Teri kuch bate
By Sonu shakya in Poetry | Reads: 352 | Likes: 0
Ek ladki thi anjani si Par thodi samajh aati hai Pahle lagti thi masum si Par ab thodi shyani hai Bato se jo thi samjhdar Ab majak bhi karti hai Bas khamokha ki bate Badmashiya tu karti hai Ab chand panktiyan Teri tarifo me sahi Par karu shuru kahan se Ginti bhi to kam nahi Tere kano ka wo jhumka  Read More...
Published on Apr 5,2020 01:22 AM
जलता ईमान।
By hanamant rajaram yadav in Poetry | Reads: 526 | Likes: 1
ये कैसी आयी आफत, के पाणी भड़क भड़क के जलने लगा। हवा में उछला समंदर, और ईन्सान ईन्सान से जलने लगा। वो किताबों में कैद   Read More...
Published on Apr 5,2020 01:19 AM
प्यार एक उम्मीद
By Barfi in General Literary | Reads: 523 | Likes: 0
  प्यार एक उम्मीद    मैं आज बहुत खुश हूँ, क्यूँकि मैं आज जान चुका हूँ कि मैं अपने मम्मी पापा के कितना करीब हूँ, उनक  Read More...
Published on Apr 5,2020 01:03 AM
Appeal to the lord- you locked us and healed!
By Nivedita A in Poetry | Reads: 572 | Likes: 0
Lord! The supreme power! We have prayed to heal us. We have prayed for wealth. We have prayed for happy trips to foreign lands. We have prayed to receive fame. And now, you have started a unique game. And, we all playing it with all our might. The fight is to stop the spread of this novel virus. L  Read More...
Published on Apr 5,2020 12:59 AM
When Isolation meets solitude
By Sreya Dasgupta in True Story | Reads: 306 | Likes: 0
One week into this lockdown and everything around us has changed so much. The empty roads, the perpetual silence and a sudden enthusiasm of showing off talent on the digital platform. Amidst all these lies a hidden fear of uncertainty. Will we ever go back to the normal routine? The routine that w  Read More...
Published on Apr 5,2020 12:51 AM
An Unfortunate Event
By Nabin Chandra Mishra in Poetry | Reads: 558 | Likes: 1
The earth witnesses an unfortunate event, Really, very terrific of the moment.   The enemy of the entire human existence, History would remember it as an instance.   The truth of an unseen and unknown killer, People regard it as the inhumane thriller.   Its acts are featured like that  Read More...
Published on Apr 5,2020 12:48 AM
हार के तोहफ़े
By creatorcreates18 in Poetry | Reads: 872 | Likes: 1
नम आँखे, उलझे हालात सवाली दिमाग़, टूटें जज़्बात काँपता दिल, चुभते ख़्वाब मुझे हार से मिले है। अपनो की पहचान जज़्ब  Read More...
Published on Apr 5,2020 12:48 AM
Wo ek sapna
By Barfi in Poetry | Reads: 412 | Likes: 0
सपनों का भी भला क्या हिसाब किताब रखते, बचपन में डॉक्टर बनने की चाहत थी, थोड़े बड़े जो हुए वो क्रिकेटर मे बदल गई, हल्क  Read More...
Published on Apr 5,2020 12:47 AM
अनजान से आंसू
By Barfi in True Story | Reads: 361 | Likes: 0
अनजान से आँसू...  "उफ्फ ये बस कब आएगी, और भगवान थोड़ी खाली बस भेजना ताकि मैं आराम से चढ़ सकूं और बिना तकलीफों के जा सक  Read More...
Published on Apr 5,2020 12:42 AM
Letter to my 18 year old self
By Siya Singh in General Literary | Reads: 1,185 | Likes: 1
And one day you're 18 years old .Can you see that glint of excitement in your beautiful yet tired eye because your love for diving into the deepest oceans that weaves various stories each time you pick up a book ? But darling , as you grow older you will realise that everytime its not the happy endi  Read More...
Published on Apr 5,2020 12:39 AM
Oh my red lipstick!
By Dr Loveleen Sarao in Poetry | Reads: 684 | Likes: 2
Monday mornings began with my red lipstick The   corporate meetings began with my red lipstick The tuesday brunches began with a red lipstick The power packed presentations began with a red lipstick The wednesdays walks began with a red lipstick The walk-  in interviews began with a   Read More...
Published on Apr 5,2020 12:38 AM
Pyar ka ek kahani
By sumit in Romance | Reads: 260 | Likes: 0
Kash Tum mere hotee aru mein tumara . Aisa kiyu huain hai hum adhura  Aisi bhi kya mazburi Jo do Dil Ko Kari hai zuda  Kash tum mere hotee aru mein tumara   Read More...
Published on Apr 5,2020 12:36 AM
By Sunanda Bhowmick in Fantasy | Reads: 541 | Likes: 1
The break of dawn ;the fresh morning slowly  shines through the windowsill. Lying on her stomach on the side away from the glaring brightness of the day; She tilted her head on the familiar pillow; legs brushing each other measuring the heat of the day and the cosy warmth that sinks in the stom  Read More...
Published on Apr 5,2020 12:17 AM
By Prakash in General Literary | Reads: 642 | Likes: 13
REVENGE OUTSIDE DIVANCHEE'SBy Commodore G PrakashJack was throwing a party.How 24 carat Telegu guy Raju from Pedda Waltair became Jack, was amystery. His mother hated the name. She would get very upset if anyonecalled him Jack in front of her.But the world knew him only as Jack.His good English, sop  Read More...
Published on Apr 5,2020 12:16 AM
इक सपना
By Shivam Luthra in Poetry | Reads: 423 | Likes: 5
तेरी  आँखों  में  दिखा  मुझे,  मेरा  ज़िंदा  होना  जैसे  इक  सपना ; तेरी  नज़रों  की  महफ़िलो  ने  ह  Read More...
Published on Apr 5,2020 12:10 AM