,2020 06:39 PM