sukhmani anand


By sukhmani anand in General Literary | Reads: 415 | Likes: 1

  HE SAT ON THE WINDOW LEDGE, IN A SHADED CORNER OF HIS ROOM, TRYING TO THINK OF SOMEWAY HE COULD REDEEM HIMSELF IN HER EYES. Days and nights had passed; he could not make peace with himself. There was a storm howling outside the window that had uprooted trees and displace tiny l  Read More...

Published on Apr 21,2020 11:28 PM

Laughing stock

By sukhmani anand in Poetry | Reads: 503 | Likes: 1

Life hasn't been the same  Neither it was when you walked in  Nor it is when you deserted It started as a laughing stock Where you laughed, I laughed and life laughed along. You swept me off the floor  Taking me around the whooping swirl Coffees we shared and memories we reared Wher  Read More...

Published on Apr 8,2020 12:52 AM

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