
By Eshaan in Poetry | Reads: 497 | Likes: 1
Kadar kar, jataa matt. Fikar kar, dikha matt. Tu chahta hai ki dosti rhe toh, Mohabbat kar, bata Matt.   Read More...
Published on Apr 7,2020 10:47 PM
इश्क की दास्ताँ लिखो
By Ajahar Rahaman in Poetry | Reads: 992 | Likes: 1
कभी मेरे इश्क की दास्ताँ लिखो । कितने पल के हैं ,हम  यहॉ मेहमॉ लिखो । गर कहीं ,तू मुझ से रूठ गया- ऐ -मेरे  खुदा । फिर र  Read More...
Published on Apr 7,2020 10:50 PM
“Humanity is a virtue”
By Rafakat Khan in Poetry | Reads: 271 | Likes: 1
 “Humanity is a virtue” Not all of us are as intelligent as some among us may be, Not all of us are as fool as some among us may be, We all share some iota of rationality and science in our day to day life, We all share some iota of beliefs and myths in day to day life,  But s  Read More...
Published on Apr 7,2020 10:55 PM
Maths,a boring time pass
By Disha Sangtani in Poetry | Reads: 424 | Likes: 0
          Maths,A boring timepass A subject  Out of your cupboard Full of numbers  Counting theplumbers And the tumblers Only for the clerks, The bankers And thebusiness partners Fighting each other for the counters Hey!guys it is a boring pattern Of zero,one and  Read More...
Published on Apr 7,2020 10:55 PM
Nation is in rest.
By Aishwarya in Poetry | Reads: 253 | Likes: 1
Nature. ...So, it was the same boredom in all over the surroundings,  None step out from their home and those trying to do so was themselves terrified. Everything around was still like a water before reaching the shore, But this time it was not telling to bring people to the lap of nature, It w  Read More...
Published on Apr 7,2020 11:04 PM
I stop feeling alone
By Chanchal in Poetry | Reads: 613 | Likes: 0
As I sit here alone, with the memories bottled up in my heart, finding someone to stay back, yearning for something to hold on. The past wrenches me away,  drenches me into its unpleasant place,  the winds outside smashes the bottle down,  the shattered memories bleed out of my hand  Read More...
Published on Apr 7,2020 11:11 PM
सौदा सच्च का हो
By Ajahar Rahaman in Poetry | Reads: 231 | Likes: 1
कभी मेरे इश्क मे शक न जर आये तो ,उसे फितरत करार कर देना । मुझे कोई तकलीफ़ न होगी ; तुम आसानी से मोहब्बत करने से इनकार कर  Read More...
Published on Apr 7,2020 11:16 PM
By Shreya Jain in Poetry | Reads: 699 | Likes: 4
तू गिरा जिस हवा से कल, उसे आज आंधी बन फतेह कर। वह जो सुलग रही सी आंच है, उसे मशाल सा अटल कर। बिखर ना इन मोतियों सा, इन मो  Read More...
Published on Apr 7,2020 11:59 PM
जरा मेरी निगाह में देखो
By Ajahar Rahaman in Poetry | Reads: 969 | Likes: 1
माही जरा मोहब्बत से मेरी निगाह में देखो । अच्छा  सुनो  !  जरा  उधर  राह  में   देखो । ओ दोनो  आपस  में    Read More...
Published on Apr 8,2020 12:06 AM
Cooking with words !!
By preeti gouniyal in Poetry | Reads: 372 | Likes: 0
what  a lovely thought - I thought what special I can cook checking my bookshelves for the recipie book.   instead of book something attracted  me very much  Yessss that's   dust . I told myself leave the recipie book , and subjected   that cleaning  is m  Read More...
Published on Apr 8,2020 12:32 AM
Laughing stock
By sukhmani anand in Poetry | Reads: 503 | Likes: 1
Life hasn't been the same  Neither it was when you walked in  Nor it is when you deserted It started as a laughing stock Where you laughed, I laughed and life laughed along. You swept me off the floor  Taking me around the whooping swirl Coffees we shared and memories we reared Wher  Read More...
Published on Apr 8,2020 12:52 AM
By Pratikshya Biswal in Poetry | Reads: 568 | Likes: 0
I guess I am better at loving than saying that i do, I wish you could hear the way i talk about you, You catch me talk about distant stars, Of watching cream making galaxies in my coffee, lavenders blooming in my backyard, Dandelions swinging to the tingling touch of summer breeze, Of bumblebees in   Read More...
Published on Apr 8,2020 01:01 AM
By justlike in Poetry | Reads: 406 | Likes: 1
Calm down and take a deep breath . Close ur eyes  and think of faith . I know , this is not what u want . I Know , this is not what u plant . But calm down and think again , If this is not what u crave for  Then this is not u stop for . So ,Calm down and start again  Your flower is  Read More...
Published on Apr 8,2020 02:12 AM
Mere qisson main shaamil tu aaj bhi hai...
By Writer's Hub in Poetry | Reads: 383 | Likes: 1
  Haan mujhe neend nahi aati ab... Haan mujhe neend nahi aati ab... Such toh yeh hai k mujhe sona hi nahi... Shayad kuch hai jo mujhe sone nahi deta... Tera sapno main yun aake milna... Aur phir aankh khulte hi sab adhura sa reh jana... Shayad yehi dar ab mujhe rone nahi deta... Shayad kuch ha  Read More...
Published on Apr 8,2020 03:11 AM
By Priya Ranjan in Poetry | Reads: 349 | Likes: 0
Quarantine... The word I heard for the first time,  Lockdown... Something that I am. Seeing for the first time,  Saudade... is what I am feeling for the first time,   So many firsts to tackle all at once.  If karma is the reason for everything,  I understand isolation  Read More...
Published on Apr 8,2020 03:37 AM