Beyond Skin
By Smrithi Juanitha in General Literary | Reads: 259 | Likes: 0
BEYOND SKIN Beauty-as witnessed has become one of the most complex term with regards to its understanding in modern times. Some tend to perceive it as the ‘looks’ of a person while some tend to understand it as a inner reflection of a person.  But, what exactly does it mean to ackno  Read More...
Published on Apr 26,2020 02:34 PM
Wind O' Wind
By Swasti Mishra in Poetry | Reads: 259 | Likes: 0
Wind O' Wind pass my message to the God.  We are tired and exhausted,  We want His miracle blow the dark clouds far.  A lot of mistakes have been done on our behalf,  We became selfish that we never took any halt.    Wind O' Wind pass my message to the God.  His ch  Read More...
Published on May 6,2020 11:57 AM
By Arunima Datta in Poetry | Reads: 259 | Likes: 0
Darling!!! Let's replace Our Cold and Dead  Silence with Warm and Spirited Words, to allow the wrenching Heart  to finally drop a tear of bliss.   By melting the intense berg of ice cold Silence, with blazing warm Words of unbridled endearment.. #writeyourheartout   Read More...
Published on May 15,2020 11:24 PM
Dear Brother
By Alisha Nandeshwar in Poetry | Reads: 259 | Likes: 0
  On this day, dear brother,  Let's try not to fight, Oh, who am I kidding? Our bickering is our birthright!   But without any fights today, Let's celebrate the bond we share, Even though I know that, Sometimes you don't even play fair!   You have given me many gifts, Even the pr  Read More...
Published on May 16,2020 04:16 PM
By Priyal Rajan Thakur in Poetry | Reads: 259 | Likes: 0
When they wave at me from the gardens & fields, I look at them, with glistening eyes feeling healed, He knew if I grew grumpy, gloomy I wanted them in our house, Lilies sitting on my dinner table in an ancient vase. That spring he forgot my birthday and slept, I broke glassware, threw away the   Read More...
Published on May 27,2020 08:40 PM
Sit at home, Be safe??!!STRESSED???
By Shobana Sundaresan in Poetry | Reads: 258 | Likes: 0
The Business facing loss? It’s time to think over innovation, The Incentive bills dropped? It’s time to invest time on you, The New job is doubtful? It’s time to create more then, The Study place closed? It’s time to open literature, The Marriage got struck? It’s time t  Read More...
Published on Apr 6,2020 10:48 AM
A little bird's discovery
By Nivedita D in General Literary | Reads: 258 | Likes: 0
Far away in a cosy, secluded  forest , morning dawned silently as it brought forth a hearty promise of another beautiful day. Silence prevailed among the leafy branches as all the creatures snored on peacefully. That was when a young bird was rudely  awakened  from  her  sle  Read More...
Published on May 15,2020 10:23 AM
My life is a movie.
By Shruti Reddy in True Story | Reads: 258 | Likes: 0
I remember I was 10 years old when I started watching movies with putting my heart into them. Before that I never felt such wonderful connection with them. I see myself in every character, the way they talk, the way they cry, they behave, every, every bit of them influences me, always. I see my life  Read More...
Published on May 16,2020 12:59 PM
she wanted a hero, so she became one
By divya in Poetry | Reads: 257 | Likes: 0
It would be nugatory to veil the backbone of this tenebrous gale. You would see a tree, bearing charms surrounded by flailing arms. You can't hear the screams of despair. You sure don't see the lingering mist in the noxious air. Oh Lyssa, is this you channelling your frustration? Oh Tantalus, is th  Read More...
Published on May 17,2020 04:54 PM
Wounded... Unwounded
By Bina in Poetry | Reads: 256 | Likes: 0
First you see the beautiful petals Thorns are all hidden well They implore you to come closer Telling you to inhale the fragrance get drowsy in it's  sweetness They tell you ,they will keep you safe Inside their soft petals will embrace you to their hearts You just stay being loved... Once you   Read More...
Published on Apr 11,2020 09:49 AM
The Persistence Of Survival.
By Pavan Vinayak in Travel | Reads: 256 | Likes: 0
It was raining that afternoon, a quite unusual thing, it used to be very hot during the afternoon. My exam was nearing, had got study holidays and was going back to my home, Udupi.I couldn’t withstand the heavy downpour I took shelter in small workroom waiting for the bus. There alongside the   Read More...
Published on Apr 15,2020 12:14 PM
Counting down the hours
By Kusum Reddy in Poetry | Reads: 256 | Likes: 0
The butterflies in your stomach, Have found a home in my heart The emotions they stir, Will ensure we never part My heart does a dance And then skips a beat In ecstacy and delight, Of when we shall meet I count down the hours, Till I see your face My head in your chest I hear your heart race We stan  Read More...
Published on May 6,2020 12:56 AM
Mothers day special
By Avina Shanklesha in General Literary | Reads: 256 | Likes: 0
I was little, I was sensitive, I was growing in her womb Making her restless, Giving her pain, Reason behind her mood swings to Cravings to back aches  to sleepless nights, She was taking it all Just for me, Because she is a mother  And she never chooses to give up on her child. Everyon  Read More...
Published on May 12,2020 06:47 PM
Lockdown Motivation
By Rupal Kamani in General Literary | Reads: 256 | Likes: 0
We are all going through tough times... even after knowing that we are lucky and blessed to be able to be safe at home and with our families. As days pass by.. and with no certainty, about how long we will be locked down (safe in) at our home.. it is somehow draining us. Thinking about what future h  Read More...
Published on May 26,2020 06:40 PM
A Writer's Life
By Krati in Poetry | Reads: 255 | Likes: 0
Sleepless nights, insomaniac eyes, Broken days, heart aches. A writer's job isn't so brave?   Pain plays, teary games, Pen scribbles, untold claims. A writer's saga isn't a flame?   Rain resides, their insides, smile hides, thunderous tides. A writer's story isn't so wide?   Memory pi  Read More...
Published on Apr 3,2020 05:43 PM